If only Anonymous had done what they promised.

what a pussy

pulls race card and then says nothing, PC assclown
Felt like he was losing control of the situation and fled like a coward would.. Was i far fetched with my post ;)
Or maybe there is a black out in his part of the ghetto.. seen it on gang land it does happen true story even in Wisconsin. In that case i do apologize for your poverty and misfortune.
Felt like he was losing control of the situation and fled like a coward would.. Was i far fetched with my post ;)

i see it, so insecure and retarded the only "course" of action is to try and make what you say sound ineffectual or insignificant , without having any content of his own

it a weak politician strategy to make stupid people go huh ya he does have green hat
You need to watch your bitch hole, slutmuffin. You think I give a flying fuck that you can type you were a Marine? What are you gonna do, come track me down and bomb me? Internet tough guys, you're a dime a dozen and not nearly as satisfying as a good kick in the nuts. Do the world a favor and go slice your wrists (down the road not across the street), and quit attention-whoreing. Besides, dick for brains, do you know who the fuck YOU'RE talking to? No, you fucking don't. Now go fuck with the neighborhood kids some more, because you don't e-scare me, internet asshat.

Hmm no id have to be you...

Do you know how hard it is to tell someone you're having suicidal thoughts, but not taking them seriously?

It's like....I'm bi-polar, I think about suicide, but it's not like I'd ever do it. Is that difficult to understand?

I understand now why you sound the way you do and feel sorry for you....
I was listen to the radio on the way home and the news said that the Border Agent that was killed a few months ago was actually hunted. He was tracked and stalked by the Mexicans on US soil. If true I'd say, 'Game On Mother Fkers'. If true all is fair, no rights for foreign drug runners.
I was listen to the radio on the way home and the news said that the Border Agent that was killed a few months ago was actually hunted. He was tracked and stalked by the Mexicans on US soil. If true I'd say, 'Game On Mother Fkers'. If true all is fair, no rights for foreign drug runners.

It's been "game on" for years. America has been going into other countries to get drug smugglers FORVER


It's a real war
Couldn't we just, I don't know, train their military up a bit? We do it for like everyone else. Maybe give them some of our awesome guns and thermal imaging equipment and such, maybe loan them a spy satellite to track their targets?

That's where Zeta came from. They were a specialised anti-drug unit trained by American military forces.
That's the sad part we're too much of a coward to defend our own borders.

I'm moving to FLA and I wonder how I'm going to take to HAVING to learn Spanish. My husband has no problem telling someone to learn English in a tone that I swear someday will get him killed.

Winter woman moving to Florida ??? The second higest indoor horticulture state behind Cali !?! Cool good luck .. The vatos don't mind being told to fuck off as long as you don't mind being verbally harassed as you strut aWay;) it's part of the culture to argue without bloodshed. That's what makes people think this stuff is led by columbians who. Have a history of bloodshed for hundreds of years... They embrace it..
It's about power & force w/ an unlimited supply of funds + unlimited supply of workers. The government is not just paid off, they are threatened w/ violence. So it is a lose-lose situation for them & cannot blame the officials for that. It is either, do your job this way, die, or quit & leave mexico. Not so easy then.. & If the U.S legalized it, or sent military on the border.. that would not cure the issue.. They would move on to bigger drugs & there would be alot more Killings & murders going on North of the Border. The cartels have plenty of hitmen & gang members in america. How long do you think it would be until our judges & cops started getting gunned down.. they dont have armored vehicles..
well panhead, i can see where unions helped to get workers paid a descent wage. but did the unions help when the free trade agreement ripped apart business? my family lost union jobs when the entire hastings filter line went to mexico.. or how about when they retired after 30 years of hard work they pulled pensions, and medical. dont forget to pay ur dues. or well break ur legs. man i think the union has had a big hand in ruining this country. just my opinion. not hating.

Blaming unions for the free trade agreement is silly,most unions share the same pro union lobby who fought tooth & nail to block that agreement,so did many congresmen & various other high profile lawmakers,to no avail the law went into effect & most american workers were hurt,how is a union to blame ?

As for changes in pensions nothing happens in any pension "just because" somebody gets greedy,ALL PENSIONS are federally regulated & any change to a pension must be a lawfull change,if pensions were pulled it means that their pension went belly up from poor investment planning,many pensions were too heavily leveraged into high yeild & high risk endeavours when the s & l bomb was dropped,if they lost so much their pension went belly up they have nobody to blame but their own selves.

Union members regulary vote on how their money is to be invested,if they were blinded by high yeild greed then lost everything they have no right to cry,my pension is safe because we invest very diversely.

As for breaking legs over $20 a week that is just silly.

Blaming unions for anything is ignorant,one fact must be pointed out for the anti union youth movement,unions dont make work rules they only push for things the membership tells them to,if the union is filled with lazy ass turds most likely evedybody will loose money,if the mmbership has a good work & business ethic everybody profits.

My union is currently stronger & more competitive than ever before where we crush non union companys thru competitive bidding & better quality control.

If you were in a union most likely you'd make 25% more than you make now,how can anybody object to that ?
I worked for 20 years in a saw mill, steel construction. There wasn't a union and I actually voted against having one.
Bottom line, I was a stupid ass for going against the unions, Reason? I'd be sitting better now looking at retirement and hoping my
Social Security will carry me thru after I burn thru my 401K.
I agree with legalization, but it has gone way beyond that now. I'm afraid that it's about control of a country. Too many officials are being paid off by the cartels.

Historically the US government (well recent history anyway) has encouraged and supported drug traffickers. Illegal drugs are a great tool to get folks in jail as well as being an excellent diversion for the poor and underclassed getting screwed by the system. Best keep people in line. Also creates a social divide that is useful as well. Even very recently the ATF was supplying guns to the cartels. I know they said it was part of a sting operation, but it sure doesn't appear that way. Or we could go back to Iran Contra. Or we could look at Afghanistan now being a leading opium producer again after falling off the cliff pre invasion (heroin was a lot harder to score back then too).
I worked for 20 years in a saw mill, steel construction. There wasn't a union and I actually voted against having one.
Bottom line, I was a stupid ass for going against the unions, Reason? I'd be sitting better now looking at retirement and hoping my
Social Security will carry me thru after I burn thru my 401K.

Hey brother, there's always farming :)
If the U.S. legalized all drugs (they won't, but humor me) would the cartels target distributors? I mean, they kill opposing cartel members, so what would be the difference?