if welfare is a trap and makes you a slave on the liberal plantation...

It is because some people think Capitalism is about money and it is not,

Capitalism is about trustworthiness, credit, social standing and the ability to REPAY DEBT.
It is because some people think Capitalism is about money and it is not,

Capitalism is about trustworthiness, credit, social standing and the ability to REPAY DEBT.

Capitalism is about who controls the means of production. Either the private individual does or the government does in some form or another.

And I dont dislike socialism. It is one of the most practiced form of government on the planet. Most family units are socialist. The providers provide for the needy. I just dont want my government taking over the role of parents and treating everyone as dependents from birth to grave.
Capitalism isnt broken, you just see it as unfair.

I see socialism as unfair.

We agree to disagree.

the system is rigged and EVERYONE is getting the shaft..however, the righties can humpf, humpf all they want..they have the much better deal.
The best answer to the OP is this:

"...No, Mr. Bond... i expect you to die!"
yes, I'm as opposed to nationalization as I am to privatization
Ahh...okay. Then your prior logic makes sense.

Perhaps this a reflection of my ignorance but I don't understand how society properly functions under such a system without some manner of democratic decision making on a large scale (e.g. Internet-Democracy, at least).
Do you seriously envision a world of COOPs being able to manage all those details we take for granted, like roads, water, etc. ?
Where does the concept of public goods fit into your schema? Is there a judicial system, and how is it managed?
Ahh...okay. Then your prior logic makes sense.

Perhaps this a reflection of my ignorance but I don't understand how society properly functions under such a system without some manner of democratic decision making on a large scale (e.g. Internet-Democracy, at least).
Do you seriously envision a world of COOPs being able to manage all those details we take for granted, like roads, water, etc. ?
Where does the concept of public goods fit into your schema? Is there a judicial system, and how is it managed?

Did you just "who will build the roads?" me?
Did you just "who will build the roads?" me?
Absolutely. ;)
Seriously...help me understand the larger infrastructure of an anarcho-syndcalist society, please. I honestly can't see how it would work. Outside of that, sure, COOPs can replace a large chunk of the capitalist/gov't structure but not all of it.
So use an example. Highway #1 in Canada...how would an AS society handle such a project? Is there one "super COOP" that will span the Nation?
Are there Nations?

I've only spoken with a handful of AS types in my life, but every time the story changes. That's why I wonder. If the ideology itself has no concrete plan associated with it, how can it replace what we already have?
If your vision is different from your "brother's", how can anything work in a cohesive manner?
Where is power in your society?
Absolutely. ;)
Seriously...help me understand the larger infrastructure of an anarcho-syndcalist society, please.


There are plenty of sources for information on anarchosyndicalism. I will only go so far as to say that I am an anarchosyndicalist, it goes against my views to push my views. I sure love criticizing capitalism though.

There are plenty of sources for information on anarchosyndicalism. I will only go so far as to say that I am an anarchosyndicalist, it goes against my views to push my views. I sure love criticizing capitalism though.
Oh I've read some publications on anarcho-syndicalism, but is there perhaps one or two sources of info you could recommend which may address the concern I raise?
Surely there must have been something in particular which drove you to embrace the ideology.
Why does that statement have you rolling around on the floor laughing? I have marketable skills, I can choose who I work for, I can go to the highest bidder if that's my mission or I can contract my work and work when I want. If I wanted real money I could franchise but the hours suck. The biggest pain and largest hurdles to overcome are government regulations that require x,y and z first before I can do all of this, and a,b and c while I'm doing this.

Your socialism is actually an impediment to my way of life. Why is yours more important than mine? How bout we leave each other alone and help out who we want?

People can opt out of jobs, they can't opt out of socialism if that's the rule of the land. My way depends on me and mine and has nothing to do with you and yours. Your way can't exist without other people doing the work for you.

you're a dumb piece of shit.
Oh I've read some publications on anarcho-syndicalism, but is there perhaps one or two sources of info you could recommend which may address the concern I raise?
Surely there must have been something in particular which drove you to embrace the ideology.
I started with Chomsky, On Anarchism piqued my interest in anarchosyndicalism particularly. Anything by Malatesta is good. Conquest of Bread by Kropotkin is good. Alexander Berkman is good.

If you just want a concise work specifically about Anarchosyndicalism, the primary source is Rudolph Rocker. Anarcho-Syndicalism: Theory & Practice, complete with criticism of Marx and with the Spanish revolution as a real life model for the study is going to be the best bet.
If you just want a concise work specifically about Anarchosyndicalism, the primary source is Rudolph Rocker. Anarcho-Syndicalism: Theory & Practice, complete with criticism of Marx and with the Spanish revolution as a real life model for the study is going to be the best bet.
I found Rocker's book (with the Chomsky preface)...that's precisely the type of work I was looking for.