if welfare is a trap and makes you a slave on the liberal plantation...

Capitalism isnt broken, you just see it as unfair.

I see socialism as unfair.

We agree to disagree.

Actually, I didn't read your previous post until now, because your views are tired and boring and you're also dumb. You got me all wrong though, "you want my labor and income controlled by government and doled out as they see fit for the benefit of society" is completely incorrect, just like your assertion that capitalism works. The only thing that makes capitalism work for a short while is when the gov't redistributes money. If you take my statement of this fact as an assertion that it is what I want, you understand my position as poorly as you understand the words you use. I don't want the gov't to make capitalism work by redistributing funds, I want the gov't to let capitalism die, and then to die itself. Like I said, you're dumb. That isn't an ad hominem either, nor is it even an insult, it is an excuse for your lack of depth.
Actually, I didn't read your previous post until now, because your views are tired and boring and you're also dumb. You got me all wrong though, "you want my labor and income controlled by government and doled out as they see fit for the benefit of society" is completely incorrect, just like your assertion that capitalism works. The only thing that makes capitalism work for a short while is when the gov't redistributes money. If you take my statement of this fact as an assertion that it is what I want, you understand my position as poorly as you understand the words you use. I don't want the gov't to make capitalism work by redistributing funds, I want the gov't to let capitalism die, and then to die itself. Like I said, you're dumb. That isn't an ad hominem either, nor is it even an insult, it is an excuse for your lack of depth.

The government redistribution of money isnt capitalism. So essentially you are saying the only time capitalism works is when the government overrides it.

Your point of view is so alien as to seem as if from a different planet.

Maybe the question is wrong. What is the goal of your system??
The government redistribution of money isnt capitalism.
actually, that's exactly what capitalism is

the privatization of economic infrastructure is only possible with government force and what this private power does foremost is to redistribute wealth from people who work to support the opulence of the ruling class, the government budget and a permanent war industry. the way to keep people working is stimulus
Actually, I didn't read your previous post until now, because your views are tired and boring and you're also dumb. You got me all wrong though, "you want my labor and income controlled by government and doled out as they see fit for the benefit of society" is completely incorrect, just like your assertion that capitalism works. The only thing that makes capitalism work for a short while is when the gov't redistributes money. If you take my statement of this fact as an assertion that it is what I want, you understand my position as poorly as you understand the words you use. I don't want the gov't to make capitalism work by redistributing funds, I want the gov't to let capitalism die, and then to die itself. Like I said, you're dumb. That isn't an ad hominem either, nor is it even an insult, it is an excuse for your lack of depth.

Ok, analyzing this you just dont want to agree to reality.

If I as a productive member of society have taxes confiscated from my labors and re-distributed to non-productive or less productive members of society based upon their need... Then the government is indeed controlling my labor and profit. I am not sure how you can argue otherwise. The rest is a matter of degrees. You want the government to control it to a larger amount and I want it to a lesser amount.

You want capitalism to die and then government to die and thus you would have complete and total anarchy with a society unable to conduct basic commerce. It would put us back before the stone age... LOL!!! Yeah, I remember arguing against this insanity before. And you call me dumb. LOL!!!
My employers pay very well.
3.5- 4 million in sales off of the machines I ran in my department × 2.5 years

Yes I did make him millions you dumb mother fucker

No one believes you made your employer $10 million in profit in 2.5 years all by yourself. If you did, then machining work is extremely lucrative.
actually, that's exactly what capitalism is

the privatization of economic infrastructure is only possible with government force and what this private power does foremost is to redistribute wealth from people who work to support the opulence of the ruling class, the government budget and a permanent war industry. the way to keep people working is stimulus

You are insane.
here you demonstrate that you don't understand what i'm saying. it's not your fault, you're just dumb

It is not my fault that you cannot understand that the government involuntarily confiscating wealth from one person and giving it to another person is a direct control of their labor and productivity.

The good news is that your insanity is not my problem.
It is not my fault that you cannot understand that the government involuntarily confiscating wealth from one person and giving it to another person is a direct control of their labor and productivity.

The good news is that your insanity is not my problem.


not only do i understand it, i actually want you to control your labor, now scratch your head for a minute and rethink all of the things you believe are my views.

not only do i understand it, i actually want you to control your labor, now scratch your head for a minute and rethink all of the things you believe are my views.

Capitalism allows me to control my labor through voluntary contracts with my fellow man.

Your views do not fit with reality.
no, it forces you to sell your labor for a wage

No, it doesnt.

You really dont get it and you really are not trolling.

It allows me to CHOOSE to work for someone else if I want to.

You either sell your labor to an employer, or you sell your labor to clients who are essentially your employer. For commerce to work you have to be compensated by SOMEBODY. That is simple logic right? The only other thing you can do is labor for yourself which does not create any commerce.

I am not sure how your system makes me any more free than I am right now. I am free to be an employee, I am free to be an employer.

Why does that statement have you rolling around on the floor laughing? I have marketable skills, I can choose who I work for, I can go to the highest bidder if that's my mission or I can contract my work and work when I want. If I wanted real money I could franchise but the hours suck. The biggest pain and largest hurdles to overcome are government regulations that require x,y and z first before I can do all of this, and a,b and c while I'm doing this.

Your socialism is actually an impediment to my way of life. Why is yours more important than mine? How bout we leave each other alone and help out who we want?

People can opt out of jobs, they can't opt out of socialism if that's the rule of the land. My way depends on me and mine and has nothing to do with you and yours. Your way can't exist without other people doing the work for you.
Who the fuck do you think pays for bailouts? Who the fuck do you think loses their job and livelihood if the company can't employ them anymore?

No one promised the employed that they would always have a job, and every company is in it to make money so its not like they would fuck it all up on purpose. There is risk involved, and some people lose. If you would prefer lose at your own hand rather than someone else's hand, then employee yourself so you have no one else to blame.
Capitalism isnt broken, you just see it as unfair.

I see socialism as unfair.

We agree to disagree.

I'll agree that Socialism becomes unfair when it is imposed on people.

You nailed it when you said we agree to disagree. That's why freedom of choice is "the best system".

It is possible to have parallel systems, so those that want Socialism would be free to have it and those that don't would not be forced to have it. Of course to institute such a world we'd need people to abide by the non-aggression principle, which is difficult given that most people don't know what that means.

I think you handled A.C.'s allegation , "you're dumb" well. If you want to see him dumb founded, just ask him, what property is. He'll sputter a bit and then go all ad hominen....and I think A.C. is pretty smart, he just hasn't learned that force isn't the answer.