Well-Known Member
Capitalism isnt broken, you just see it as unfair.
I see socialism as unfair.
We agree to disagree.
Actually, I didn't read your previous post until now, because your views are tired and boring and you're also dumb. You got me all wrong though, "you want my labor and income controlled by government and doled out as they see fit for the benefit of society" is completely incorrect, just like your assertion that capitalism works. The only thing that makes capitalism work for a short while is when the gov't redistributes money. If you take my statement of this fact as an assertion that it is what I want, you understand my position as poorly as you understand the words you use. I don't want the gov't to make capitalism work by redistributing funds, I want the gov't to let capitalism die, and then to die itself. Like I said, you're dumb. That isn't an ad hominem either, nor is it even an insult, it is an excuse for your lack of depth.