That was very cool of you. Thank you. Sorry I've been away all week. I have been going to county board meeting all week.
A few misguided people in our area are trying to get cannabis businesses banned through the county board and actions of city councils. Myself and others from our church are interested in opening our own. And I am friends with several other medical cannabis patients and recreational users as well. So I have taken to speaking out for all of us again.
You would not believe the misinformation and also the full-on and outrageous lies these fanatics were spouting. Espousing a calling from God to block cannabis based businesses. And being a Church elder myself I found that, them, their lies, attitude, and description of people who use cannabis particularly offensive.
They even went so far to say that we "got away with medical and should be happy with that"....
The short version of what I testified to worked down to, if you dont want cannabis in your home, dont buy it. Teach your children well and pay attention to them. Leave the rest of us alone. I also added (while I support gun rights) in argument to there claims of dangers and security risks of theft or robbery, that there were fewer rules and security restrictions on gun shops than would be imposed on any cannabis related business.
Anyone who can, should attend any city council or county board meeting pertaining to cannabis businesses being allowed in your area. You need to let your voice be heard! Medical patients speak up! And show evidence through your comments that cannabis based businesses should not be be regulated out of existence before they can even begin! Your voice and presence matter. Get your friends to come and support our cause too. Where I am from we all wear green shirts to show solidarity. Stand up, be a part of the process and fight for our legal rights to safe access and the ability to open a legal business! This is still America and and we have won this right back through long and hard work. Don't let these people steal it away after everything we have all gone through!