I respectfully disagree. Appeasement does not work. It never has. Obviously, nothing can convince you otherwise.
Once Canada, Israel, and the US withdrew from Lebanon the bombings stopped.
I respectfully disagree. Appeasement does not work. It never has. Obviously, nothing can convince you otherwise.
So freedom of speech can be overturned? We can pick and choose now?WTF is an amendment then? If it is the end all to be all, it wouldnt be able to be amended. Do you know what an amendment is?
Where did I claim the terrorists didn't have a world wide reach?You said that islam didnt have a worldwide reach. I countered that by showing you it does. You countered that with cant blame the whole group for a small populations doings?
That is not an answer, and it sounds like a cop out anyways.
SO i see that instead of anyone taking an intelligent view of things, everyone on here goes whiny, bleeding heart left, or asshole, imperialist right. No wonder the country is so screwed.
They cannot bomb what is not there, but the bombing most certainly did not stop.Once Canada, Israel, and the US withdrew from Lebanon the bombings stopped.
Lebanon - WikipediaOn May 9, 2008, Hezbollah and Amal militants, in an armed attack triggered by a government decision on Hezbollah Hezbollah's communications network, temporarily took over Western Beirut. The situation was described by the government as an attempted "coup".
Not mad, just disapointed that you cannot remember what you are saying.Here you go. The islamists do not influence the rest of the world huh? Or is it just bad typing. The leader of sudan is being brought up on war crimes charges.(highlighted it for emphasis. )
The majority of the terrorist attacks are not driven by religion. They are driven by a strategic objective. Which is to rid modern democracies and its military forces from the territory that the terrorists view as their homeland. Almost every terrorist incident has come about because they want the democratic state to withdraw.
Until the U.S. invaded Iraq, Iraq never had a suicide terrorist attack in all of its history.
Between the years 1995 and 2004, two-thirds of all attacks came from countries where the U.S. had troops stationed. Iraq's suicide missions today are carried out by Iraqi Sunnis and Saudis. Who were the 9/11 terrorists? answer 15 of 19 participants were Saudis.
It's about occupation. In the years 1981-1984 there were 43 suicide attacks in Lebanon. Once Canada, Israel, and the US withdrew from Lebanon the bombings stopped.
The Islamists do not resent or influence the rest of the world. The largest Islamic fundamentalist countries have not been responsible for any suicide terrorist attack. None have come from Iran or the Sudan.
We should take our orders from the Constitution. We should not engage ourselves in an illegal undeclared war and protect our borders at home.
LMAO oversimplify and exaggerate?? That is exactly what you said. You're not being honest on this. here is your exact quote
"So we should ignore all threats to our interests outside of our borders? Let oppression triumph throughout the world? Only we are entitled to live free?"
How else do you interpret this?????
That's a strange comment. My statement made no mention of a draft.
Invading a country without a declaration of war is illegal.
The 'job" of the government is laid out in the Constitution. When you base a government on freedom you cannot illegally occupy a country. If you read up on what Washington, Jefferson, and others preached about our country and the reasons it was founded you'd be able to make an informed decision.
I'm not trying to hack on you but you are more concerned about WANTING to be right instead of learning the truth. Hopefully once you learn all the facts you can make an informed decision.
Not mad, just disapointed that you cannot remember what you are saying.Here you go. The islamists do not influence the rest of the world huh? Or is it just bad typing. The leader of sudan is being brought up on war crimes charges.
Did you ever tell me if you knew what an amendment was? I dont remember you answering that after your saying that the constitution wasnt meant to be changed. But why would they allow it to be amended if it was perfect? YOU mean things change thru the centuries? I dont believe it. I bet they made up the constitution out of nowwhere as well.
Why do poolboys get on here and argue politics?
You continue to equate Islam with terror. You are highly uninformed when you accuse Islam. Most people understand that it is a minute percentage that are terorists. Your inability to grasp this is YOUR problem on this issue.
Your inability to grasp ideas is amazing. You do not understand the constitution or the amendmant process. The age to vote or prohibition have exactly what to do with "changing the ideals of the constitution"?
I'll dumb it down for you. One of the main themes behind the constitution is no big federal government. One size does not fit all.
Next time you pop off with a condescending manner make sure you know what you are talking about. Your posts here show you have no idea the reasons behind amendmants and what they encompass.
Speaking of pools, stay in the shallow end sport.
(Anyone interested in educational SPAM? Some "food for thought"... HAHA)
Who do you believe?
About WW3....... After you educate yourself with these links you can clearly see that the media and gov't are sleeping together. You should also be aware that the media is trying to make us hate Iran (just like Iraq) by telling us all this BS propaganda. The MSM is owned by Zionist Jews and hence the wars in the middle east because of difference in religion and corrupt politics.
Anyone else following?
The REVOLUTION has begun!
My grandpa was a moro, my cousins are moro's, and i am sure i am as up on current events as one such as yourself, so i am the one with the inability to catch on? Get a clue. I never said all terrorists were moslem. Can you find where i said that?
The terrorists that are very active happen to be mostly muslim. Can you refute that?
How the fuck can you say that the constitution says no big federal government. Do you know what a federalist was? Let me hook you up.
The Federalist - Contents
Federalist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the second one is wiki, so you can maybe understand it.
DO you know who was proponents of a federal government? The constitution also didnt ban slavery, but we left that open to change. Was that a bad idea, sport?
LII: Constitution
here is a link to the U.S. constitution. Can you read it and get back to me? And then check out a history book and see if you can lok at the bigger picture than what they put on your montana militia pamphlets.
You have let someone in your life, possibly yourself, convince you that you knew something. I hate that i have to come along and right those wrongs. But its not the first time i have plaved captain save a ho.
So what are you saying?Your inability to comprehend the constitution and its ideology is surpassed by your inability to spell as well as your idiotic assertations.
I dont think many people have said the constitution covers every aspect at least I didn't.
The constitution is about limited federal government. No federal government??? You're making things up again.
You continue to equate Islam with terror. You are highly uninformed when you accuse Islam. Most people understand that it is a minute percentage that are terorists. Your inability to grasp this is YOUR problem on this issue.
Your inability to grasp ideas is amazing. You do not understand the constitution or the amendmant process. The age to vote or prohibition have exactly what to do with "changing the ideals of the constitution"?
I'll dumb it down for you. One of the main themes behind the constitution is no big federal government. One size does not fit all.
Next time you pop off with a condescending manner make sure you know what you are talking about. Your posts here show you have no idea the reasons behind amendmants and what they encompass.
Speaking of pools, stay in the shallow end sport.
as far as the original post thank god al gore wasn't in the oval office on 9/11
Fuck it. Its time for the rest of the world to feel the wrath of the U.S. For too long now, countries around the world have not felt the beauty of democracy and freedom. It is time to force our views on the rest of the world to make it a better place. They will not like it at first, but will soon come to realize how much better life is under a governament like ours.
Principle is too much work