I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

one that is motivated in large measure by the impact of U.S. foreign policies in the Islamic world, one of which is unqualified U.S. support for Israel.

I believe this says it all Notice the Unqualified part and the Foriegn policy part. Here's the answer, Get the fuck out and stay the fuck out and cut off aid for Israel. How simple could it be???
Really Johnny? Have you ever picked up and read the Koran? Or are you just parroting what the Republican party keeps saying?
I think if one is going to talk about a religion, then they need to do the research and then know what they are talking about.
You don't like what I say so I'm a Republican parrot? Brilliant.

I was simply summing up my position with that statement.

Even a casual observer would concur that I have been consistent with my position, presenting sourcing to back up my arguments. I refer not to this thread only, but the entirety of my posts on this general subject.

Exactly how much 'research' are your adversaries required to do in order to satisfy your definition?
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I'm not trying to hack on you but you are more concerned about WANTING to be right instead of learning the truth. Hopefully once you learn all the facts you can make an informed decision.
On the contrary, you are frustrated that the usual talking points don't shut me up. You lashed out. It's okay, it happens to me all the time.

Hopefully, you'll come around before a tactical nuclear device goes off in New York City.
"Hopefully, you'll come around before a tactical nuclear device goes off in New York City."

That should buy us a weeks worth of sanity. 10 days if we're lucky.
Osama bin Laden could not have said it better himself.

Very simple indeed.
Well Johnny, maybe if we'd of listened to him early on, those twin towers would still be standing, what do you think?? Have you ever heard the old saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"? Maybe if we had diplomatic relations with our enemies instead of gunboat diplomacy, we wouldn't be in a quagmire in Iraq. Oh, I forgot, we're winning in Iraq, HAhA,~LOL~, good one.
Well Johnny, maybe if we'd of listened to him early on, those twin towers would still be standing, what do you think?? Have you ever heard the old saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"? Maybe if we had diplomatic relations with our enemies instead of gunboat diplomacy, we wouldn't be in a quagmire in Iraq. Oh, I forgot, we're winning in Iraq, HAhA,~LOL~, good one.
Europe (Eurabia) is a pretty good indicator of what appeasement of the Islamists gets you. They will never be sated until they establish an Islamic Caliphate world-wide. Where oppression in the name of Allah reigns supreme.

Even if we meet their demands, they will not stop. We will be presented with a fresh set of demands, each one more shrill and threatening than the previous one, until they meet their ultimate goal. A return to the golden age of Islam. Submit.

We are winning in Iraq, that you fail to acknowledge that speaks volumes.
Europe (Eurabia) is a pretty good indicator of what appeasement of the Islamists gets you. They will never be sated until they establish an Islamic Caliphate world-wide. Where oppression in the name of Allah reigns supreme.

Even if we meet their demands, they will not stop. We will be presented with a fresh set of demands, each one more shrill and threatening than the previous one, until they meet their ultimate goal. A return to the golden age of Islam. Submit.

We are winning in Iraq, that you fail to acknowledge that speaks volumes.

Exactly. We have been negotiating with these people for years. If they understand the language of negotiation they certainly don't respect it. Respect for the use of force is universal.
Exactly. We have been negotiating with these people for years. If they understand the language of negotiation they certainly don't respect it. Respect for the use of force is universal.
How does one go about negotiating with oppressors? How does one negotiate with people who hate the very idea of individual liberty? How does one negotiate with those who put collective self-sacrifice above The Rights of Man?

How does one negotiate the unnegotiable?

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How does one go about negotiating with oppressors? How does one negotiate with people who hate the very idea of individual liberty? How does one negotiate with those who put collective self-sacrifice above The Rights of Man?

How does one negotiate the unnegotiable?

How does one go about negotiating with an ideology whose stated goal is the extermination of an entire race? We should appease these monsters?

It's been attempted previously, with dreadful and shameful results. One could argue that this current conflict is simply an extension of the previous one.

This is a clash of civilizations started by the Islamists in 1973. They started it, but we must end it, or we're finished.
As I said: "How does one negotiate the unnegotiable?"

To negotiate in order to gain a specific end means that something has to be sacrificed. What would have to be sacrificed to appease those who hate Man and love slavery?


Osama bin Laden could not have said it better himself.

Very simple indeed.

Osama Bin Landen was also an ex CIA agent! I think his name was Tim Osmand. I don't truth the gov't at all! Its time to take out the garbage! Inform everyone about what RON PAUL has to offer America!

MainStream Media equals WW3 YouTube - Mainstream Media is Selling Another War

Exploring Dystopia: Nuclear Nightmare

As the Bush administration relentlessly injects its self into conflicts around the world in the name of eradicating terror, rather than bringing peace, it only fans the flames of hatred. If this is allowed to continue, it may carry us to nuclear war, and to the annihilation of humankind.[iii]

Haruko Moritaki, Hiroshima



You don't like what I say so I'm a Republican parrot? Brilliant.

I was simply summing up my position with that statement.

Even a casual observer would concur that I have been consistent with my position, presenting sourcing to back up my arguments. I refer not to this thread only, but the entirety of my posts on this general subject.

Exactly how much 'research' are your adversaries required to do in order to satisfy your definition?

I asked if you have ever actually picked up the Koran and read it?
And yes your statements sound a lot like the Republican Party, more specifically the misguided Religious Right. Is your statement original? Hardly.
You lump a whole culture and religion over 1/2 of one percent of the Muslim people.
It is only a small percentage of Muslims that have the apocalyptic view of world domination.
There were 9 US service personnel KIA this week.

Can someone please tell me why and what was accomplished by their sacrifice?