I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

Well Johnny, I'll just have to use something I used in another thread to make my point, something by Descartes:
"When it is not in our power to determine what it true, we ought to follow what is most probable"
We have not beaten anyone in Iraq, it is most probable that we have caused a few hundred thousand deaths, thats for sure. The only winning scenario I can see is to leave before one more American loses their lives. You cant beat an insurgency in their own country, Viet Nam should have shown these Idiots that. We need to leave immeadetely before we draw that great Islamic nation of Iran into the soup and Many thousands of young americand have to give up their lives for Nationalism/patriotism, better known as Jingoism, a ploy used by rich men safe at home to further their agendas. What good is a dead patriot to his children???
I answered your Descartes quote in that forum so I won't bore you with a rerun.

One could argue that we won the war in Viet Nam, but thanks negative coverage of the Tet offensive and the domestic anti-war movement we chose to lose. I know you were there in country turning wrenches or something, but from a strategic point, the U.S. won the war in Viet Nam and chose defeat.

A war started and escalated by Democrats, but ultimately ended by a Republican.
I answered your Descartes quote in that forum so I won't bore you with a rerun.

One could argue that we won the war in Viet Nam, but thanks negative coverage of the Tet offensive and the domestic anti-war movement we chose to lose. I know you were there in country turning wrenches or something, but from a strategic point, the U.S. won the war in Viet Nam and chose defeat.

A war started and escalated by Democrats, but ultimately ended by a Republican.
You know, I believe you to have some intelligence. Won the war and chose defeat. "Chose defeat" does that even sound like any USA you've ever heard of? They were defeated by an insurgency, a little different than the one in Iraq, but an insurgency nontheless. And negative coverage, does that mean real time photography that the US finally got out of there because it showed them losing? There is no real time photography in Iraq at present, so were told were winning and you believe it. Man. you need to change channels and get off that Fox network bandwagon, try something to expand your knowledge instead of pure brainwash. I suggest LINK TV for an informative view of the world, forget US jingoism for a change. We live in the whole world, a small planet with many different types of people and governments, Live and learn. come on Johnny, I know you are intelligent enough to change. If you arent changing, you're standing still.
Originally Posted by Parker
The death toll in Iraq should have been zero. The terrorists fled to Afghanistan and the US let them get away.

Actually the Taliban terrorists fled to Pakistan from Afghanistan. Say what you will about the invasion in Iraq, but once the U.S. toppled the Hussein regime, the terrorists flooded the country to fight the U.S., including Al Queda. We beat them in Iraq just like Dubya said we would do.

You completely missed the point and ignore my comment. The terrorists attacked us, not Iraq. We have no business going into Iraq.

Originally Posted by Parker
One of the things this country was founded on was non intervention. People seem to forget that. I know most of the politicians have forgotten it.

Where is this sacred principle in any historical document relating to the founding of the United States of America?

Non-intervention is the policy of avoiding the establishment of military alliances with other countries and avoiding all wars and conflicts that are not based upon self-defense of their national territory.

George Washington kept the US neutral when GB and France were at war.

Thomas Jefferson - “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations- entangling alliances with none.”

Originally Posted by Parker
Bush lied about non intervention being his policy.

There is a big difference between intervention and defense. Even if Bush had made such a policy claim, which I dispute, does that mean we can do nothing to further our national defense? What about a preemptive strategy?

Even if Bush did??????? You dispute it??????? lol amazing
It's a matter of record. Non intervention was a point in Bushes first run.

national defense? preemptive strategy?

Where do you get that from? Russia was many times stronger than ANY country in the Middle East. Russia never came after us. Of course if we put troops in their backyard they would have come after us.

All the money spent on intelligence didn't help. We continue to ignore the wishes of our people. We ignore the reasons given us on why the attacks occured.
Our biggest nightmare has come true, Homer Simpson is President!!!!

You want preemptive or foresight? How about preventing anymore attacks on the US by taking troops off of foreign soil?
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You know, I believe you to have some intelligence. Won the war and chose defeat. "Chose defeat" does that even sound like any USA you've ever heard of? They were defeated by an insurgency, a little different than the one in Iraq, but an insurgency nontheless. And negative coverage, does that mean real time photography that the US finally got out of there because it showed them losing? There is no real time photography in Iraq at present, so were told were winning and you believe it. Man. you need to change channels and get off that Fox network bandwagon, try something to expand your knowledge instead of pure brainwash. I suggest LINK TV for an informative view of the world, forget US jingoism for a change. We live in the whole world, a small planet with many different types of people and governments, Live and learn. come on Johnny, I know you are intelligent enough to change. If you arent changing, you're standing still.
On the contrary, Med. You are the one rooted in your own prejudices. Unable to evolve your views because you are right, period.

I have never seen the Fox News Channel. I discarded my television in 1998. I do not own an idiot box and will not live in a house where one is present.
Even if Bush did??????? You dispute it??????? lol amazing
It's a matter of record. Non intervention was a point in Bushes first run.

national defense? preemptive strategy?

Where do you get that from? Russia was many times stronger than ANY country in the Middle East. Russia never came after us. Of course if we put troops in their backyard they would have come after us.

All the money spent on intelligence didn't help. We continue to ignore the wishes of our people. We ignore the reasons given us on why the attacks occured.
Our biggest nightmare has come true, Homer Simpson is President!!!!

You want preemptive or foresight? How about preventing anymore attacks on the US by taking troops off of foreign soil?
I would prefer to see some evidence of your claim. I did not say it was false, I merely disputed it's existence, yet you did not source your claim. If I remember correctly, Governor Bush was campaigning for president and inaugurated before 9-11. Assuming you are right, he should have rigidly adhered to such a statement in light of an attack on our soil? That's called 'Flat-Earth' thinking.

The Soviet Union was our enemy. We defeated the Soviet Union. Russia has called itself an ally, but in reality, Russia, through action, is now our enemy. Alliances shift all the time. A Flat-Earther couldn't be expected to understand.

Your 'blame the victim' mentality is very tiresome, and simplistic. Are you the same type of person who blames a rape victim for showing too much skin?
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On the contrary, Med. You are the one rooted in your own prejudices. Unable to evolve your views because you are right, period.

I have never seen the Fox News Channel. I discarded my television in 1998. I do not own an idiot box and will not live in a house where one is present.
So what do you do for information? Do you live in a closet? Information is out there johnny, all you need to do is open your mind and let it in, then decide whether it fits reason or not. I have many sources I get information from, the internet is one. I don't spend all day arguing with potheads, I have other interests, one being Hot rods. There are a few sites that hold my interest besides the insanity of politics. I suggest you get a TV and subscribe to LINK TV. That will at least give you an Idea of what is really going on on our planet besides what our jingoistic government tells you. Do you like documentaries? One can learn a lot from independent documentaries.
So what do you do for information? Do you live in a closet? Information is out there johnny, all you need to do is open your mind and let it in, then decide whether it fits reason or not. I have many sources I get information from, the internet is one. I don't spend all day arguing with potheads, I have other interests, one being Hot rods. There are a few sites that hold my interest besides the insanity of politics. I suggest you get a TV and subscribe to LINK TV. That will at least give you an Idea of what is really going on on our planet besides what our jingoistic government tells you. Do you like documentaries? One can learn a lot from independent documentaries.
I have many, varied sources of information, including the DailyKos and Moveon.org. I simply rejected the biased, spoon-fed pablum offered by television. Why do you think I am able to debate with the prowess I display?
Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence. - Robert Frost
Arguing with potheads? LOL! Let me tell you something personal about myself, Med. I used to be the Republican boogeyman you seem to think I am now. I strictly adhered to the party line and roundly rejected any dissent. But something happened to me in 1993. I made a conscious decision to experiment with Cannabis. At that point my horizons expanded in ways I could never imagine previously. After I started using cannabis, I quickly abandoned the Republican Party. Since then I voted Green Party in 1996, Libertarian in 2000, and Republican in 2004. This election I may even be persuaded to go with Obama. The last party primary I participated in was the New York state Republican primary in 1992.

Now please explain to me how my views are so rigid?

Maybe you should START smoking pot again instead of trying to demean the rest of us at a CANNABIS forum no less.
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Ok for all you USA haters...If you think that third world shit hole is so peacefull and great then move the fuck out of AMERICA and go to that shit hole....if the cops called you and said tuesday they were coming to look for weed plants would your plants still be there?Thats more than likely the reason we did not find WMDs there...And it is pretty dumb to assume you know whats going on over there from the safty of your computer chair.....and med man 1/4 lb of peyote in one sitting yeah right sell your lies somewhere else.....
All you haters should be shot for treason...My cousins in that shit hole right now killin so you can spread your bullshit.....
Your cousin CHOSE TO GO.
So you want to shoot people because they have a different view than you do?
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All you haters should be shot for treason...My cousins in that shit hole right now killin so you can spread your bullshit.....
I can't defend this statement. NO ONE should ever be punished for their beliefs.

I imagine that if your cousin could address us he would say he is fighting for the RIGHTS of all of us, including those who disagree with him.
Ok for all you USA haters...If you think that third world shit hole is so peacefull and great then move the fuck out of AMERICA and go to that shit hole....if the cops called you and said tuesday they were coming to look for weed plants would your plants still be there?Thats more than likely the reason we did not find WMDs there...And it is pretty dumb to assume you know whats going on over there from the safty of your computer chair.....and med man 1/4 lb of peyote in one sitting yeah right sell your lies somewhere else.....
I never said I was stupid enough to eat 1/4 Lb. of fresh peyote, I just suggested you try it. I ate what dose was appropriate at the time, up to 10-12 dried buttons, usually three or four fresh buttons would do the trick, well 3-4 huge fresh buttons may weigh near 1/4 lb come to think of it. I'd reaslly like to see you try it. I doubt you'd recover for a loooong time. I love my country, but hate what the politicians are doing with and to it. I am against what our government is doing around the world to prop up dictators and provide defense for corporations when that money is badly needed here at home. Hating our government is way far from hating our country. You need a class in civics.
Not for a diff opinion but for treason..I will put it simple people like you who hate AMERICA and what we stand for..In my opinion your just as bad as the terrorist...You have nothing in comin with blue blooded americans and everything in common with terrorists,,,You hate America...plain and simple
Med you hate america plain and simple just accept that fact and move on....Ive done plenty of peyote with the local mojave indians....And yes if my cousin werent fighting for you to say you hate america then he would probably take the high road wich is prob what i should do.... sorry hate america all you want .......
Hey, Med, you mentioned Hot Rods. I don't know if this qualifies, but my dad is about your age, he retired 2 years ago, and he is restoring a 1955 Pontiac Chieftain. Does that count as a hot rod?

Just curious. :peace:

Not for a diff opinion but for treason..I will put it simple people like you who hate AMERICA and what we stand for..In my opinion your just as bad as the terrorist...You have nothing in comin with blue blooded americans and everything in common with terrorists,,,You hate America...plain and simple
Pete, you are way off base here. If someone hates America they are welcome to depart if they choose. Good riddance. However, if they wish to stay and voice their displeasure, I say MORE POWER TO THEM!

We, all of us, have the right to dissent without fear of reprisal.
Med you hate america plain and simple just accept that fact and move on....Ive done plenty of peyote with the local mojave indians....And yes if my cousin werent fighting for you to say you hate america then he would probably take the high road wich is prob what i should do.... sorry hate america all you want .......
I am from England and most people I know hate Americans because of their perceived ignorance of anything non-American and.......oh yes...Bush!!! I have met many Americans as I used to work in the Tourist Industry ans unfortunately many of them ask ignorant questions that try to belittle non-Americans 'Is London the capital of Europe?'', a very rich silicone valley super nerd asked......cmon!
If you trust the news your a fucking retard! Same goes for newspapers! And if we spent this time writing letters to our local governments instead of bitching on some forum for potheads, we may not have to bitch so much.
You completely missed the point and ignore my comment. The terrorists attacked us, not Iraq. We have no business going into Iraq.
I did not miss the point. We fight the terrorists where it is more advantageous to our forces, not theirs. By your logic, the U.S. forces should have gone directly to Japan after Pearl Harbor. Impossible at the time because Japan ruled the Pacific. We fought them where we found them, and where we wanted to fight them. And we beat them.
Non-intervention is the policy of avoiding the establishment of military alliances with other countries and avoiding all wars and conflicts that are not based upon self-defense of their national territory.
So we should ignore all threats to our interests outside of our borders? Let oppression triumph throughout the world? Only we are entitled to live free?
George Washington kept the US neutral when GB and France were at war.

Thomas Jefferson - "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations- entangling alliances with none."
Interesting points, and true, but not what I asked. The Jefferson quote is from his inaugural address of 1801.

Non-intervention is nowhere mentioned in our founding documents, but national defense sure the fuck is.
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You won't learn anything of the sort if you restrict your input to the mainstream American media. 15 of the 18 benchmarks have been achieved. Remember before the surge when merely 5 of 18 benchmarks were met? You couldn't turn around without hearing about the 'quagmire' in Iraq.

Johnny, who made up these "benchmarks"? Cause you DO realize that the cocksucker responsible for 9/11 is STILL alive and that they WILL do additional attacks in the US at some point, don't you???
Johnny, who made up these "benchmarks"? Cause you DO realize that the cocksucker responsible for 9/11 is STILL alive and that they WILL do additional attacks in the US at some point, don't you???
The benchmarks were the Administration's if I remember correctly. They were fine to be used as a measure of success as long as we were getting our asses kicked. Nowadays, the American mainstream media is as quiet as a tomb when it comes to Iraq.

Like the Japanese home island during WW II, we just can't get there right now. That 'cocksucker' is hiding in the caves of Pakistan, our ally. We can't go there without starting some scary shit. Pakistan has nukes. You think we should invade Pakistan?