I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

Shrooms eh, well aren't you the genious then. If it takes shrooms to see what a great guy Bush is, leave me off the shrooms list. Geeze, those must have been a terribly bad batch, are you sure you ate the shrooms and not the cow shit they were growing in? ~LOL~ what a load.................

Naw just ate an 8th of caps, and in your statement med show how small minded you really are try seeing all points of view before make up your mind. But OK I'll just send you some mescaline tabs that way you can self reflect.:mrgreen::peace: all's fair and love and war

to someone else

why would the gas prices be like there are in the UK....... Because they have a stronger economy then ares and they pay by Liter not Gallon and oil is the life blood of the world economy and America is the places that Trade toke off with the East India trade co. meaning we sale more of are oil then use it, and with there pound being more then 2 us dollars why wouldn't it make sense that if they pay more then we do in pounds then we pay in us dollars that it would go up!


OK so you say if we didn't go to war we would have money to give to the poor WTF or we Robin Hood you can't give money away to the poor (like my oldest brother) they get dependent on the easy money being given to them instead of earned. you just have a progressive mind set but maybe one day you will see that progressive's really just want to control everyone else............ or so they seem.

:peace:, Token
People should have to work for their money but when people go out and work their ass off they should at least get paid enough to live off of.
People should have to work for their money but when people go out and work their ass off they should at least get paid enough to live off of.

diddo kiddo, but we live in the real world and that's not how it is. And OMG lose chance and all them videos are from everyday people just making observation and putting it on a movie.......... Wow .......... Now I wounder what did the masses think when they saw the first time the telephone when it was on display............. It's Magic thats what makes he's voice come from over there and out the speaker :dunce:. :peace: how can someone think that even for money someone would purposely Kill he's on country men, not man cause thats different.
People should have to work for their money but when people go out and work their ass off they should at least get paid enough to live off of.

sorry, but your a dumbass, dont you realize that if someone has to pay you $15 per hour for workin yur ass off all day flipping burgers, dont you realize when you go to burger king to eat your hamburger it will cost $15

where do you think this magical money would come from? it all rolls down hill they pay you more for scrubbin toilets it will cost more money to take a shit

so a rich man can give you his hard erned money so there wont be any left for his children?

so why would that man even try to be successful? exactly no one would make a shitload of money anymore cuz it will be taken away anyway to pay you $15 /hr and every other person who didnt get a good education for puttin mayo on a sesame bun

everything would stagnate and u would destroy this great country we live in

nice job u just fucked up the united states of america:bigjoint:

let us smoke bongsmilie
Let us smoke bongsmilie

I'm so down for that got home at 4 and still haven't hit the bong been writing waiting for the AC people to leave........ Or wait they just might join in


Naw just ate an 8th of caps, and in your statement med show how small minded you really are try seeing all points of view before make up your mind. But OK I'll just send you some mescaline tabs that way you can self reflect.:mrgreen::peace: all's fair and love and war

Token, my friend, I was an apprentice indian medicineman for a while in the 70s, you think I havent been high and beyond. If you really think you are that smart, eat about 1/4 lb. of fresh peyote buttons and get back to me. Makes shrooms look like cotton candy. And of course, anyone that thinks Bush was a great president, will get no Kudos from me, he is the worst ever, at least in the last 68 years, thats the extent of my watch. so shroom on my young fellow, Bush sucks.
Naw just ate an 8th of caps, and in your statement med show how small minded you really are try seeing all points of view before make up your mind. But OK I'll just send you some mescaline tabs that way you can self reflect.:mrgreen::peace: all's fair and love and war

Token, my friend, I was an apprentice indian medicineman for a while in the 70s, you think I havent been high and beyond. If you really think you are that smart, eat about 1/4 lb. of fresh peyote buttons and get back to me. Makes shrooms look like cotton candy. And of course, anyone that thinks Bush was a great president, will get no Kudos from me, he is the worst ever, at least in the last 68 years, thats the extent of my watch. so shroom on my young fellow, Bush sucks.

OOOOOOh my:o, thats a big purge:spew: but would be one of the highest of lowest points in my life depending on mind set going in.
And how do you know when we have "VICTORY"?
I would know nothing if I depended on the American media, who would rather eat rat poison than admit anything favorable to President Bush. Any story they cannot spin negatively, they ignore.

I know that the messiah himself, Barry Ocarter, is craw-fishing on his position of Iraq. Now he's willing to listen to the generals on the ground before committing to anything. I wonder how his position will evolve once he actually visits Iraq?

I know the death toll in Iraq is lower than Afghanistan for the first time since the invasion. I know that recently a week passed where there were no American combat deaths in Iraq.
American and Iraqi forces are driving Al-Qaeda in Iraq out of its last redoubt in the north of the country in the culmination of one of the most spectacular victories of the war on terror.
Iraqis lead final purge of Al-Qaeda - Times Online
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I hated bush to til one day I was on some shrooms and thought about the economy and the past 7 and half years. So as it states in my title W. Bush a good president......... Hold on Hold on hear me out, as of now we all know where the gas prices would have been in early 2001 as they started to make there swift, and think about it for a second, I think it was two years ago congress passed the law increasing the min wage to 7.25 all over (not restraint) now if we didn't go to war after the attack gas would be as high as they pay in Europe or the Uk (by liter and I think when I was there 4 years ago 3pounds a liter) and with gas being that high think of how many people would have no way of getting to work(losing there job after raking up a debut) making a bigger credit and housing crisis then there is now. At least now we have it where the front line of are economy has some what of a buffer and when I say front line think about it who really keeps the big boy and girls there and not at the store the little guy working he's ass off for 7.25, although this war is only a way to slow the process of the economy from crashing but what got us out of the the first great depression and yes in my eye's this recession is just like that of the the 1930's, A war wait no A WORLD WAR. All I'm saying is he got dealt a shittie hand and he did what he could. I'm not saying war is the way to go but since Rome and before that Greece when you needed something and your neighbor wouldn't help you out you would go and take it (although we have gotten more advanced we are still living the same way as they did the only difference we haven't had the dark age to come out of and think we are starting something new).

:peace:, Token

Have you been living in the mountains, draped in bear fur and eating berries and snared rabbits for the past eight years?

First off

Don't be ashamed to say what you believe man, don't follow the current and conform to popular belief for fear of being singled out and attacked.

People are too narrow-minded, they cannot grasp that multiple issues affect our situation in the economy. We did not go to war for the economy nor oil. We went because Saddam was refusing to adhere to the treaties he agreed to from the Gulf War and he was refusing U.N. inspectors to private facilities.

Also, gas is high because of speculators. When Congress passed that law allowing speculation of the oil market, the price of the barrel skyrocketed over night. Same thing happened with the housing market, speculators got in the midst of that as well.

Also, now that China is putting 5 million cars in their population a year, they are now a contender on the global market for oil, that means that much more piece of the pie is being cut away and being bid upon. On top of that, the liberals won't let us get away from foreign oil dependency by not letting us drill off our own coasts. I am an advocate of alternate fuel however its just not being pursued diligently as it should be.

This in turn directly influences the economy. That means besides me buying extra luxuries I have to conserve because I have to fill up the gas tank, that hurts businesses. Also, it is costing much more to transport goods, that margin must be compensated by raising the prices of the product you are transporting. Bananas go from 69cents to 89cents, and it will go beyond.

And you are correct, if this wasn't such a pussy ass politically correct era we now dwell in, we would have simply taken what we needed from another country. We are the most powerful force this world has ever seen and we have a phenomenal amount of restraint that we and the rest of the world takes for granted. I am overwhelmed by the irony.
You are obviously not afraid to share your overwhelmingly ignorant viewpoint on this with us, why would he have to worry?
95% of the attackers on our troops in Iraq are fighters from foreign countries not iraqis

we just finally purged the last of them. Iraq is stable now

in ten yours its gonna be a huge tourist spot with a shit load of money and US bases all over the place so we can shit on Iran more easly

everyone will be happy except for the dictators in Iran that like to throw rocks at women until they're dead

White House Report: Iraq Meets 15 of 18 Benchmarks
I remember before the surge, when merely 5 of the 18 benchmarks were being met. The mainstream American media couldn't get enough of reporting about the 'quagmire' in Iraq. A surge Barry Ocarter voted against. A position he now publicly regrets.

Today, when it comes to good news coming out of Iraq, all we hear is crickets chirping from the mainstream media.
true that, i mean look one way or another the world has to be brought out of tyranny, our great great grandfathers started in the americas

our grandfathers did it in europe

our fathers did it in russia

we are doing it in the middle east

and our children must do it in africa

this in very necessary now more than ever because of the destiny of nucleur proliferation across the world

yea i did not mention china we'll leave that one for the grandkids:shock:
Subscribed, I'll put my two cents (and the dreaded youtube vids..... ohhh noooo.. HAHA) when I get back from exercising- I've been eating too much McDonalds lately. McD is gross, and I have put on more fat (I have always been very athletically build) in the past 3 months of eating garbage double cheeseburgers, than I have in my whole life.

To all you Bush lovers, "I'll be back"..:mrgreen: YouTube - The Terminator - I'll be back scene - (I'm sure I can stir up some shyt..):mrgreen:


Have you been living in the mountains, draped in bear fur and eating berries and snared rabbits for the past eight years?

You are obviously not afraid to share your overwhelmingly ignorant viewpoint on this with us, why would he have to worry?

Your not afraid to prove to everyone that you cannot have an intelligent retort. If you disagree lets hear why.

Don't worry, we both know you won't.
ok but surely you can understand why people are angry, and surely you can see that that anger does not equate to support for saddam

Two names, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi...............fuck yeah we're angry. But, you have a point..........fuck Saddam too. (de mortuis nil nisi bonum, unless your a worthless fuck named Hussein)

PS ((no offense intended if your name is Hussein))
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If there are any Bush lovers left, you should really watch this and think of things from a different perspective. A perspective that makes logical sense, even though it didn't come from your FOX news.

YouTube - Is Iran Ready To Take Over Europe?

Please tell me after you watch this, that "If you think we should go to war with Iran next, too.". Its seems like there are still some people that think we should go around the world and blow up other countries because they allegedly "harbor terrorists" or some stupid FAKE bullshit that the presidents spews forth out of his lying mouth.

