I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

Your not afraid to prove to everyone that you cannot have an intelligent retort. If you disagree lets hear why.

Don't worry, we both know you won't.
Did you just try to throw a double negative my way? How do you use the word intelligent, but cant type write? Do you speak that way? Bet that sucks for everyone around you.

And like i said, you will throw your antiquated, limited viewpoints all over like you have some bearing on anything. nothing i say is going to change that. Regardless, your viewpoints are uneducated and overbearing.
If there are any Bush lovers left, you should really watch this and think of things from a different perspective. A perspective that makes logical sense, even though it didn't come from your FOX news.

YouTube - Is Iran Ready To Take Over Europe?

Please tell me after you watch this, that "If you think we should go to war with Iran next, too.". Its seems like there are still some people that think we should go around the world and blow up other countries because they allegedly "harbor terrorists" or some stupid FAKE bullshit that the presidents spews forth out of his lying mouth.

Maybe I missed it on the news? What country has been blown up?

We who is spewing fake bullshit out of there lying mouth could it be you?

You should read more and stop watching the tube.



Some are born morons some work to git there.

We with work you can git there also.
Some are born morons some work to git there.

We with work you can git there also.

Your not going to be a troll, are you? Are you going to troll me may? I'm not so immature to stalk you. Please refute anything you will in a civil demeanor and I will gladly tell you my POV in a polite and respectful way too.

What did I do to offend you besides open your eyes to the reality of which we live? The truth hurts?

If there are any Bush lovers left, you should really watch this and think of things from a different perspective. A perspective that makes logical sense, even though it didn't come from your FOX news.

YouTube - Is Iran Ready To Take Over Europe?

Please tell me after you watch this, that "If you think we should go to war with Iran next, too.". Its seems like there are still some people that think we should go around the world and blow up other countries because they allegedly "harbor terrorists" or some stupid FAKE bullshit that the presidents spews forth out of his lying mouth.



I don't watch TV.........American Idol, nothing. It might do you well to purge yourself , as well. :shock:
Did you just try to throw a double negative my way? How do you use the word intelligent, but cant type write? Do you speak that way? Bet that sucks for everyone around you.

And like i said, you will throw your antiquated, limited viewpoints all over like you have some bearing on anything. nothing i say is going to change that. Regardless, your viewpoints are uneducated and overbearing.

A "viewpoint" "overbearing"? Typical lib retort. Me- "Your an idiot." You- "Excuse me sir, but your viewpoints are overbearing." Me- "OK. Your an idiot."
Some are born morons some work to git there.

We with work you can git there also.

We's a slave to the grind; a regular "workaholic". Any more so, I fear, and I'd be able to hear the clickity click of his little fleshless fingers hitting the keys from hear. To the bone We, to the bone. :neutral:
Did you just try to throw a double negative my way? How do you use the word intelligent, but cant type write? Do you speak that way? Bet that sucks for everyone around you.

And like i said, you will throw your antiquated, limited viewpoints all over like you have some bearing on anything. nothing i say is going to change that. Regardless, your viewpoints are uneducated and overbearing.

You fail on two accounts.

1. You attack my minor grammar inconsistencies in a futile effort to abstain from an actual legitimate rebuttal. You relish this cowardice tactic commonly used by trolls. Respect for you is plummeting.

2. Your viewpoints are tremendously naive thus you have no indication of anything remotely veridical. I see your tactics, they aren't original and in fact they are used constantly in the liberal arsenal. You do not have any valid argument to counter mine thus you just conveniently evade the pressure of the responsibility of forming a structured response by using the guise of pretty, intricate words as veil for your weakness. You don't want to play this game with me.
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You fail on two accounts.

1. You attack my minor grammar inconsistencies in a futile effort to abstain from an actual legitimate rebuttal. You relish this cowardice tactic commonly used by trolls. Respect for you is plummeting.

2. Your viewpoints are tremendously naive thus you have no indication of anything remotely veridical. I see your tactics, they aren't original and in fact they are used constantly in the liberal arsenal. You do not have any valid argument to counter mine thus you just conveniently evade the pressure of the responsibility of forming a structured response by using the guise of pretty, intricate words as veil for your weakness. You don't want to play this game with me.
What do you do for a living?
I would know nothing if I depended on the American media, who would rather eat rat poison than admit anything favorable to President Bush. Any story they cannot spin negatively, they ignore.

I know that the messiah himself, Barry Ocarter, is craw-fishing on his position of Iraq. Now he's willing to listen to the generals on the ground before committing to anything. I wonder how his position will evolve once he actually visits Iraq?

I know the death toll in Iraq is lower than Afghanistan for the first time since the invasion. I know that recently a week passed where there were no American combat deaths in Iraq.
Iraqis lead final purge of Al-Qaeda - Times Online

The death toll in Iraq should have been zero. The terrorists fled to Afghanistan and the US let them get away.
One of the things this country was founded on was non intervention. People seem to forget that. I know most of the politicians have forgotten it.
Bush lied about non intervention being his policy.
The death toll in Iraq should have been zero. The terrorists fled to Afghanistan and the US let them get away.
Actually the Taliban terrorists fled to Pakistan from Afghanistan. Say what you will about the invasion in Iraq, but once the U.S. toppled the Hussein regime, the terrorists flooded the country to fight the U.S., including Al Queda. We beat them in Iraq just like Dubya said we would do.

One of the things this country was founded on was non intervention. People seem to forget that. I know most of the politicians have forgotten it.
Where is this sacred principle in any historical document relating to the founding of the United States of America?

Bush lied about non intervention being his policy.
There is a big difference between intervention and defense. Even if Bush had made such a policy claim, which I dispute, does that mean we can do nothing to further our national defense? What about a preemptive strategy?
That a great statement Zen...I just recently quit one of those & I feel really hesitant to get another one of those.
Actually the Taliban terrorists fled to Pakistan from Afghanistan. Say what you will about the invasion in Iraq, but once the U.S. toppled the Hussein regime, the terrorists flooded the country to fight the U.S., including Al Queda. We beat them in Iraq just like Dubya said we would do.

I'm sorry Johnny but you're dead wrong here, When Bremmer disbanded the Iraqi Army, he turned almost a million armed men into insurgents. It wasn't untill later that the outsiders joined the frey, also the amount of al-queda Beaten or killed in Iraq is very miniscule, compared to the Bathist army insurgents. In fact Most of the OTB (other than Bathist) insurgents are from many,other countries and are not affiliated with the Taliban or al queda at all. Just pissed off Islamists that want America out of the middle east. Kinda like canada might be if some agressive asshole country invaded us.
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I'm sorry Johnny but you're dead wrong here, When Bremmer disbanded the Iraqi Army, he turned almost a million armed men into insurgents. It wasn't untill later that the outsiders joined the frey, also the amount of al-queda Beaten or killed in Iraq is very miniscule, compared to the Bathist army insurgents. In fact Most of the OTB (other than Bathist) insurgents are from many,other countries and are not affiliated with the Taliban or al queda at all. Just pissed off Islamists that want America out of the middle east. Kinda like canada might be if some agressive asshole country invaded us.
That's odd because I seem to remember many detractors claiming terrorists were flooding into Iraq precisely because we were there. Whoever they were, we beat them. Iraq is stabilizing now. Even Barry Ocarter is coming around to that position, much to the chagrin of Moveon.org.

P.S. Good response, Med. :peace:
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How and when did we "beat them"? Was I absent that day? Do you think they are all dead and gone?
You won't learn anything of the sort if you restrict your input to the mainstream American media. 15 of the 18 benchmarks have been achieved. Remember before the surge when merely 5 of 18 benchmarks were met? You couldn't turn around without hearing about the 'quagmire' in Iraq.

Now success in Iraq is being met with silence from the Bush-hating mainstream news outlets. Any news they cannot spin as being bad for the Bush administration, they simply ignore.
You won't learn anything of the sort if you restrict your input to the mainstream American media. 15 of the 18 benchmarks have been achieved. Remember before the surge when merely 5 of 18 benchmarks were met? You couldn't turn around without hearing about the 'quagmire' in Iraq.

Now success in Iraq is being met with silence from the Bush-hating mainstream news outlets. Any news they cannot spin as being bad for the Bush administration, they simply ignore.

The media was very quick to report when American soldiers were being killed left and right. Nothing was reported when the death rate when down and goals were being accomplished.
That's odd because I seem to remember many detractors claiming terrorists were flooding into Iraq precisely because we were there. Whoever they were, we beat them. Iraq is stabilizing now. Even Barry Ocarter is coming around to that position, much to the chagrin of Moveon.org.

P.S. Good response, Med. :peace:
Well Johnny, I'll just have to use something I used in another thread to make my point, something by Descartes:
"When it is not in our power to determine what it true, we ought to follow what is most probable"
We have not beaten anyone in Iraq, it is most probable that we have caused a few hundred thousand deaths, thats for sure. The only winning scenario I can see is to leave before one more American loses their lives. You cant beat an insurgency in their own country, Viet Nam should have shown these Idiots that. We need to leave immeadetely before we draw that great Islamic nation of Iran into the soup and Many thousands of young americand have to give up their lives for Nationalism/patriotism, better known as Jingoism, a ploy used by rich men safe at home to further their agendas. What good is a dead patriot to his children???
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