The argument that the 16th amendment wasn't ratified properly is interesting, but avoids the real issue IMO. For arguments sake lets say it was ratified properly, just what did it legalize? Government extortion.
Think about what involuntary taxation really is, it's clearly extortion by definition. If you don't pay you will be harmed or jailed, your property will be seized, resist and you may be killed, all nice and legal like. Just because something is "legal" cannot cover up that it is immoral. It is immoral to extort. Remember slavery was once legal, that didn't make it right. Do we still have "soft slavery"? I think so.
Some people pay income taxes out of fear. Some pay out of misguided indoctrinated "patriotism". Most pay because they have no choice, it is taken from their paycheck. Your labor is taxed, part of it is "taken" without your consent, that's pretty damned close to involuntary servitude or slavery.
The bill of rights and constitution are generally good documents, but when they were used to legalize extortion they deviated from the concepts of freedom and free will. This country will (is) fall(ing) into totalitarianism and it will all be done "legally".