Sure you did... Let's hear the best you can do. Unless that's it?
Ok sweetie. I will hold your hand through this process.
As I've mentioned many times before, we need to fix underlying problems within our political process before we can begin to repair our continually eroding democracy.
We need to rethink the Electoral College, we need to reverse Citizens United and pass legislation that eliminates large donations to campaigns and consider putting a cap on all campaigns. Candidates who become politicians need to be held accountable. That can only be achieved by allowing every citizen to vote and enabling them to do so. Gerrymandering rules need to be abolished. I could go on, but like I said, I've talked about this several times in the past. Sorry, not sorry, you are either too feeble minded to remember or too stoned.
Not one Republican candidate/representative has spoke out on any of the issues above. Neither has Trump, and neither has Bernie. Hillary has, hashtag, justsayin.
The healthcare and other free shit debate that Bernie proposes is a distraction. Feebs* get distracted by it, like a dog chasing a squirrel. Like a Republican to a Trump tweet.
And getting back to the premise of this thread, we won't be able to fix income inequality until we fix the underlying problem. Why? Because we won't be able to elect the right people to make those sort of changes. Why? Because money flows through politics like semen through a two dollar whore. Hashtag, justsayin.
* - Short for Feeble minded.