Insomniacs anonymous


Well-Known Member
i've been on the outdoor for a few months now. been sleeping better than ever. the outdoor seems to be much stonier in the evenings. something about the indoor just doesn't knock me out.
That sounds like a good idea, but unless I sleep on the tiny patio the closest thing to outside is leaving the window open(which I already do)


New Member
Lucid dreaming can be fun yes. I sometimes get that also but I find those dreams usually exciting ones.

Melatonin isn't a herb but is an amino acid. It was banned for a while in some places because there wasn't enough research.
I suffer from severe insomnia, and very lucid dreams. While I am working on controlling the dreams I think it will get better and I am starting to figure out how to do it and I think I am starting to have some fun with it. But try some Melatonin. It is a natural herb and your body also makes it naturally, I just dont think I make enough. The supplement seems to be really helping me. Just do your research on what type and brands to get, some are not what they are all hyped up to be, especially the bovine derivatives.


New Member
You know I was talking with someone about this just last night on thr ollitup chat forum. He said the same thing. Gosh. The really screwed up bigtime!:-|

I went through a similar situation but with a different disorder and different drugs but the same scenario.:?

Thats probably why I am so determined to get my mm card because I believe they owe me.
Im so glad you started this thread fdd. Its good to know your not the only one rolling around in your bed trying to get some damn sleep. I have the government to blame for my insomnia. I was prescribed with ritilan at age 5 and took them until i was 16. I was also on 3 other prescription drugs. They said when i came off them i may have sleeping problems, turns out its permanent.


Well-Known Member
i have a hard time sleeping. half the time im tossing and turning and i get so frustrated with myself to the point where i say "fuck it" and continue to stay awake til i pass out. and when i mean staying awake, i mean not being able to go to sleep til the crack of dawn.. its a miserable feeling.


Well-Known Member
Take 2 of these in cold milk and lecithin and call me when you wake up:joint:

I will have your bill ready for you:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
i cant sleep for shit my girlfriend is sound asleep so peacefull i give up wish my plants where budding or had some bud


New Member
All I can think about is starting my first grow. If anyone can give me any tips I would really appreciate it. Looking to get maximum yields for very very cheap. # of plants I can count on 1 hand. hoping it can bud with fluorescents through entire stage is this possible?