Insomniacs anonymous


Well-Known Member
man this fucking rocks. I been bitching about my stress levels and how i have nevver IN MY LIFE been able to sleep correctly, on any forum that was titled "sleep" but now i got "insomniacs anonymous"good shit.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm awake early now because of my insomnia. I've tried a lot of different prescription drugs but I just develop a tolerance to them. The weed helps a lot though. I can always make myself tired if I vape enough.


New Member
Hi, my name is Duder,

and Im an insomniac.

i get roughly 5 hours a night broken up. 2 hours here, 1 hour here, 2 hours there...

it is "ze mother fucker, ya?"


Well-Known Member
I hear ya. Fragmented sleep like that can actually be worse than no sleep at all. You can wake up feeling more tired than when you went to bed.

I've done sleep labs but the best answer they can come up with is that I have Periodic Limb Movements aka Restless Leg Syndrome. It's also caused by my anxiety.


New Member
I hear ya. Fragmented sleep like that can actually be worse than no sleep at all. You can wake up feeling more tired than when you went to bed.

I've done sleep labs but the best answer they can come up with is that I have Periodic Limb Movements aka Restless Leg Syndrome. It's also caused by my anxiety.
frag sleep blows - sometimes ill wake up for a couple hours, do something and entirely forget it after i get back to sleep

it gets confusing when theres laundry that needs to be rewashed because it smells dank in a bad way because it sat waiting to dry for 6 hours


Well-Known Member
Yeah, when I have frag sleep it just gets disrupted by waking up. I don't actually get up and do anything. It just leaves me feeling tired and crappy. If I can't resolve the problem with weed at least I can get rid of the crappy feeling.


Well-Known Member
making an appointment with the doc for those seroquels. I'm not asking him for them. I'm telling him i need them.


Well-Known Member
making an appointment with the doc for those seroquels. I'm not asking him for them. I'm telling him i need them.
He will give you something else for sleep. Seroquel is an anti-psychotic, used to help sleep as well but that is not its primary purpose. Tell him you are suicidal and can't sleep, you get seroquel. :peace:


Well-Known Member
i can only fall asleep naturally on average about 2 times i week. I have been perscribed ambien, and its works and everything but pot is funner and i dont know if its just in my mind but i feel like i sleep deeper too.


Well-Known Member not suicidal....its for anxiety aswell..
:lol: Gotta love designer drugs man. "Here take this! You will not give a fuck!"

I'm pretty good with weed, and melatonin seems to be helping me sleep as of late. My insomnia comes and goes, I think it has to do with the seasons I sleep like a baby in the spring and summer. Too much indoor time in the winter, I prefer to get out and explore a bit.


Well-Known Member
i have a hard time sleeping too.

i take stilnox and temaz and somehow stil have a hard time sleeping at times :(