iran or n korea? where would you rather go to war?


Well-Known Member
by the rivers of babylon said eyeneye sat down wept tears from i eyes when i remember mt.zion i.........................................first came with water,,,,next with fire


Well-Known Member
The US has not won a major conflict since WWII. We should mind our own business.
Dumb Liberal BS

Vietnam - US Victory, it was only after we withdrew that the Vietcong wiped out the south.

Korea - Stalemate (kind of hard to fight a nation that out numbers you 8/9 - 1. Though on the whole it'd be found to be a very one sided slaughter, and the peace can be recognized as a US Victory (South Korea is still here after all.)

Gulf War I - (Total Victory (abolition of the Iraqi National Government) was not the objective.)

Gulf War II - (Where's Saddam's Iraq Now?)

It's too soon to tell in Afghanistan.

Go read up on your history, or maybe just try thinking for yourself for a change.


Well-Known Member
Dumb Liberal BS

Vietnam - US Victory, it was only after we withdrew that the Vietcong wiped out the south.

Korea - Stalemate (kind of hard to fight a nation that out numbers you 8/9 - 1. Though on the whole it'd be found to be a very one sided slaughter, and the peace can be recognized as a US Victory (South Korea is still here after all.)

Gulf War I - (Total Victory (abolition of the Iraqi National Government) was not the objective.)

Gulf War II - (Where's Saddam's Iraq Now?)

It's too soon to tell in Afghanistan.

Go read up on your history, or maybe just try thinking for yourself for a change.
The last actual "War" we had was WWII, all other wars since then were undeclared by congress and are now just military engagements


Well-Known Member
war war war.....if u beleive in ,politricktions,etc....then u beleive in the evil they partake in,,,,all this whats happing now is armagideon,,,,rome fell and so will this babylon


Active Member
To tell you the truth. War with North Korea would be just as bad as Vietnam. The only difference is they will launch nukes.


New Member
The last actual "War" we had was WWII, all other wars since then were undeclared by congress and are now just military engagements

Well, you can parse the wording, but when uniformed men are sent to kill or be killed under orders, the wording doesn't much matter, except to the lawyers and politicians.

America has never lost a war on the battlefield. Only the lack of will and fortitude of those at home has lost wars (or engagements). We are our own weakness.


Well-Known Member
theres a book out by zecharia sitchin called end of days that talks about history in this area of the middle east.
by comparing old sumerian, egyptian, babylonian and the bibles stories together he came up with that the niburu gods original spaceport was in that general area more specifiacly the rock that the dome sits on in israel was a platform, (that jesus and mohammad supposedly took off from) the current powers are the remnants of the original annunaki kings and have saved their precious spot for the return of nibiru! i guess the return will be a big deal. shit i didnt mean to get that off topic but yeah.....


Active Member
DEFO. not NK.
1. i live in SK(we would be first to feel the effects of a war)
2. NK has a crazy army. (their special forces have the skills to kill hundreds per person.)

somebody has mentioned nuking NK, but in reality, that wouldnt do shit to stop the war. Kim Jong Il doesn;t give a horse's ass about his country people. they say it's a communist(all equal under 1 leader) but it really isn't like that. top ranking government officials get all the shit they need, while most of the people in the country are starving their asses of to death. SK gave away large amounts of crops and cows and money and whatever, to help the country out but Kim Jong Il being the greedy fucker he is, sells all that to develope nukes. my point? hmmm... you get the point right?


Well-Known Member
cracker jax is absolutely right. you can argue semantics but tell that to the 58000 dead in vietnam


Well-Known Member
its just like this war in iraq. everyone is all for it until they realize that it might take a little work.


Well-Known Member
its just like this war in iraq. everyone is all for it until they realize that it might take a little work.
A little work? The war in Iraq has lead to the death of 1 million+ Iraqi civilians not to mention all the death and pain that will be incurred upon future generations from all the depleted uranium that has been spread around the country. As for North Korea I honestly believe that in its current state the USA could not win unless it was willing to commit genocide via nuclear weapons as NK has a huuuge army of around 8-10million (normal army + reserves) that have been trained in the surrounding terrain along with their own inhouse designed and built equipment which would fare alot better than the USA's equipment. Now its the same situation with Iran I believe, take for example the Iran-Iraq war where Iran was able to hold off Iraq and all its allies and then push the Iraqis back into their own country. They aren't arab pussies they are an ancient aryan nation who would most likely be backed by russia and china. So the answer to this thread is neither as I don't believe any western nation has the means nor the funds to pursue either. Iran is not Iraq nor Afghanistan just remember this, it is a powerful nation backed by powerful allies even though the western media will have you believe otherwise. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Iran would fall as quick as Iraq did. As for North Korea.....we need to send them a shipment of lollypops and they will be good for a decade.


New Member
Iran would fall as quick as Iraq did. As for North Korea.....we need to send them a shipment of lollypops and they will be good for a decade.
Iran cannot be invaded and defeated on the battlefield now that they have nukes.

They now have the upper hand. They learned the lesson from North Korea (who have helped them greatly). Once they have their nukes (and they do now....thanks Obama!), we know they have the WILL to use them if attacked.....and that's why North Korea still stands today.

Now we get to see a nuke race all over again....the rest of the region will now seek them anyway they can. They can see the future is bleak if they cannot match the arsenal of a neighbor willing to light the fuse.


Well-Known Member
If we invade North Korea it's pretty much the start of WW3, 1 million Chinese troops will pour over the boarder and fight against the US mark my words.

WTF is up with the dude screaming ^^^


New Member
Both Iran and North Korea will be immune from military strikes.... because everyone KNOWS they WILL use their nukes. This is why it was urgent to stop Iran in the first place. Add in the religious aspects of bringing the 12th Imam into being by setting the world afire is just icing on the death cake.

The time to stop them has PAST. Thank your world leaders.... an oxymoron.


Well-Known Member
i so want to live long enough to witness nuclear war. i love BIG BOMBS.


use it or loose it, i always say. :wink:



New Member
They are coming.... I don't think it's if ... it's when ... and where.

Hell is coming....but not the religious kind (myth)..... the real man made hell....much more intense.

I'm glad I grew up before all of this.... I feel sorry for the youth.


Well-Known Member
They are coming.... I don't think it's if ... it's when ... and where.

Hell is coming....but not the religious kind (myth)..... the real man made hell....much more intense.

I'm glad I grew up before all of this.... I feel sorry for the youth.
there's your global warming. lol :fire: