Is Biden really that bad?

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That & Covid
Does any fucking anybody fucking understand (apparently you fucking don't) that Covid brought the entire fucking world , right fucking now, into this fucked up situation.
Added to that is the fucking Russia/Ukraine conflict which has set the commodities exchange market exploding & will lead to cost increases for a fucking loaf of fucking bread.
And your insinuating that it's Biden's fault?
Your one of the reasons & your ilk that is fucking destroying this country.
Go to fucking Mar a Lago or whatever that shithole is called/spelled and suck Donalds dick
As they said in the Quite Man, your in my book.
Keep talking shit
I'm looking forward to it
That & Covid
Does any fucking anybody fucking understand (apparently you fucking don't) that Covid brought the entire fucking world , right fucking now, into this fucked up situation.
Added to that is the fucking Russia/Ukraine conflict which has set the commodities exchange market exploding & will lead to cost increases for a fucking loaf of fucking bread.
And your insinuating that it's Biden's fault?
Your one of the reasons & your ilk that is fucking destroying this country.
Go to fucking Mar a Lago or whatever that shithole is called/spelled and suck Donalds dick
As they said in the Quite Man, your in my book.
Keep talking shit
I'm looking forward to it
First off, Trump sucks crooked d1cks.. Secondly, most don't blame Biden the unthinkable. They blame the democrats as a whole who used scare tactics and partisan politics during a pandemic like hiding ppe(NY) and then blaming Trump for not supplying enough, or making fun of Trump for pop up hospitals and converting two navy vessels into emergency hospitals in record time, but nobody democrats whined and called him stupid while at the same time telling everyone to stay indoors, fear mongering all day on TV, fear mongering all day on the radio, influenced by the king of fears master story teller Anthony Fuckme I mean Fauci, up to and including publicly scaring people into believing 1 million Americans could die in the first year.. Then as soon as Trump is out Covid isn't scary anymore.

That's why democrats suck. Trump has nothing to do with it. (Not saying Republicans are better)
That & Covid
Does any fucking anybody fucking understand (apparently you fucking don't) that Covid brought the entire fucking world , right fucking now, into this fucked up situation.
Added to that is the fucking Russia/Ukraine conflict which has set the commodities exchange market exploding & will lead to cost increases for a fucking loaf of fucking bread.
And your insinuating that it's Biden's fault?
Your one of the reasons & your ilk that is fucking destroying this country.
Go to fucking Mar a Lago or whatever that shithole is called/spelled and suck Donalds dick
As they said in the Quite Man, your in my book.
Keep talking shit
I'm looking forward to it

you’re projecting your feelings and missing the point. The fact he said something so asinine is something to acknowledge.

Everyone is locking in to the air handshake viral video and him wondering around on stage; but I think what he actually says is a big deal, and the other stuff just more of the same mindset that turned Trump into the boogeyman. Nowhere in either picture blames all inflation on Biden you just got defensive and jumped to that. Clearly the disruptions because of lockdowns and forced closure, along with mandatory 2 week quarantine, compounded all over the world for 2 years are a primary contributor to inflation - along with our own government’s policies. Not Russia
First off, Trump sucks crooked d1cks.. Secondly, most don't blame Biden the unthinkable. They blame the democrats as a whole who used scare tactics and partisan politics during a pandemic like hiding ppe(NY) and then blaming Trump for not supplying enough, or making fun of Trump for pop up hospitals and converting two navy vessels into emergency hospitals in record time, but nobody democrats whined and called him stupid while at the same time telling everyone to stay indoors, fear mongering all day on TV, fear mongering all day on the radio, influenced by the king of fears master story teller Anthony Fuckme I mean Fauci, up to and including publicly scaring people into believing 1 million Americans could die in the first year.. Then as soon as Trump is out Covid isn't scary anymore.

That's why democrats suck. Trump has nothing to do with it. (Not saying Republicans are better)
I could eat alphabet soup and a laxative and shit more coherent prose.
, and the other stuff just more of the same mindset that turned Trump into the boogeyman.
Mindset that turned Trump into a Booooogeyman?
Fuck, I've been laughing for the last 5 minutes so hard my stomach actually hurts, which was accomplished the last time when my Catholic school nun, Sister Cyrill fell down the stairs and really fucked up her face/head/arms/legs.
I was in 3rd grade & it was wonderful/Tragic............/WONDERFULL!!!!!
That cunt nun used to snap her fingers onto your earlobe when you were standing in the cold all lined up before school.
Imagine that
Your fucking freezing standing in the cold & this fuckingnun bitch snaps your ear?
Fuck Catholicism
Built on violence/exploitation/myth & fantasy.

Anyway, back to the subject

Trump needed no fucking help at all to be considered a fucking clown/idiot/charlatan/sexual predator/adulterer/lying/perverted/lusts after his daughter/Putin's ass kisser/racist POS that is a FUCKING DANGER TO THE FUCKING WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't get that?
Sorry to be you
I'm sorry you guys are arguing here. But if you think this geriatric, kid sniffing, word jumbling president is doing a good job, I have some beach front property in Montana I would like to sell you.
What is false about what I said? Geriatric? Kid sniffing? Or was it the word jumbling? Because I have plenty of proof for you, if you are so inclined.
They contain varying levels of falsehood. More to the point, the uncritical consumption of Repug lies by people who could have just listened to the real news is an indicator of crazy, stupid or both. You propagate lies willingly. Seek help outside the cult.
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