Is Biden really that bad?

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Trump the worst president in history.
Biden the 2nd worst president in history.

the whole world is in trouble because we just had the two very worst presidents in history back to back.
Oh, nonsense. Republicans fucked up big time in the 2000's. Bush was awful. His father was no better. Clinton left office with the deficit in decline and Bush Jr poured the healthy budget into a slop bucket to feed the party's wealthy swine.

Now, the whole world is in trouble because Republican right wing terrorists are destabilizing our democracy. Biden has done a fine job of cleaning up the messes left by the previous Republican administration despite their obstruction. Not sure if our democracy will survive the next Republican onslaught.

So, yeah. You speak nonsense. Both sides bad. LOL
Trump the worst president in history.
Biden the 2nd worst president in history.

the whole world is in trouble because we just had the two very worst presidents in history back to back.
Oh yea, they were the worst?
Well, my friend I'll agree with your pick as far as Trump goes.
But Biden?
He was left the most fucked up America ever, except for FDR dealing with the Depression/WW2.
Nixon/Ford/Hoover/both Bushes (GW # 1 though/Fucking that asshole Reagan were better than Biden who hasn't even completed 2 years in office?
It appears to me that you are young and haven't experienced much yet as far as existing with those Republican motherfuckers running this country into the fucking ground.
That is reality.
Open your eyes & read some history before you spew shit.
Happy Easter
Oh yea, they were the worst?
Well, my friend I'll agree with your pick as far as Trump goes.
But Biden?
He was left the most fucked up America ever, except for FDR dealing with the Depression/WW2.
Nixon/Ford/Hoover/both Bushes (GW # 1 though/Fucking that asshole Reagan were better than Biden who hasn't even completed 2 years in office?
It appears to me that you are young and haven't experienced much yet as far as existing with those Republican motherfuckers running this country into the fucking ground.
That is reality.
Open your eyes & read some history before you spew shit.
Happy Easter
with regards to the most messed-up Republic I direct your attention to Lincoln’s second term. The echoes still are loud.
with regards to the most messed-up Republic I direct your attention to Lincoln’s second term. The echoes still are loud.
You mean the one that he was shot in the head & died before he could finish his term after saving the Republic/Freeing the slaves.
Yup, he definitely wasn't perfect, but who the fuck is.
Personally, Lincoln & FDR are a coin toss for me as being the best POTUS
I can only cast my vote for the icons of mythic proportions. So for me first place goes to. . . . . drum roll please. . . .

George Washington's Wooden Teeth.
the depths upon the grain of your brow tattles, deepens your disdain towards me. Win
Ah, don't worry that you sense disdain towards you from him/we all think that way :) )

(only fucking with you/I can tell now your gonna be fun to abuse/we needed new blood to be spilled & your it me thinks)

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