Is Biden really that bad?

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you’re projecting your feelings and missing the point. The fact he said something so asinine is something to acknowledge.

Everyone is locking in to the air handshake viral video and him wondering around on stage; but I think what he actually says is a big deal, and the other stuff just more of the same mindset that turned Trump into the boogeyman. Nowhere in either picture blames all inflation on Biden you just got defensive and jumped to that. Clearly the disruptions because of lockdowns and forced closure, along with mandatory 2 week quarantine, compounded all over the world for 2 years are a primary contributor to inflation - along with our own government’s policies. Not Russia
In the immortal words of a true traitor to the USA “FAKE NEWS”!
First off, Trump sucks crooked d1cks.. Secondly, most don't blame Biden the unthinkable. They blame the democrats as a whole who used scare tactics and partisan politics during a pandemic like hiding ppe(NY) and then blaming Trump for not supplying enough, or making fun of Trump for pop up hospitals and converting two navy vessels into emergency hospitals in record time, but nobody democrats whined and called him stupid while at the same time telling everyone to stay indoors, fear mongering all day on TV, fear mongering all day on the radio, influenced by the king of fears master story teller Anthony Fuckme I mean Fauci, up to and including publicly scaring people into believing 1 million Americans could die in the first year.. Then as soon as Trump is out Covid isn't scary anymore.

That's why democrats suck. Trump has nothing to do with it. (Not saying Republicans are better)
ommfg what a rant of tucker carlson /faux news say trump sucks and then you defend him for taking half measures and stupid shit....just not even worth the time, ignored
What is false about what I said? Geriatric? Kid sniffing? Or was it the word jumbling? Because I have plenty of proof for you, if you are so inclined.

Careful or you’ll really offend them. Biden and all dems are “Demigods” who have our best interest in mind. They’re doing such a good job at everything always. Cant you tell? Biden is even gonna end the war on drugs and fix all racial disparity once he forgets he’s been against doing either the other 700 years he’s been in office

We’re supposed to blame Trump - forever. The source of all the worlds problems and all the hate. He ruined our lives and killed everyone with covid. It’s all his fault man…..all his fault.
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I'm sorry you guys are arguing here. But if you think this geriatric, kid sniffing, word jumbling president is doing a good job, I have some beach front property in Montana I would like to sell you.
you're entitled to your opinion, as we are entitled to i need to tell you what our opinion is, do i need to tell you that you're a drone who listens to faux news and believes it? is it really necessary to tell you that you listen to manipulative people who want to control every aspect of your life and you're letting them?
you’re projecting your feelings and missing the point. The fact he said something so asinine is something to acknowledge.

Everyone is locking in to the air handshake viral video and him wondering around on stage; but I think what he actually says is a big deal, and the other stuff just more of the same mindset that turned Trump into the boogeyman. Nowhere in either picture blames all inflation on Biden you just got defensive and jumped to that. Clearly the disruptions because of lockdowns and forced closure, along with mandatory 2 week quarantine, compounded all over the world for 2 years are a primary contributor to inflation - along with our own government’s policies. Not Russia
lmao cucktastic posts!

Do you believe everything you are told to believe from right wing propagandists?
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lmao cucktastic posts!

Do you believe everything you are told to believe from right wing propagandists?

same question, do you believe everything from left wing propagandists?

“This is one of those clever talking points that pose a conundrum when doing the Pinocchio Test. Biden’s math is defensible, especially because his full quote — not the truncated one circulating on Twitter — specifically refers to the impact of oil prices.

But at the same time, ordinary people might certainly have assumed he was referring to the 12-month inflation rate, not the one-month figure. Moreover, even not counting energy costs, the inflation number is relatively high. Most Americans care about the inflation rate over the past year, not the past month.

We went back and forth over whether some level of Pinocchios was warranted. We were tempted to award Two Pinocchios, essentially half true. We certainly would be more comfortable if Biden had referred specifically to monthly inflation figures. But he did refer to the invasion that began 50 days ago. So we will leave this unrated and let readers decide for themselves.”

Lol even the “fact checkers” can’t stop worshiping him
“This is one of those clever talking points that pose a conundrum when doing the Pinocchio Test. Biden’s math is defensible, especially because his full quote — not the truncated one circulating on Twitter — specifically refers to the impact of oil prices.

But at the same time, ordinary people might certainly have assumed he was referring to the 12-month inflation rate, not the one-month figure. Moreover, even not counting energy costs, the inflation number is relatively high. Most Americans care about the inflation rate over the past year, not the past month.

We went back and forth over whether some level of Pinocchios was warranted. We were tempted to award Two Pinocchios, essentially half true. We certainly would be more comfortable if Biden had referred specifically to monthly inflation figures. But he did refer to the invasion that began 50 days ago. So we will leave this unrated and let readers decide for themselves.”

Lol even the “fact checkers” can’t stop worshiping him
or maybe the fact checkers are based in reality, while you live in a fantasy world?
or maybe the fact checkers are based in reality, while you live in a fantasy world?

the only fantasy world I live in is 5 minutes at a time on occasion in the DMTverse. Highly recommend it. Partly the reason I have more love and no “hate” for you or those I disagree with politically.
same question, do you believe everything from left wing propagandists?

“This is one of those clever talking points that pose a conundrum when doing the Pinocchio Test. Biden’s math is defensible, especially because his full quote — not the truncated one circulating on Twitter — specifically refers to the impact of oil prices.

But at the same time, ordinary people might certainly have assumed he was referring to the 12-month inflation rate, not the one-month figure. Moreover, even not counting energy costs, the inflation number is relatively high. Most Americans care about the inflation rate over the past year, not the past month.

We went back and forth over whether some level of Pinocchios was warranted. We were tempted to award Two Pinocchios, essentially half true. We certainly would be more comfortable if Biden had referred specifically to monthly inflation figures. But he did refer to the invasion that began 50 days ago. So we will leave this unrated and let readers decide for themselves.”

Lol even the “fact checkers” can’t stop worshiping him
So 'ordinary people' might think that the edited click bait twitter lie is real is the reason that it is a lie?

You are really turning out to be just another sad ass troll.

You are doing the same stupid shit cherry picking to try to avoid actually owning up to your bullshit and then further your troll by pretending like somehow that fact check is worshiping Biden like the cuck logic right wing propagandists have programmed their cult to do when faced with facts that blow up their bullshit narratives.

Biden was clearly talking about the impacts on the war on oil prices being 70% of the inflation seen in this last report, and you are pushing bullshit spam to try to use this as some kind of bullshit attack on him by trying to use pretzel logic to pretend like it is year over year inflation, just like the author of that fact check did.

It is a bummer that you really have just went full troll lately. You really seemed like you were a normal person before too.
. . . . . . . . . . . but nobody democrats whined and called him stupid while at the same time telling everyone to stay indoors, fear mongering all day on TV, fear mongering all day on the radio, influenced by the king of fears master story teller Anthony Fuckme I mean Fauci, up to and including publicly scaring people into believing 1 million Americans could die in the first year.. Then as soon as Trump is out Covid isn't scary anymore.
One million in the first year? No way do we have that many stupid folks. (just imagine the number of folks who would have to refuse the jab or a mask for that to happen) With the 20/20 hindsight, we now know it will take more than two years to reach that milestone. So in summary, covid-19 did not kill one million the first year. In fact I remember all of last year as the deaths and case numbers were getting bigger by the day, everyone was saying, this is all cool because trumpf is gone. Most of the dead are old people anyway, and who cares about them? Only their neighbors and families.

If they would stop their sniffling about Granny dying, we could get back to what is important. Saving girl's softball from trans kids.
same question, do you believe everything from left wing propagandists?

“This is one of those clever talking points that pose a conundrum when doing the Pinocchio Test. Biden’s math is defensible, especially because his full quote — not the truncated one circulating on Twitter — specifically refers to the impact of oil prices.

But at the same time, ordinary people might certainly have assumed he was referring to the 12-month inflation rate, not the one-month figure. Moreover, even not counting energy costs, the inflation number is relatively high. Most Americans care about the inflation rate over the past year, not the past month.

We went back and forth over whether some level of Pinocchios was warranted. We were tempted to award Two Pinocchios, essentially half true. We certainly would be more comfortable if Biden had referred specifically to monthly inflation figures. But he did refer to the invasion that began 50 days ago. So we will leave this unrated and let readers decide for themselves.”

Lol even the “fact checkers” can’t stop worshiping him
Our nation is under sustained and coordinated attack by an entire party gone rogue. It isnt so much that Biden is a great leader; its sumply that he is head, shoulders and kneecaps above the predecessor. Thats why the MAGAnoiacs have to pull out the tired old calumnies about sniffing children while ignoring someone else’s blatant boasts of “grabbing’em by the pussy” including at Miss Teen Escort pageants.

Your emphasis on Biden misses or conceals the real point that it is more about ousting Moscow Mitch, Fistpump Hawley, Marginal Trailer Queen (Jewish space lasers!), Haldol Boebert and the entire motleyed cast of the Treason Party and the scripted “news” networks that feed fresh slop into the troughs of the Big Lie daily. Carlson is paid to be an actor.
same question, do you believe everything from left wing propagandists?

“This is one of those clever talking points that pose a conundrum when doing the Pinocchio Test. Biden’s math is defensible, especially because his full quote — not the truncated one circulating on Twitter — specifically refers to the impact of oil prices.

But at the same time, ordinary people might certainly have assumed he was referring to the 12-month inflation rate, not the one-month figure. Moreover, even not counting energy costs, the inflation number is relatively high. Most Americans care about the inflation rate over the past year, not the past month.

We went back and forth over whether some level of Pinocchios was warranted. We were tempted to award Two Pinocchios, essentially half true. We certainly would be more comfortable if Biden had referred specifically to monthly inflation figures. But he did refer to the invasion that began 50 days ago. So we will leave this unrated and let readers decide for themselves.”

Lol even the “fact checkers” can’t stop worshiping him
I don't read Jacobin nor Breitbart or listen to Fox.

I mostly stick to facts based news reporting and eschew sites that are strongly biased one way or the other. FT, WaPo, that sort of source.

How about you? Where do you come up with your understanding of what is happening in the world and US society? Trump's rallies?
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