Is Biden really that bad?

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Got anything other than a couple click bait edited videos to make your point?

Here is a random full speech, feel free to watch it and be proven a stupid as shit troll.

lol @ 'people like you'. Do sock puppet trolls count as 'people'?
there's a person somewhere with their hand up that troll's ass...that is who i am refering to.
even if they're a paid russian troll, there is still one person running it, and they're a loathsome piece of parasite infested feces
Hey Biden lovers..Sniffed anyone's kids lately? Did you know Biden says poor kids are just as smart as white kids? He knows poverty because he's lived with roaches. Wanna come feel up his hairy legs in the pool?? He confused his wife with kamala Harris. Are your knees red kamala? Remember the accusations against Bidens finger? #Metoo right? Yeah..That's our President. The most unsuitable for the position. Not saying Trump was remotely suitable either but at least can the partisan politics stop? I mean its really pathetic when so many people fight over which incompetent moron conniving theif child molester is better.:wall: :wink:

How about a President with intelligence? How about a President who's at least all there? Would be dramatic change.
This is like watching you eat boogers
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