Is Biden really that bad?

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this whole rant is a bigoted pile of horseshit, so i can only imagine what stayed inside your head... :spew:
people like you do make me sick. tear down everything you can get your hands on, and make vague, stupid, untenable "suggestions" for improvements...oh get a better president, change this law, make this a law and get rid of this one...all with no motherfucking clue what the fuck you're talking obviously don't bother to learn any facts, you just go with what makes your dick hard, or your asshole clench....

Maybe that vein in your forehead will pop soon. We can only hope.
Hey Biden lovers..Sniffed anyone's kids lately? Did you know Biden says poor kids are just as smart as white kids? He knows poverty because he's lived with roaches. Wanna come feel up his hairy legs in the pool?? He confused his wife with kamala Harris. Are your knees red kamala? Remember the accusations against Bidens finger? #Metoo right? Yeah..That's our President. The most unsuitable for the position. Not saying Trump was remotely suitable either but at least can the partisan politics stop? I mean its really pathetic when so many people fight over which incompetent moron conniving theif child molester is better.:wall: :wink:

How about a President with intelligence? How about a President who's at least all there? Would be dramatic change.
Spends first half of post bashing Biden. Spends second half of the post asking why we all can’t just get along :wall:
Cool man. tweedle d beat tweedle dumb. Why are either remotely close to the most intelligent choice for a presidential candidate? Because our banana republic doesn't need intelligence it needs brainless puppets to carry out their bidding so you get a TV reality star like Trump who's dumb enough to drink bleach or another career actor who's brain is so foggy they can really have their way with him. Both have history of creepy sexual misconduct. Best choice right? I mean the regional manager for stop and shop in your local area is probably a better choice.. That's telling.
Sorry your buddy Rant Paul is unelectable by America’s real patriots
And the violence on the right makes it a one sided issue
Enjoy a lifetime of being a whiney wish monger
I’ve never met a group of people ok with indoctrinating children like the religious right. They’re proud of manipulating and molesting young kids.
republicans in general have an unhealthy fascination with many democratic child molesters have there been?
well let's see...

that is a fucking huge list of republican pedos and sex offenders, looks like about a 50 to one ratio to me, at least...and republicans have the balls to imply Biden is a pedophile, after sucking this assholes dick for years
It’s the Puritanical background. Puritans gave us the archetype of the disapproving tight-faced prig. Add Calvinism and (duck and cover)

Because the movie goonies is real. You guys think I'm a trump voter but I'm actually a long time Democrat who believes in old school Democrat values with slightly progressive beliefs. Modern democrats however are the epitome of hip hop culture brain dead morons who just follow the winning team and can't think for themselves and would put a guy who can't tie his own shoes and is a freaking senile moron as the president And then have the audacity to sit there and act like he is the absolute best choice possible while totally ignoring the reason why it is that way.

I support intelligent people not morons and that goes for democrats and republicans. Unfortunately today the masses are feeble minded and can easily be put in a row to follow one simpleton just by showcasing them in the media. Use your brains people you have a guy who can't wipe his own a** as the president of your country you can't sit there and defend that. There are literally millions of adults who would serve as a better president than either trump or biden.. No puppetry going on here though completely fair and balanced elections process. Completely ignore the fact that the same few families have been running this country for decades. Feeble minded people are persuaded by the media and that's the masses as stated before so when the media hand picks the presidential candidates for the powers that be, the masses run to them because they wanna be part of the winning team. The majority don't follow politics or understand government they're just waiting for the Super Bowl when they're gonna pick a side. And they don't really care about the battle getting up to the game they just want the game so they can pick a side and have a battle. So the media sticks their carrot candidates in the face of the feeble minded masses and the masses then run to the polls to pick their winning team and do their battle Democrat verse Republican. But rarely is the best candidate picked and rarely is the best candidate picked from an organic process but it's more done in the same way that high school prom king and high school prom queen get picked through popularity and the media creates that popularity..
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Old school Democrat values, you say? How far back are we going? Pro slavery values of the 18th and 19th century or segregation values of the 20th century?
That's pretty insulting considering I'm mixed racially and many of my ancestors were slaves. How are you going to talk to me about slavery?? Are you mixed racially are you black? Are you Native American? I think you barked up the wrong tree m***********. I'm happy to debate you any day of the week on slavery you lttle armchair little piece of s***.
You all are digging your own grave now you want to get racist in this debate and start poking at people because they're mixed racially you're really standing on the high ground let me tell you that m************ and that m************ and all of you that want to come and laugh at me for being insulted racially you're a part of that crowd. And now you know why I say modern democrats are complete piles of s*** that can't think for themselves and are the irony and the laughing stock. You have no values all you do is wait for the Super Bowl so you can have a little battle like little children.
That's pretty insulting considering I'm mixed racially and many of my ancestors were slaves. How are you going to talk to me about slavery?? Are you mixed racially are you black? Are you Native American? I think you barked up the wrong tree m***********. I'm happy to debate you any day of the week on slavery you lttle armchair little piece of s***.
You seem upset, snowflake.
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