Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

WOW I just saw how much negative rep I got over this. Sorry for having an opinion guys... sheesh.

Hey the song starfuckers inc. by NIN just popped into my head, except with backstabbers replacing starfuckers hahaha. "BACKSTABBERS INCORPORATED, BACKSTABBERS..." hahahahahaha Backstabbers incorporated.
looks like some good dro, but its shake, I actually like shake because theres no stems to add weight you actually get more, its the same thing as nuggets, its just broken down take a nugget of dro and break it up and thats what it looks like
It's weed. Maybe not the best weed on the planet but you can get high can't you? If you were willing to pay $50 for an eighth, put that shit on the scale and quit whining. Honestly, what do you see that is so wrong with it? (I only read to like, page 4.)
shake is all the shit that falls off buds....including pieces of buds, leaves, kief, red hairs

Weed prices are all about location, location, location....

What might be dank in some areas isn't dank at all for others, and prices vary. Don't like the prices don't pay? Guess you missed out on the economy lessons.

Personally, I'd laugh at you if you bitched about the price and tell you to go fuck a cactus.
WOW I just saw how much negative rep I got over this. Sorry for having an opinion guys... sheesh.

Hey the song starfuckers inc. by NIN just popped into my head, except with backstabbers replacing starfuckers hahaha. "BACKSTABBERS INCORPORATED, BACKSTABBERS..." hahahahahaha Backstabbers incorporated.
That sux dude, I'll give you some +rep to compensate for the douches.

I think the 1,346,743 pages of people repeating virtually the same messages over and over like, "dude it sux but its better than nothing," or " It's your fault! next time don't pay b4 seeing you dumbass" or "the weed prices in my area are...and the quality is..."etc., are the one's that should be getting neg rep. Fucking stoners LOL!
I am so fucking pissed off right now. My girlfriend just picked up an eighth from her friend for me, 50 dollars of my hard earned fucking money. When I spend 50 on an eighth I AT LEAST expect to get nugs. This is absolute shit, all you folks out there in Cali thank your lucky stars you don't live in the mid-west. Its absolute shwag, granted its moderately crystally shwag with no beans, but its fucking shwag none the less. Shit from the bottom of the plant that no one in their right mind would pay for. What do you guys think, my girlfriend swears its not shwag and is calling me crazy for thinking so. I beg to differ.:wall:

didnt you/your girlfriend pay for it?

if you grew, you wouldnt have to pay for it...also...if you grew, i think you'd find yourself smoking all your buds...

50 is standard for an eighth of nug where I'm from, but this is NOT nug. Not in the very least... god I'm still fuming about it. I wanted my money back but my girlfriend won't do it. I'm afraid if I see the asshole that sold it to her I won't be able to prevent myself from punching him in the throat. I'm kind of fucked.

jeez, big deal over 50 bucks...

buyer be ware..

Not having pot is no excuse to pay ridiculous prices like 50 an eighth for absolute shit. I can smell your desperation from here, I hope you take someone with you when you shop for cars... If you honestly wish you were me right now, I feel sorry for you.

holy shit...negative nancy.

50 bucks an eight is average lol dude do the math 15 dollars a gram is legit out here. 3.5 X 15 = $52.50 - 2.50 (from buying in bulk) so 50 bucks an eighth... and lol thats not even bud fool it just looks like cured leaves sprinkled with dryed triches of bud(orange hairs)

haha that must suck dude never let your girl buy your weed

trichomes arent hairs. "fool"...
in iowa i pay 20 bucks a gram for the good shit. but it is good shit! you shouldve seen the shnitzleberry i had oh it tasted so fruity and stoned me good
[quote="SICC";1934525]heres my last post, yall are some weird ass smokers, crying over 50 buccs, get a real job you broke fuc, you disgust me[/quote]

I have a job that nets me 9$/hr and am in college. 50$ is too much for an eighth, period. I pay 30 tops for that./
Please don't call me a fool. If you think 50 dollars is a fair price for nug you're part of the problem. Doesn't anyone ever even think about how low production cost is for mary? The mark ups are fucking ridiculous. The only reason I pay it is because I have no other option.
Low production cost-High risk =high price + high demand= High HIgh Price. I have no sympathy, just grow more then you dont have to worry!
I am in Iowa.No more than 25 an eighth.One time I paid thirty cuz it was apple jack, but that was long ago.
in iowa i pay 20 bucks a gram for the good shit. but it is good shit! you shouldve seen the shnitzleberry i had oh it tasted so fruity and stoned me good
50 has been the benchmark in most parts of this country for nearly a decade.

If you are paying more than that and do not live in NYC or some other area with special circumstances, that sucks.

If you live in the northwest and pay much more than a smile and a handshake, you need new friends.

If you live in the southwest you probably smoke mexi.

Anyways, 50 is the standard. If you think that is too much, don't buy it. This will not force the price down though, as the demand far exceeds the supply.