Is it Possible That the U.S. Government Staged the Boston Marathon Bombing?


Well-Known Member
We only know what they say? No. That's the point most people that aren't US citizens, don't understand. We don't take their word. I know the world can't understand, but no one but us, is governing the Americans. We do it ourselves. An entire world of whistle blowers and the risk and reward associated. 7 rails of freedom.

1 - population of motivated, armed citizen sovereigns (now with cameras) and the 9th A
3 - branches of govt given limit authority by WE, and under constant challenge\
1 - set 50 sovereign States
1 - out of control, press
1 - set of over 100 organized civilian militia, across every State.

These folks are serious about the responsibility to fight the govt if necessary. They are ready to form a shadow govt in each State. (bet you didn't know that) The States understand quite well.

And i suppose being in the Emerald, you don't see all the triangulation we see. We see the neighbors describing, we see cell phone photos of the first shoot out, we see amateur press.

You go on with fooootball or whatever, we get inundated for weeks. :)

There was no shootout at the boat. WE know that. The cops did fire, though, quite a bit. I have heard it. They announced to him they were firing. They wanted him to know, this was it. They could tell he was still warm but was he alive?

This is our world of checks and balance. Our press would love to catch the lies. That's the Pulitzer Prize.

So, we don't have Press Clamp on law and order matters, like GB, Oz and Canada to various extents.

WE love the gory details, and are wondering why the FBI came so close, but did not connect the dots. In secret session they are being slow roasted, like they are doing with Hillary about Benghazi.

And the free press is making hay and advertising dollars roasting each other's reporting. It is American. It has thin lies and bold truth, all at once for us to see on TV, real time. You intersect probably only 1/10 the details unless you are really tuned in to something didn't even happen to your country.

So, to me, the American Redneck, world traveler, with never a silver spoon in my mouth, eye wide open, taking no sides, etc, it is this.

We change the Congress every 2 years and begin again. That includes 1/3 of the Senate and all the House must face the voters. Stand in public, risk being killed and explain it to the voters. It is also, behind the scenes, so risky you can get accidented to death. So, political suicide in this country can be actual. We are rough on each other.


Undercover Mod
The FBI is known for giving fake devices to those willing to commit, not training on triggering devices in Russia.

You don't give suspects the ability to carry out the attacks.


Undercover Mod
We only know what they say? No. That's the point most people that aren't US citizens, don't understand. We don't take their word. I know the world can't understand, but no one but us, is governing the Americans. We do it ourselves. An entire world of whistle blowers and the risk and reward associated. 7 rails of freedom.

1 - population of motivated, armed citizen sovereigns (now with cameras) and the 9th A
3 - branches of govt given limit authority by WE, and under constant challenge\
1 - set 50 sovereign States
1 - out of control, press
1 - set of over 100 organized civilian militia, across every State.

These folks are serious about the responsibility to fight the govt if necessary. They are ready to form a shadow govt in each State. (bet you didn't know that) The States understand quite well.

And i suppose being in the Emerald, you don't see all the triangulation we see. We see the neighbors describing, we see cell phone photos of the first shoot out, we see amateur press.

You go on with fooootball or whatever, we get inundated for weeks. :)

There was no shootout at the boat. WE know that. The cops did fire, though, quite a bit. I have heard it. They announced to him they were firing. They wanted him to know, this was it. They could tell he was still warm but was he alive?

This is our world of checks and balance. Our press would love to catch the lies. That's the Pulitzer Prize.

So, we don't have Press Clamp on law and order matters, like GB, Oz and Canada to various extents.

WE love the gory details, and are wondering why the FBI came so close, but did not connect the dots. In secret session they are being slow roasted, like they are doing with Hillary about Benghazi.

And the free press is making hay and advertising dollars roasting each other's reporting. It is American. It has thin lies and bold truth, all at once for us to see on TV, real time. You intersect probably only 1/10 the details unless you are really tuned in to something didn't even happen to your country.

So, to me, the American Redneck, world traveler, with never a silver spoon in my mouth, eye wide open, taking no sides, etc, it is this.

We change the Congress every 2 years and begin again. That includes 1/3 of the Senate and all the House must face the voters. Stand in public, risk being killed and explain it to the voters. It is also, behind the scenes, so risky you can get accidented to death. So, political suicide in this country can be actual. We are rough on each other.
The checks and balances are flawed. Congress has no term limits. The media is owned and controlled by the wealthy and so is everything else.


Well-Known Member
The FBI is known for giving fake devices to those willing to commit, not training on triggering devices in Russia.

You don't give suspects the ability to carry out the attacks.
Oh yes, you do - ends justify the means.. why drag a country into a headache and claim ownership when you have a scapegoat/puppet to do your bidding and then get shot before they could divulge anything? If I were high lv gov't for an intelligence agency, you bet the US would have a few of the more well-known terror groups in our pocket. We'd also pay them in guns, ammo, and weed... wait, that already happens. :P If we lose 'positive control', there's an executive order that can be issued out of Langley, and ta-dah.. problem is gone.


Well-Known Member
The checks and balances are flawed. Congress has no term limits. The media is owned and controlled by the wealthy and so is everything else.
The checks are flawed. That is why there are 7 x 7 balance points. WE are human, we don't have a hereditary, divine right, King to blame. Just us, try to rule ourselves when the youth are being corrupted....I was a corrupted youth.

The media is sorting market segments for the advertisers so they can lobby congress about our lifestyle choices. Need new laws for new stuff, WE want. You will FAIL, in the us vs them...take if from one who knows. It is WE the People.

If you think that's not it, well, there is your problem. There is the confusion, I had. It is ugly self rule and just barely balances. We can blame only ourselves for sitting back and only voting. Get involved or have armchair, and uninformed opinions about "the govt"

This is not Canada, Oz, or England. WE rule our selves for and by the gun.

BTW, the States try things. The States balance budgets and use term limits if they want. But, what happens is that, the staffer run show in term limits. Not good.

Take CO. Term limits. Senior staffers Jr, critters. You get a Pot law that is riding rough over smaller growers and then you get a gun bill that would not fly on the Fed level.

Staffers. The bane of politics. The necessary evil, that a term limit system makes more powerful.


Well-Known Member
No Term Limits The staffers amount to a shadow govt.

CO goes wild. Suspected??? And only for a year. Staffers! There is no national background check system. And there won't be. The Feds are only allowed to collected Census data every 10 years. It is one of the most powerful and less understood protections from the Feds that we have. They are specifically NOT ALLOWED to ask about guns on that Census.

So, the Feds can't collect even one name, on any registry except a Terror exclusion for flying...the Watch List. They know who has a passport, but that is almost no one. No Universal ID, no background check, voter card, or gun permit....nothing is allowed. This is not Australia where the govt can be that intrusive as to take all the guns, for example.

Why do you think they want a Registry? It is simple. Then they can act like Germany.
Register all then guns and then begin banning.

It won't happen here. And this law has failed before it is even enacted.
The bill would allow psychologists, nurses, family therapists and counselors to ask that a person's name be entered into the national background check system, prohibiting possession of a firearm for a year.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
We only know what they say? No. That's the point most people that aren't US citizens, don't understand. We don't take their word. I know the world can't understand, but no one but us, is governing the Americans. We do it ourselves. An entire world of whistle blowers and the risk and reward associated. 7 rails of freedom.

1 - population of motivated, armed citizen sovereigns (now with cameras) and the 9th A
3 - branches of govt given limit authority by WE, and under constant challenge\
1 - set 50 sovereign States
1 - out of control, press
1 - set of over 100 organized civilian militia, across every State.

These folks are serious about the responsibility to fight the govt if necessary. They are ready to form a shadow govt in each State. (bet you didn't know that) The States understand quite well.

And i suppose being in the Emerald, you don't see all the triangulation we see. We see the neighbors describing, we see cell phone photos of the first shoot out, we see amateur press.

You go on with fooootball or whatever, we get inundated for weeks. :)

There was no shootout at the boat. WE know that. The cops did fire, though, quite a bit. I have heard it. They announced to him they were firing. They wanted him to know, this was it. They could tell he was still warm but was he alive?

This is our world of checks and balance. Our press would love to catch the lies. That's the Pulitzer Prize.

So, we don't have Press Clamp on law and order matters, like GB, Oz and Canada to various extents.

WE love the gory details, and are wondering why the FBI came so close, but did not connect the dots. In secret session they are being slow roasted, like they are doing with Hillary about Benghazi.

And the free press is making hay and advertising dollars roasting each other's reporting. It is American. It has thin lies and bold truth, all at once for us to see on TV, real time. You intersect probably only 1/10 the details unless you are really tuned in to something didn't even happen to your country.

So, to me, the American Redneck, world traveler, with never a silver spoon in my mouth, eye wide open, taking no sides, etc, it is this.

We change the Congress every 2 years and begin again. That includes 1/3 of the Senate and all the House must face the voters. Stand in public, risk being killed and explain it to the voters. It is also, behind the scenes, so risky you can get accidented to death. So, political suicide in this country can be actual. We are rough on each other.
Changing the drapes and buying a new carpet don't fix the foundation. An institution formed and reliant upon initiating aggression as part of the way it operates has a systemic flaw.


Well-Known Member
Changing the drapes and buying a new carpet don't fix the foundation. An institution formed and reliant upon initiating aggression as part of the way it operates has a systemic flaw.
No, I don't think so. That is simply a negative way of putting it broadly. You just say, the system relies on aggression.

I totally disagree. The protection of the system needs the aggressive stance from time to time.

So, did we start the War of?:


No! We are reacting, to protect the Sea Lanes with China Gold and doing a damn fine job.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
No, I don't think so. That is simply a negative way of putting it broadly. You just say, the system relies on aggression.

I totally disagree. The protection of the system needs the aggressive stance from time to time.

So, did we start the War of?:


No! We are reacting, to protect the Sea Lanes with China Gold and doing a damn fine job.

If the facts are negative, I'm simply the messenger recognizing what you wish wasn't true. The "we" you speak of... is this "we" comprised of people that voluntarily aligned their interests or was the "we" formed to shepherd people into a group without the consent of all the participants?

When a person uses defensive force, it is morally acceptable. Wars are hard to justify, you can try to if you like. I won't waste my time there.

When a person or a group of people calling themselves "government" presumes to be the lord of all those in a given area, who initiated the aggression? In other words the very idea that a "we" exists, and all are part of it in this given area, EVEN if they politely say no thank you, IS an act of war or at least holds the threat of war.

So I think you are not getting to the root, instead still believing in concepts that rely upon fictions and rationalizations.


Well-Known Member
You dodge that list of Wars.

We can't be said to have started very many wars, including Iraq. It's unlawful in the UN charter for one member to plot the death of another member state's leader. WE were within our rights on that on also. You can reject the concept as fairy tails, but the rule of law doesn't.

How can citizens we elect, re-call, impeach, or just get someone else, call themselves the government?

They don't. We elected them and throw them out constantly. You do call them that, because you need an emotional enemy right now, (don't I know all about it.?) :)

Get put and riot, I did. Get it off your chest. Then the other side, smell the roses. I did.

When a person or a group of people calling themselves "government" presumes to be the lord of all those in a given area, who initiated the aggression? In other words the very idea that a "we" exists, and all are part of it in this given area, EVEN if they politely say no thank you, IS an act of war or at least holds the threat of war.

You just don't see it. No one one presumes to be the lord over us, except us citizens. We are all assholes. Don't you get it? This self governance doesn't just reflect us.....It Is Us.

You are not giving a negative message that I don't like. You are taking a very complex situation and describing it negatively.

You have not availed yourself to the history and the empathy to imagine yourself as a leader in danger with decisions to make or not as the world assails our way of life. Yet, as you don't understand what the job even is. You smear it with your own personal fears in the life. Fear is the mind killer. You wish there was this govt, to blame.

That is my opinion to bring to the discussion. We are not debating as neither of us know enough to debate.


Well-Known Member
You dodge that list of Wars.

We can't be said to have started very many wars, including Iraq. It's unlawful in the UN charter for one member to plot the death of another member state's leader. WE were within our rights on that on also. You can reject the concept as fairy tails, but the rule of law doesn't.

How can citizens we elect, re-call, impeach, or just get someone else, call themselves the government?

They don't. We elected them and throw them out constantly. You do call them that, because you need an emotional enemy right now, (don't I know all about it.?) :)

Get put and riot, I did. Get it off your chest. Then the other side, smell the roses. I did.

When a person or a group of people calling themselves "government" presumes to be the lord of all those in a given area, who initiated the aggression? In other words the very idea that a "we" exists, and all are part of it in this given area, EVEN if they politely say no thank you, IS an act of war or at least holds the threat of war.

You just don't see it. No one one presumes to be the lord over us, except us citizens. We are all assholes. Don't you get it? This self governance doesn't just reflect us.....It Is Us.

You are not giving a negative message that I don't like. You are taking a very complex situation and describing it negatively.

You have not availed yourself to the history and the empathy to imagine yourself as a leader in danger with decisions to make or not as the world assails our way of life. Yet, as you don't understand what the job even is. You smear it with your own personal fears in the life. Fear is the mind killer. You wish there was this govt, to blame.

That is my opinion to bring to the discussion. We are not debating as neither of us know enough to debate.
If you think a choice between super-AIDs or whole body cancer is what you'd call "a choice" then I can understand this post.

Otherwise you obviously don't understand the working of a (so called) representative democracy, but don't let me stop you, keep riding that thesaurus, cowboy.


Well-Known Member
My friend, you are lately of Commonwealth, since 1948, I think. We don't have representative parliamentary democracy, even in the various States. So of course, your system is not what I'm describing. You want to believe what you will. If you don't want to know, that is on you. It is very different, as our buddies from Canada found out recently.

We have a very balance 7 x 7 system that I have described and you seem clueless, of a sudden. We rejected what you think. No!.. Really. :)

It is technically a Federal Republic of Sovereign States. There are very stark differences and we can discuss them. Do you have armed citizens, civilian militia? 2nd A, 9th A? Of course not. But, you see our stupid Press.

You will find that your system very nearly resembles Canada and is nothing like USA. But, you don't know anything about this, obviously.

Now calm down and you can read about how your American cousins do it. We take what I describe very seriously. It's no joke. as you know.

But, to say, you understand it more than me, is a laugh. You don't.

Say what you want, but this is a govt that WE constituted, WE control by volunteering for the risk and getting elected. But, it's all we have.

I wish that the world doesn't see the day WE get really pissed off. We already had one Civil War. We are the hardest on ourselves. The other systems are not like this, at all. And there is not another one the planet.

That's why you don't know.


Well-Known Member
My friend, you are lately of Commonwealth, since 1948, I think. We don't have representative parliamentary democracy, even in the various States. So of course, your system is not what I'm describing. You want to believe what you will. If you don't want to know, that is on you. It is very different, as our buddies from Canada found out recently.

We have a very balance 7 x 7 system that I have described and you seem clueless, of a sudden. We rejected what you think. No!.. Really. :)

It is technically a Federal Republic of Sovereign States. There are very stark differences and we can discuss them. Do you have armed citizens, civilian militia? 2nd A, 9th A? Of course not. But, you see our stupid Press.

You will find that your system very nearly resembles Canada and is nothing like USA. But, you don't know anything about this, obviously.

Now calm down and you can read about how your American cousins do it. We take what I describe very seriously. It's no joke. as you know.

But, to say, you understand it more than me, is a laugh. You don't.

Say what you want, but this is a govt that WE constituted, WE control by volunteering for the risk and getting elected. But, it's all we have.

I wish that the world doesn't see the day WE get really pissed off. We already had one Civil War. We are the hardest on ourselves. The other systems are not like this, at all. And there is not another one the planet.

That's why you don't know.
Lol, yeah I see what you're doing here again....

The only thing I saw from you recently is your constant posting about things you don't know anything about.
When you are proven to be wrong you shift gears and change the subject.

You are hardly worth the time it takes to post.


Well-Known Member
Lol, yeah I see what you're doing here again....

The only thing I saw from you recently is your constant posting about things you don't know anything about.
When you are proven to be wrong you shift gears and change the subject.

You are hardly worth the time it takes to post.
That's what happens when you rape a thesaurus, nothing but random yet still slightly related words.


Undercover Mod
Oh yes, you do - ends justify the means.. why drag a country into a headache and claim ownership when you have a scapegoat/puppet to do your bidding and then get shot before they could divulge anything? If I were high lv gov't for an intelligence agency, you bet the US would have a few of the more well-known terror groups in our pocket. We'd also pay them in guns, ammo, and weed... wait, that already happens. :P If we lose 'positive control', there's an executive order that can be issued out of Langley, and ta-dah.. problem is gone.
The CIA doesn't have a charter to operate in the United States


Well-Known Member
I just went back to this thread

Doer has been editing his posts after the fact so they read what he wants them to after he has
been proven wrong.

Nice try Doer, cant even sac up and stand by the drivel you post. Well from now on
I will post screenshots of your posts showing the cowardice ways you employ.

Just like this thread, he tries to bring in a previous discussion while trying to take a slide
at previous posters. He does this often.


Well-Known Member
I just went back to this thread

Doer has been editing his posts after the fact so they read what they want him to after he has
been proven wrong.

Nice try Doer, cant even sac up and stand by the drivel you post. Well from now on
I will post screenshots of your posts showing the cowardice ways you employ.

Just like this thread, he tries to bring in a previous discussion while trying to take a slide
at previous posters. He does this often.
Just quote people's posts, there's been some mad shit unveiled by that method ( although it suffers from "Buckitis", that it's is susceptible to "mild edits" too ).


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I can't see well, but still type rather fast. Very dislexic as well. I post read and post again. Wait for the dust to settle, and me correct my can and comnot what ever I say or read the fucking time lines and suck your thumb I don't care you aint close enough for me to actually fuck with you


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I can't see well, but still type rather fast. Very dislexic as well. I post read and post again. Wait for the dust to settle, and me correct my can and comnot what ever I say or read the fucking time lines and suck your thumb I don't care you aint close enough for me to actually fuck with you
Have fun....