Is Putin finished?

We have been seeing it in Palestine for over 70 yrs, the Ukrainian Joker expressed his full support for the war on Gaza.
ah, i see, that excuses you, go ahead and hate all the Ukrainians you want, their president is a jew, trying to secure aid from anyone he can, including Israel, that of course makes it ok to hate the entire people and hope they all die...
Can you recommend ethical Republican strategists?

I cannot :(

please give examples of “far fetched” criticism of trump.

I don’t know if there is anything I could say you’d give further consideration to. The criticism I saw through his entire presidency is how/why I formed this opinion. I think our own life experiences have a lot to do with how we hear people

trump was a buffoon with no fucking clue about foreign OR domestic policy...Biden has lived and breathed foreign policy for over 40 years.
trump deserved all the skepticism, scrutiny,and hard questions he got, and more...he was a piece of shit president and still is a piece of shit human being.
Biden may not be a saint, or even close to it, but he's a decent person who isn't trying to set himself up as emperor for life in his own private fantasy. i think he deserves a LOT more leeway than trump...a fucking LOT

I fervently disagree. Examples like this are what I think of when I recall Trump’s foreign policy.

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Examples like this are what I think of when I recall Trump’s foreign policy.
funny, me too...every other word out of his mouth was a lie, all i can give him is that he actually followed the script for most of it and didn't go off on too many embarrassing tangents about how great he is and hot his daughter is...
he's telling Muslims that we'll all be judged by God...
funny, me too...every other word out of his mouth was a lie, all i can give him is that he actually followed the script for most of it and didn't go off on too many embarrassing tangents about how great he is and hot his daughter is...

That would be like me saying Biden is the sum of how many childrens heads he has said sniffed or how many times he has sad cmon man. People arnt that simple though.
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Really now? And where might those two unbiased characters in the particular video you linked be employed?. . . . . .

View attachment 5109580
Asked and answered. The New York Times and Washington Post. Once a week those guys are on to do opinion. That one segment, once a week is the only opinion piece on the show. But you must know that, or you wouldn't have honed in on it so fast. Judy and the rest of the crew are the cream of the crop.
Looks like a copy of the Russian Makarov 9mm.
I love that grip
How many rounds?

View attachment 5109525

Or my favorite 9mm, the Walther PPK. (If it's good enough for Bond, it's good enough for me )

View attachment 5109526

It's literally nothing like a Makarov, other than it being blowback operated.

It was made in 1959 and I made the grips out of Oregon Black Walnut that I cut from a stump with my chainsaw after the city of Eugene cut a bunch of old neighborhood trees down, which triggered a fairly well-covered protest where a protestor in a tree was pepper-sprayed in the nuts

It's a .32acp that holds 7 rounds and it shoots a little to the left- the original plastic grips are in mint condition
Asked and answered. The New York Times and Washington Post. Once a week those guys are on to do opinion. That one segment, once a week is the only opinion piece on the show. But you must know that, or you wouldn't have honed in on it so fast. Judy and the rest of the crew are the cream of the crop.
Are you voting for Will Smith if he runs in 2024? He loves Florida St!
Asked and answered. The New York Times and Washington Post. Once a week those guys are on to do opinion. That one segment, once a week is the only opinion piece on the show. But you must know that, or you wouldn't have honed in on it so fast. Judy and the rest of the crew are the cream of the crop.

like I said I do like to view as many angles as possible: from which I form my own opinions. My saying PBS and NPR are full of left leaning people doesn’t mean I hate them or they should be cancelled.

But consider my point of view for a moment, you link a video and insinuate I’m wrong about bias in media; but then have to clarify “oh that one part is opinion, but yea everything else is totally cream of the crop over on PBS.”

It’s right in front of you but you couldn’t even see it. It’s all great to you because it aligns with your views. How they speak and what they speak about. In my opinion in those other segments I see just as much…….personality from the guests.

I just don’t need any one commentator or a hive mind to tell me what is and isn’t controversial, or how they feel, or what they think is really going on. They are welcome to do it, but I don’t have to buy it.

The personalities in news are why we think we know anything about any public figure. So if more news/media personalities are left leaning in their own politics, naturally that opinion is elevated as superior and righteous.

All that said I like to listen to NPR and read Washington post along with politico. At the same time I’ll turn on talk radio or read through breitbart or the dailymail another day. I take it for what it is, not gospel.
. . . . . . . . . . . But consider my point of view for a moment, you link a video and insinuate I’m wrong about bias in media; but then have to clarify “oh that one part is opinion, but yea everything else is totally cream of the crop over on PBS.”. . . . . .
I linked the Newshour you tube page. You self selected Brooks and Capehart, the five minutes of opinion they do per week. So five minutes out of five hours.

The other four hours and fifty five minutes looks something like this.

I just don’t need any one commentator or a hive mind to tell me what is and isn’t controversial, or how they feel, or what they think is really going on. They are welcome to do it, but I don’t have to buy it.
You don’t have to buy it, but you do. Like you did with the right wing, Qanon talking point about Biden sniffing children’s hair.

Nice try but we see you for who you are.
You don’t have to buy it, but you do. Like you did with the right wing, Qanon talking point about Biden sniffing children’s hair.

Nice try but we see you for who you are.

right - my consuming information form multiple points of view and not being a fan of Biden = Qanon

brb gonna go text all my Russian and Insurrectionist friends. Tuesday is the meet up, I’ve gotta go get more tin foil
It's literally nothing like a Makarov, other than it being blowback operated.

It was made in 1959 and I made the grips out of Oregon Black Walnut that I cut from a stump with my chainsaw after the city of Eugene cut a bunch of old neighborhood trees down, which triggered a fairly well-covered protest where a protestor in a tree was pepper-sprayed in the nuts

It's a .32acp that holds 7 rounds and it shoots a little to the left- the original plastic grips are in mint condition
.32 is a cool bullet.
Did you happen to notice the revolver that Doc Holiday (Van Kimer) carried under his jacket in Tombstone that he killed Ringo with?
It was a .32 with a pearl handled dove tail grip like this one.
Fucking beautiful :)

right - my consuming information form multiple points of view and not being a fan of Biden = Qanon
If you aren’t alt right or Qanon, why do you repeat their lies?

I’ve noticed you haven’t been able to give me any examples of those “far fetched” criticisms of trump that you said existed. Can we just assume you don’t have any and that you’re full of shit?