It's a muslim tradition to build a mosque at the site of a great victory.


i hope thats a cookie,
““Muslim tradition calls for building a mosque on conquered land to honor those Muslims that died resulting in the Muslim victory.

The Koran (018:021) states: 'Build a building over them, their Lord knows best about them;' and those who prevailed in their affair said, 'We will surely make a mosque over them.'

This has led to the practice of building to mosques to symbolize conquest over infidels.
thos damned christians used to build churches on pagan sites, so what? catholics were not allowed to build churches in england until 1791, so what, i agree with benassi, who fuckin cares, all this flapping about muslims is crazy, in the UK dissident IRISH replublicans, probably funded by idiots in somewhere like Boston or New York, have been responsible for the last dozen or so bombs in the UK, only the other week they were at it, it's not just bombs, the twats lured some guys out of their base when the pizza guy called and shot them, I dont see numptys screamingl for the repeal of The Roman Catholic Relief Act? let me tell you lot, Ireland these days is not like The Quiet Man. and this site is supposed to be about growing weed. anyway ide rather spend a week smoking some nice afghani with the mujahadin, than destroying my nasal passages with the coked up kennedys.
· The Dome of the Rock, the Al Aqsa Mosque, in Jerusalem is built on top of one of the holiest sites in Judaism, the Temple Mount. It was built over the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, at the ruins of the Jewish temple.
· The former St. Sophia's Basilica, once the world's largest cathedral and orthodox patriarchal basilica, was torn down and replaced with the principal mosque of Istanbul.
· The Cordoba mosque in Spain was a former Christian cathedral.

Muslims have engaged in this practice for centuries, symbolizing their victories over the infidels. Muslims built their mosques on conquered land. They build it as a slap in the face to the Jews, Christians and other religions. That is why they want to build a mosque at ground zero. To slap the United State of America in the face. There are plenty of places in New York City to build a 13 story mosque and education center than 2 blocks from ground zero. Our President is wrong, and so is Mayor Bloomberg. I am a strong believer in religious freedom, but I also believe in common sense and locating a mosque next to ground zero is wrong. Now the building of this mosque at ground zero is not acceptable. Our president, so smart supposely can't see, or does not want to see, this insult and disrespect to the more than 3000 victims of 9/11.
thos damned christians used to build churches on pagan sites, so what? catholics were not allowed to build churches in england until 1791, so what, i agree with benassi, who fuckin cares, all this flapping about muslims is crazy, in the UK dissident IRISH replublicans, probably funded by idiots in somewhere like Boston or New York, have been responsible for the last dozen or so bombs in the UK, only the other week they were at it, it's not just bombs, the twats lured some guys out of their base when the pizza guy called and shot them, I dont see numptys screamingl for the repeal of The Roman Catholic Relief Act? let me tell you lot, Ireland these days is not like The Quiet Man. and this site is supposed to be about growing weed. anyway ide rather spend a week smoking some nice afghani with the mujahadin, than destroying my nasal passages with the coked up kennedys.

so you agree they are trying to shit on us and you dont care possibly cuz you are not an American. so why should you give a shit,

but if a morman cult one day came and killed and raped your family and you were the only rape surviver, would it bother you that when you finally got up the courage to sell the house where this horror heppend to your loved ones, would it bother you if a group of morman cultists who said they are for peace, for them to buy and move into the home where your family and you were raped murdered and breathed thier lst breath so they can blow thier asses up on the toilet seat your precious dead family once sat to shat?

hey that rhymes:D

every time you drive by the place your wife and kids were raped and killed by mormans, you get to see mormans chillin on the portch flying a morman flag?? that wouldnt bother you??

exaclty its easy when its got not shit to do with you. some of us do not take kindly to insults of this magnatude. infact only the wimps in the western world would even stand for it. any other country would go dark and start killiing people.

sure maybe killin people is the wrong way to solve this issue but sittin back and being like oh its cool dude is a fools or cowards advice.
dude you got no clue have you been to iraq? i think not I have i work there remotly form the USA, they are happier than clams and making more than tripple the salaries they did under saddam they are building 5 star hotels and booming, they are afraid it will all turn to shit again when the american fredom fighters leave even saddams most trusted deputy i forgot his name a few weeks ago said in an interview from jail that he is afraid if the americans leave that the country will turn to shit.

if any thing we need to put the pedal to the metal and work on afghan but that place is still stoning people for eloping, like back in jessus day, trust me we are thier only hope but some of you seem eager to blame america first

whatever floats your boat i guess but most of you have no clue of what you speak and have not even ever set foot on any type of foreign soil if you did you would realize we are thier only hope

so pandawan if you stab me in the eyes and blind me but i have a gun and come back and kill you for it and your brother whos got your back and threating me, is it my fault or your fault that you and your brother are dead?

you guys got some fucked up logic
the old addage is, dont start nothing and there wont be nothin.

but these arabs are holding down thier people and blaming america and isreal so they can hold power. you know how cheap and easy it would be for saudi arabi to send a bit of cash to the areas of palistine and make them a mecca to live in. they would never do that cuz then thier people would have nothing to comaplain about. and then their people would turn against thier totalitarian masters in the kindom, beacuse they are not being distracted buy things that could be resolved by the super rich nations of the middle east.

the greatest catastophe for the rulers of egypt, syria, iran & saudi arabia would be if the palistinians were free.

there is a reason they will never be free. and thats the reason my grandparnts left that shit hole of liers and assholes and bigots
your crazy. the only people happy about iraq are the profiteers.. and yes they are worried that when the people gaurding their interests and their interests only leave, the profiteers will lose their gravey train.

Chryslter, one of the first car companies to open a dealership in the "new" Iraq, Chrystler is a subsiderary of a global security firm called (coincedently) cerberus, What's Bigger Than Cisco, Coke, Or McDonald's?
Steve Feinberg's Cerberus, a vast hedge fund that's snapping up companies -- lots of them

seriusly man, you have no idea what your talking about.. If we really wanted to stop the terrorist, we would put the pedal to the metal and move all military funding (from just iraq) to pakastan in the form of bridges, food, roads, hospitals, ect. and saved those poor and individuals from the floods and fammine our enemies would have no safe haven to hide. If we stopped killing innocent people with automated drones we would be less likely to create another enemy combatent (i.e. they dead innocents brother, or son)..

a mosque in NYC? you think that shit has anything to do with the problems we really face? if you do your eyes arent even remotely open..
Sorry buddy i know many more iraqs than you and they acually live in iraq

north south and right in baghdad all over the country

And i aint no military man either, pure bred arab born and raised so i think i know a bit more and the subject than you my freind
I dont agree with them building it there,especially since theres another one within walking distance.
There pretty much spitting in are face with this.It will end up being built then someone who had enough will blow it up.
good defense. solid argument my man. I'm sorry originally, to me, you were sounding pretty racist, (like an earlier poster) but you know some of them huh? (Iraqi's) and your a "pure bred Arab" "born and raised" well then my bad. So lets make a deal. I wont contradict you on any of your Arab facts, since your so closely connected with the culture of, Arabia? and you don't contradict my American facts, since I'm a pure bred born and raised American.
We Americans need to stand up and return to our rightful place as the shining star for the world. This is a free and lawful society and as you implied we are better than "these Arabs" and because of that we should not and will not bow down to the oppression of bigoted fear. Again this is a free country, god damnit, and if it is on private property and they got the permits (and as an American, if you got the proper permits in NYC, my hats off to ya) then its their inalienable right to build a mosque their. This country was founded on the idea of religious freedoms and eventually fought for its freedom. And because you think that building is offensive we should give up our freedoms to stop them from building it?! No “my friend” this is America and we don't oppress people because of fear. We are better than that.
I dont agree with them building it there,especially since theres another one within walking distance.
There pretty much spitting in are face with this.It will end up being built then someone who had enough will blow it up.

The worst part is then they will be jutified in any attack they want. How much better are we if we're blowing up there churches?
1. As soon as the Ground Zero Mosque is complete, mosques from all over the country will rip out of the ground and fly to New York, where they will join together to form a giant robot called Mecca-Tron!
2. Young boys and girls across America will grow full beards, and then explode.
3. Walmart will be driven out of business by Burqa-Mart.
4. Gun rights advocates will be completely confused when the government confiscates their handguns, but then gives them AK-47s and RPGs, instead.
5. On the TV show, The Bachelor, the male contestant will be able to choose not one, but four eligible ladies. But he won’t be allowed to see them or talk to them until after they’re married.
6. Black-and-white, checkered Keffiyeh scarves will come back into style, even though they only just went out of style in 2008.*
7. If you lose a library book, the librarian gets to cut off your hand.
8. Minor car accidents will be virtually eliminated when women lose the right to drive. **
9. The economy will crumble as America’s men quit their jobs to hang out in hookah lounges, drink coffee, and play backgammon.
10. Every American who is not a teenage girl will gratefully convert to Islam when Justin Bieber is kidnapped and help for ransom until he’s at least 25.