It's a muslim tradition to build a mosque at the site of a great victory.

half of you guys wouldnt even be hear if those bombs were not droped on japan. and possibly an extra million american boys would have died to end that war without those bombs. and all of you who had grandparents in the war or even around that time would have been drafted and killed, allowing your mothers sissters and brothers and father to never have existed including you.

so who are you to tell those people they dont didnt deserve to live and the japs in those cities did?

its amazing to me, there can never be one team. there will always be people who dont agree and they will always fight. because only the fighters survive,

people are so comfortable these days they have no clue but when the shit hits the fan an your government turns into somthing like saddams, you will probably die of just fright

and i garanfuckin t if you or you loved one was the one set to die in the invasion of japan you would of said lets fry these crazy japs who attacked us. havent heard a peep out of them since :D

Jesus you are such a fucking idiot big pussy..
[FONT=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif]He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from opposition; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself. ~Thomas Paine
they have rights, get over it big p.
No one has a right to stop them, its called the 1st amendment, read it. There is already a mosque close to ground zero and the pentagon like someone already stated show should we move them. Most Muslims want to just live their lives in peace, and worship peacefully stop being a bigot.
Guys if you reread the thread no one said they dont have the right to put it there and no one said they want to take away that right, but they should have turds flying at them from every which way to the point that they realize the cost for trying to spit in our faces.

All im saying is there should be a million people marching blocking traffic in manhatten police firefighters leading the way

If obama had said america is free and they have every right to put it there at ground zero, but we as a nation stand firmly against this outward insult, and clear provication. It would have atleast felt like he was one of us

Put a gay bar right next to it and an abortion clinic a homles shelter and a small set of gehtto ass projects

Theres a million legal things we can do to to shit on thier legel little shit party they are trying to play, i just cant believe there is not more outrage cuz i garanfuckin t theres lots of men and women out there that are burning, stewing, if you think normal people are pissed you can bet there is a thousand willing to kill over it

Thats another simple fact our freinds at the ground zero mosque might want to consider

As we cant controll everyone.

Ps im an american and proud of it
Poll just out showing bush 6 point ahead in populaity in demacrate held seat areas onthe front line of the november elections

The ship is definatly sinking

Hows that hopey changey shit workin out for you guuys?
Poll just out showing bush 6 point ahead in populaity in demacrate held seat areas onthe front line of the november elections

The ship is definatly sinking

Hows that hopey changey shit workin out for you guuys?

You are so far from the rest of the pack I think I might get an infraction if I said something offensive to you.

Pretty sure rollitup doesn't take kindly to retard bashing...
Lol i think u only get in trouble if somone complains, i wont tho

Actually i take that as a compliment since the herd has a herd mentality like sheep
Lol i think u only get in trouble if somone complains, i wont tho

Actually i take that as a compliment since the herd has a herd mentality like sheep

You know how people are still racist n shit, or how some people are still sexist... how you go "dude, it's 2010, wtf?! SRSLY?!"

That is my reaction to this political shit. Left/Right = bullshit illusion. Anyone who still believes anything else isn't seeing the whole picture. The bigger game that's played.
I definatly agree people are stupid probably including u and me, but if thats a fact then we gotta fight, Or all the other stupid people are gonna kill us first :D
Who cares honestly.. Its not like all muslims are extremists, its honestly ignorant to think that. Christians have done much worse, IE Dropping not one, but two atomic bombs on Japan...

Btw your government is really more of an enemy then muslims are.. Whether people want to buy into conspiracy or not, most people can agree that our government does ALOT of shady shit..

we saved millions of american and japanise lives by dropping the A bomb......ur trippen Deathtoll would have been worse if we invaded.........As far as muslims its their right...I dont agree with it though
we saved millions of american and japanise lives by dropping the A bomb......ur trippen Deathtoll would have been worse if we invaded.........As far as muslims its their right...I dont agree with it though


Yeah im sure this guy deserved to have his fucking face melted..
There is never ever an excuse big enough to justify the use of Nuclear weapons!

Why is an American life so much more valued? Why dont we get past this patriotic entitlement that we are better then everyone because we are Americans.

Republicans, Democrats, its all a big pile of shit.. Just a huge pile of shit put in the room to distract you from the fact that our government is taking our rights away one by one..
Btw Big P the fact that you said the atom bombs saved a million American lives my be true, but it also label's us as big fat pussy's in a way..

Say for instance 2 groups of kids at school decide they are going to fight after school at the flag pole, its supposed to be 10 on 10 no weapons. Both groups meet at the flag pole after school except one group of kids bring fully automatic ak47's and blast down the other 10 kids.. You would agree that those 10 kids with ak's were big pussy's wouldnt you?

Say a crip shoots at a blood and in a drive by shooting, the bullet misses the blood and hits his 4 year old next door neighbor, the kid dies. The crip goes home and figures hey this is war and collateral damage is what it is.. Would you feel that crip is justified in believing that his action was okay because "this is war"? I hope not.. But by your posts you act as like collateral damage is okay as long as its big bad America military causing all the damage..

Instead of fighting their military hand to hand we just devastated 2 of their city's with two atomic bombs.. If they would have hit us with 2 atom bomb's first i guarantee you would have a completely different outlook on atomic weapons..
Your comparing defending ones home where his kids and family reside and that were outwardly attacked by the japs to a crip doin a sensless driveby?

That guy can blame the crazy leadership of his counrry the japs for getting his face melted

Im sure you guys would think a bit different if an enemy came at you with fire bombs burned your house down killing your family and declaring war on the family u have left,

would you hit back at them with fire bombs risking more of your peoples lives if you had a pistol and u could just shoot them instead of having your last brother die in the attack using fire bombs

I see a lot of high horses but if the shit really hit your personal fan you would be screaming bloody murder

And if you didnt you deserve to get killed and overran for letting you family down and being a grossly neglegent defender of your innocent loved ones

A lot of you guys are living in lala land like you think war is enjoyed by humans and thats why it has been occurring all over the globe since before we built that first fire

Its called survival

sur·viv·al *(sr-vvl)
a. The act or process of surviving.
b. The fact of having survived.

survival - a state of surviving; remaining alive