It's a muslim tradition to build a mosque at the site of a great victory.

Well to that crip its def not a sensless drive by, its war so where do you draw the line?

No he can blame our crazy leadership for having his face melted..

Im sure you guys would think a bit different if an enemy came at you with fire bombs burned your house down killing your family and declaring war on the family u have left.

Yeah because we arnt in Iraq and Afghanistan fire bombing their homes. Again its okay though because we are Americans right?

You dont understand big p. People within our government make big bucks off war. Our own fucking government is the enemy.. Not fucking Muslims!
I would stab three babies to save 100. Well actully i dont think i personally could do it. But it would be the right thing to do if your goal is to save lives right?

Like you could save a few bucks right now and save a few dieing kids so could i

But we both havnt have we, isnt that pretty much giving them a death sentence?

Rather buy your gurl a birthday present than save a starving kid?

The world is a fucked up place starting with me and u, we allow kids to die rather than pay to feed them so we can play a few more video games

We should never blind ourselves to what we truly are me and u selfish hypocrates if the above is a fact
the title of this thread cracks me up, but i do think they should be able to build it there. its not like they are building a terrorist statue, its a fuckin church.
So we should have let the japs take over the usa?

No way in hell the japs would have ever taken over the usa.. Think about it, Germany had already lost so it was essentially the world against japan at that point...

All im saying is i can never ever find any reason to justify the use of nuclear weapons.

I dont support war... Period!
I would stab three babies to save 100. Well actully i dont think i personally could do it. But it would be the right thing to do if your goal is to save lives right?

Like you could save a few bucks right now and save a few dieing kids so could i

But we both havnt have we, isnt that pretty much giving them a death sentence?

Rather buy your gurl a birthday present than save a starving kid?

The world is a fucked up place starting with me and u, we allow kids to die rather than pay to feed them so we can play a few more video games

We should never blind ourselves to what we truly are me and u selfish hypocrates if the above is a fact

You know you are absolutely right Big P, i am selfish, other then monks i really think your going to be hard pressed to find somebody who isnt even alittle selfish..

Selfishness, Judgment, and jealousy are the 3 biggest things that im trying to work on for my own personal growth.. Im hardly jealous, judgmental, or selfish in reality but i do feel it anymore.

Trust me im one of the biggest advocates for the "look in the mirror, not out the window" way of life.
I would stab three babies to save 100. Well actully i dont think i personally could do it. But it would be the right thing to do if your goal is to save lives right?

Like you could save a few bucks right now and save a few dieing kids so could i

But we both havnt have we, isnt that pretty much giving them a death sentence?

Rather buy your gurl a birthday present than save a starving kid?

The world is a fucked up place starting with me and u, we allow kids to die rather than pay to feed them so we can play a few more video games

We should never blind ourselves to what we truly are me and u selfish hypocrates if the above is a fact
Why don't we just grind up muslim babies to feed starving children? two problems solved at the same time. Also what should be the cut off age for people in the program? I say if you're 9 years old and can't provide for your self you probably deserve to starve any way .
In the entire history of the United States the newest group of people to migrant here have always been the scapegoat for our problems. That's all.
Why don't we just grind up muslim babies to feed starving children? two problems solved at the same time. Also what should be the cut off age for people in the program? I say if you're 9 years old and can't provide for your self you probably deserve to starve any way .


On the racism point i truley feel racism is equal from all races now,

Im. An arab livin in a white mans world soon to be a hispanic mans world

Talk about being a minority i think im it here in america compared to blacks and hispanics and whites

Black talk shit about whites all the time, whites talk shit about blacks and hispanics all the time

Arabs talk shit about jews all the time

Every race has its racists these days, I would say we are all pretty much equal in our hate and sterio types

I mean look at the poor polish they been clowned for decades and no one cares

I hate people with white guilt they are fools and most of the time they came from like romania eastern europe long after slavery days and had not shit to do with shit

All those people are dead, atleast when palistinians hate on jews they got a pretty good fucking reason like whennative americans hate on americans

Think about it black bitchin about slavery that long time ago who are living on native. Lands raped and stolen fromnative americans, talk about hypocracy

Like me im a palistinian but i try not to bitch about the jews shittin on my people cuz i have a hand in helping shit in native americans

Welcome to earth bitches! :D

Gangs will fight, gangs also form tribes, and tribes will fight each othere and tribes form nations and nations fight and nations form races and races fight

Its simply about fighting for your genetics to survive and we are'nt gonna change or evolve fromm that for another million years
damn if that's truly their tradition to build it on a site of victory, thats pretty fucked up.

I don't think we have the right to stop them, but the guy made a good point saying they'd flipout if we built a church next to the killing fields . . . .

idk, it's about respect here. the obviously don't have any respect for what happened, and the law doesn't embrace respect.

so I'm not sure, its probably gonna end up being built, then drove out of the city by angry new-yorkers . . .
There is never ever an excuse big enough to justify the use of Nuclear weapons!

Why is an American life so much more valued? Why dont we get past this patriotic entitlement that we are better then everyone because we are Americans.

Republicans, Democrats, its all a big pile of shit.. Just a huge pile of shit put in the room to distract you from the fact that our government is taking our rights away one by one..

Read this ...........we saved lifes japs were crazy they would not give up

To force Japan to surrender without further fighting. Japan surrendered very quickly thus saving the lives of over 100,000 American soldiers and perhaps as many as 1,000,000 Japanese who would have died if we had invaded Japan.

Im from germany not america
Trust me man ive read it all before, im a huge history buff and look at this kind of stuff for hours upon hours.

Overall i dont support war period man.. Not just American war, but just war in general.

My problem is if people can justify the use of atomic weapons back then why wouldnt they justify the use of them now?

Nuclear war= dead fucking planet.

I dont believe that collateral damage should ever be something that is viewed and accepted by the vast majority.. To say one's life is more important then someone else's because we are American is ridiculous, now DocDoom i know you didnt say that but alot of Americans truly do believe we are better then everyone else plain and simple.

Man wants to dominate its fellow man, its been like that forever, it will continue to be like that until we start educating people from a young age that possessions dont make you the person you are. Some people just side with the fact that its our nature and it will never change.. Well obviously it will never change if people dont accept the fact that its fucked up and want to change, life doesnt have to be this way, people dont have to kill eachother, people dont have to spend there whole life trying one up every joe shmoe that comes along, but we do.

As a society we thrive on other's misfortunes, rather then lending a helping hand to someone who's fallen we'd rather kick them while they are down, take their money and spit in their face.

Money=power, power=greed, greed=greed..

I know ill probably get some shit for saying this, some shit ripping on hippies and whatever but thats fine.. But as John Lennon said, "why cant we give peace a chance"..
Holy shit i just found out that the muslims who wanna build the mosque onground zero call the project the cordoba project

For those who dont know cordoba spain was one of the most important christian cities back in the day until the muslims attacked spain and turned it muslim for a time and destroyed one of the most important catholic churches at that timen in cordoba spain and built over it the 3rd largest mosque in the world!!!!'

This not even veiled!!!!!!!!!!! What are we complete idiots? The whole muslim world knows what this is about fools!!!!!!!

If you remember after september 11 there was a picture cisrculating on extreamist muslim website showing a huge muslim dome over the area when the world trade towers had been, the world trade center is seen as the church of capitolism the true church of the west, and they are tryingg to shit onit

Imagine if you told sombody inthe world trade right before it got hit that in 2 min they would be viciously killed by muslim extreamists and that 10 years after thier death on that spot would be erected a huge mosque,

They would never have even believed it!!!!

We have betrayed our fallen brothers.........and they are turning in thier graves!!!!'.

If i had any loved ones who died in there i personally would be activly searching for my violent revenge!!!

Let them build that shit we'll see what heppens to them!!!!

Our government wont defend us so we shall have to defend ourselves

Its amazing all of a suddon obama gives a shit about the constitution???? After shitting all over it for the past 2 years!!!!!!!!!!!

I know pot heads have a short memory but there are somthings you should never forget i think mr obama should watch this every morning for the rest of his presidency

GOD DAMN THAT SHIT PISSED ME OFF ALL OVER AGAIN...the poor people jumping out...god damn pussy ass morons that think muslims are people...they are animals, monkeys living in the year 600 bc. fuck them. islam is a disease.
Me too man, It makes by blood boil, and who were the only 2 people in the world that stood up for us


And who will stand up for us now!!!!!
I garantee you they wont miss the opportuniy to hit us again in america somhow before obama leaves office

And this mosque will be checked off as another victory for the muslims for the next hundred years as they have been doing for the past thousand years, in 100 years new york city will be viewed as a cordoba spain place where the muslims concoured the infidels and erected this mosque in the infidels greatest city on the site for thier greatest defeat ever done

At it was all done by muslims, the religious leader whos trying to do this know, for him, it will be his legacy and he will be remembered for it for the next thousand years for it as they still remeber all the others since islam became a faith

Not a bad deal for a mear mortal