Fatman, have you ever been tested for Asperger's Syndrome?
You have made it abundantly clear that you have zero understanding of microbiology - I don't know what else to tell you.
You are trying to pretend otherwise by cutting and pasting jargon you are finding on Google. There are numerous tell tale signs of this in your posts. For instance, you thought it would be impressive to post about the bacteriological processes of the nitrogen cycle despite the fact that this has no relevance to the conversation - information clearly copied from the internet. Furthermore, you were clearly unaware of the difference between bacteria and fungi before I pointed out your mistake - congratulations for being able to use Google to find your mistake. You also have no clue what so ever about the rate at which microbes multiply. It seems from your comments you do not even understand the mathematics of exponential phenomenon. "Who cares about doubling" is what you said. We all care about doubling because many species of microbes double on the hour or in a matter of hours and their populations begin to go hyperbolic very quickly. And, one of the most critical factors in whether or not this happens is temperature. This is really a "given," and anyone who took even one class in general microbiology would know this and clearly you don't.
I know you want to pretend like you have extensive knowledge in this area but clearly you have none what so ever. Quite Frankly, I find your conduct to be quite odd which is why I asked if you have been tested for Asperger's. People who are well adjusted socially just don't go into forums pretending to have technical knowledge that they don't posses and then begin casting vicious insults at those who do when they are discovered.