Killing Root Rot

Sorry to disappoint once again but I have 2 degrees---Phd in horticulture and working on my bacheliers in business management. This year will be my 26th year of growing and I set-up/teach medical MJ pats. I also teach and do lectures within the MJ community. Thank you for complementing me on my youthfulness but that doesn't change the fact that your a very immature bore with no real-world growing experience. The only thing worse than listening to more of your cut and paste text-book ramblings would have to be smoking your tasteless garbage you call bud. Good day sir!!!
Fatman, have you ever been tested for Asperger's Syndrome?

You have made it abundantly clear that you have zero understanding of microbiology - I don't know what else to tell you.

You are trying to pretend otherwise by cutting and pasting jargon you are finding on Google. There are numerous tell tale signs of this in your posts. For instance, you thought it would be impressive to post about the bacteriological processes of the nitrogen cycle despite the fact that this has no relevance to the conversation - information clearly copied from the internet. Furthermore, you were clearly unaware of the difference between bacteria and fungi before I pointed out your mistake - congratulations for being able to use Google to find your mistake. You also have no clue what so ever about the rate at which microbes multiply. It seems from your comments you do not even understand the mathematics of exponential phenomenon. "Who cares about doubling" is what you said. We all care about doubling because many species of microbes double on the hour or in a matter of hours and their populations begin to go hyperbolic very quickly. And, one of the most critical factors in whether or not this happens is temperature. This is really a "given," and anyone who took even one class in general microbiology would know this and clearly you don't.

I know you want to pretend like you have extensive knowledge in this area but clearly you have none what so ever. Quite Frankly, I find your conduct to be quite odd which is why I asked if you have been tested for Asperger's. People who are well adjusted socially just don't go into forums pretending to have technical knowledge that they don't posses and then begin casting vicious insults at those who do when they are discovered.
just got a bio filter from ghe using biomagic with it its supposed to keep the root system and ur tank super safe for roots to live in.

here is a link on a diy bio filter.

hope this stuff works just like its advertised. seems like it its essential to organic hydro feeding.

Marine aquariums are my other hobby and bio-filters are great. Under gravel filters are in fact bio-filters. Although, I have not yet researched the ingredients of the popular root products to determine what they do exactly. If there do contain microbes that pray on Pythium then such a method should work great.

The only thing is, I can't imagine why one wouldn't just put bio-balls in their reservoir and aerate it.

Soon I will research the microbiology of these products.
the biofilter and bio magic cost me 70 bucks so i think its worth the money not to protect against high res temps and root root
Sorry to disappoint once again but I have 2 degrees---Phd in horticulture and working on my bacheliers in business management. This year will be my 26th year of growing and I set-up/teach medical MJ pats. I also teach and do lectures within the MJ community. Thank you for complementing me on my youthfulness but that doesn't change the fact that your a very immature bore with no real-world growing experience. The only thing worse than listening to more of your cut and paste text-book ramblings would have to be smoking your tasteless garbage you call bud. Good day sir!!!

First you claimed that you majored in micro biology in college and now you claim to have a Phd in horticulture. Which ludicrous fabrication would you prefer I or anyone else believe.

I doubt you have even managed to obtain an online certificate in horticulture. There have been several others on this forum who have obtained such $75 certificates so it is possible you might have also. I have been growing pot since 1974. As for your claim to fame of being involved in teaching medical marijuans growers I see very little evidence of you posseeeing the skills to grow much other than sick DWC grwos etc so I f doubt that calim is valid. Lecture circuits on pot growing. Gee now you rae admitting to or claiming to committing drug conspiracy by publicly teaching others to manafacture a narcotic. Either you are just full of it or your self depricating on top of everything else. Even if true, which I highly doubt given the crap you write in this forum and the lies about your education, it is sure not much of an impressive accomplishment for an alledged Phd in Horticultural Sciences. Thats right you did not say a science degrees. Another obvious show of a lack of credibility in your educational claims. I could possibly believe you might be attempting a degree of some sort in accounting if you could demonsrate an ability to perform math beyong elementary math.

Have a Fine Day Dude.
Fatman, have you ever been tested for Asperger's Syndrome?

You have made it abundantly clear that you have zero understanding of microbiology - I don't know what else to tell you.

You are trying to pretend otherwise by cutting and pasting jargon you are finding on Google. There are numerous tell tale signs of this in your posts. For instance, you thought it would be impressive to post about the bacteriological processes of the nitrogen cycle despite the fact that this has no relevance to the conversation - information clearly copied from the internet. Furthermore, you were clearly unaware of the difference between bacteria and fungi before I pointed out your mistake - congratulations for being able to use Google to find your mistake. You also have no clue what so ever about the rate at which microbes multiply. It seems from your comments you do not even understand the mathematics of exponential phenomenon. "Who cares about doubling" is what you said. We all care about doubling because many species of microbes double on the hour or in a matter of hours and their populations begin to go hyperbolic very quickly. And, one of the most critical factors in whether or not this happens is temperature. This is really a "given," and anyone who took even one class in general microbiology would know this and clearly you don't.

I know you want to pretend like you have extensive knowledge in this area but clearly you have none what so ever. Quite Frankly, I find your conduct to be quite odd which is why I asked if you have been tested for Asperger's. People who are well adjusted socially just don't go into forums pretending to have technical knowledge that they don't posses and then begin casting vicious insults at those who do when they are discovered.

Rick your insane thoughts, opinions and beliefs are just not worthy of comment.
First it was I majored in micro biology and now it is I have a Phd in horticulture. Which lie would you prefer I believe.

I doubt you even have an online obtained certifiacte in horticulture. I have been growing pot since 1974. As for your calim to fame of n being involved in teaching and lecture circuits on pot growing. Even if true, which I highly doubt given the crap you write in yjhis forum and the lies about your education, it is sure not much of an impressive accomplishment for an alledged Phd in Horticultural Sciences. Thats right you did not say a science degrees. Another obvious show of a lack of credibility in your educational claims. I could possibly believe you might be attemting a degree of some sort in accounting if you could demonsrate an ability to perform math beyong elementary math.

Have a Fine Day Dude.

Rick You simply are seldom ever worthy of a reply.

Read the whole thread again and maybe your little brain will register that Rick was the one that posted about a degree in Micro Biology. I received my Ph'd in Horticulture from Nebraska in 96'----born and raised in corn country in a little town called Shelby--- Moved to Arcadia in Humboldt in 2001 and have been growing Medicine for over 26 years. Your a tard and wouldn't last 5 mins as a grower for anyone with your sterilized scudd you call weed. Chlorine Man is your new name and you should look into cleaning pools---You would make more money and save all your students from your "I'm going to commit suicide if I have to hear anymore fecal matter that spews out of this guys mouth:sleep:" lectures and teachings(If you even have a job at all). If you have a wife--she's cheating on you----If you have kids---they hate you---if you have animals---they wish they were never born. The only potential you had ran down your fathers leg...
Leave the growing to the educated and experienced and take up something simple you might be able to wrap your head around like breathing:dunce:...

Good day to you sir...:bigjoint:

Anyone ever tasted a tomato or anything that was hydroponically grown???--they look nice/plump/and colorful but are tasteless(IMO). Tomatoes grown organically are so naturally sweet and beautiful and tasty...
You, Rick, nim wit or dim wit. Pretty much the same. Are you two a couple?

I thought they quit giving you back yard Nebraska corn growers honorary degrees. Your simple tomato opinion clearly shows that you definitely do not possess a horticultural sciences degree. Now I even question your sanity. Even an organic tomato can look plumb and colorful but be taseteless. few are ever nice looking as the insects usually scar them pretty well a long with the Pyth and the many molds and mildews etc. Even chemically grown tomatoes can be beautiful, sweet and tasty.
Chlorine man---

The more you post---the more you show how really uneducated/ and boring you really are. You know absolutely zero about growing and never will. Now... much like your students(If you even have any...I doubt your anything more than a self-loathing drunk with no friends) I'm bored with the liquid rot spewing out of your pie hole...

Good day to you Chlorine man
Chlorine man---

The more you post---the more you show how really uneducated/ and boring you really are. You know absolutely zero about growing and never will. Now... much like your students(If you even have any...I doubt your anything more than a self-loathing drunk with no friends) I'm bored with the liquid rot spewing out of your pie hole...

Good day to you Chlorine man

You silly pathetic little pretend farmer, you make me laugh.
Calling Fatman7574....

Dude, please give some feed back on my situation. I have tried to read most of your better posts and i think you can help me.

I discovered root rot too late in the game and now have a problem.

This is a 5 gallon bucket system I made. Constant drip 24/7 recirculating system. 4 Buckets on 1" drains back to a res.

10" net pots sitting inside buckets.

Water chillers, bubblers and medical clean. this may have been a stupid medium to use. I have now switched to clay.

My question... if I had a budding plant in the early stages ( 2 weeks 36" )and it was sick and I cut off the root ball and removed most of the rock-wool and transplanted into hydroton and it some how survived and i used the Clorox methods to eliminate the problem....IS THE PLANT STILL INFECTED?

If this is a pathogen that is always present then why do people say don't pass it on in clones and things like that?

Do you feel me?
I too have root rot on my moms. Theys r in DWC buckets. If I take em out and put them in hempy buckets with perlite, would that kill it? I heard that puttin them in soil will kill it but I have lotsa perlite and no soil and I don't feel like buyin anymore if I don't have too. I jus don't wanna fight this problem all the time and feel keeping my moms out of DWC will be the best for them and me. Oh, if I switch my set up to areo would I find less probs with root rot then DWC? Thnx guys
Enough of the chest beating and name calling! I mean, I'm reading this and could care less. It boils down to this - a healthy, vigorous growing plant is not gonna be prone to damping-off, rots and such, having said that......

I discovered root rot too late in the game and now have a problem.

And my gut feeling is your problem is gonna remain, if indeed it is pythium. I'd get rid of the infected plant material, sterilize all of your equipment and write it off as a bad experience.

My experience with such rots is they're too quick to spread for the typical grower to react soon enough. When that "aw shit" hits, it's over jack. One solution is to try a systemic fungicide like 3336WP, which I don't know if you can get your hands on. I buy it commercially.

You can find the active ingredient (Thiophanate methyl (dimethyl 4,4’-o-phenylenebis[3- thioallophanate]) packaged for the typical consumer under certain products. It's a super BROAD spectrum fungicide, kicks ass of about anything that can give you problems. It can be used as a soil drench, spray, or dip. It's labeled for turf and ornamentals under some labels, grapes and other consumables on others. The labeling laws are confusing and weird.

And yes, like others have said, prevention is the best cure.

Good luck,