Dude, You are quite wrong about what I do or don't know. I am writing or trying to write to a general audience not a "micro" biology mayor. (dI you finish a bachelors degree even in biology - I thought not- yet alone a Masters or Doctorates degree in Microbiology) chemsistry or even another environmental engineer. If I write at these levels I am simply told by the general forum viewer that they do not want to hear the scientific mumble jumble.
If you wish to kick the level up I have no problem with that. However I think you are all mouth and no education so the effort on my part would simply be wasted.
As for bacteria: they can be classified according to carbon and energy source: autotrophs, chemotrophs, heterotrophs, or phototrophs or classified by ability to use oxysgen: aerobic autortophs, aerobic heterotrophs, anerobic heterotrophs, and faculative heterotrophs.
As far as temperatures there are three general classifications: Psychropophilic, Mesophilic, and Thermophilic. Yes temperatures do make a difference, but only if other conditions are also met that support an increased ratio of multiplication. Given no other costaraints such as limited DO or limited food most micro organisms growth rates double for each 10C rise in tempearture. You as well as I know doublying the growth rate of bactieris is not saying much. Growth rate that is exponential is standard when the growth is not limited in any way so doubled really means very liitle. Enzymes really do not have anything to do with the matter at all but it keeps being brough up by others. Enzymes effect plants ability to uptake nutrients thare are no real effects on pythium or bacteria numbers. I tried to point that out several times, only to have it repeatedly brought back up.
I can give a general description of Fungi/yeast or protozoa if you wish. But as you calim to have "majored in Microbiology" (what ever that means) I will leave it alone as you seem to be saying either you you know it all, or at least know more than me.
There is nothing complex to this subject other than some people such as you put to much emphasis on temperatures.
Yes there are other countries that sell microrganisms for use in agriculture that they report directly attack Pythium. They have not been approved for sell in the USA.
Next time so as to make you feel more comfortable I will use the general term microorganisms instaed of the term bacteria. I really doubt though out of all the virwers, yet alone posters, you will find more than at most a handful who understand many difeerent biology terms. I doubt that many know the difference between a prokaryotic and a eukaryotic.
I am quite aware of what I am writing about. They did not give me my degrees for staying stoned or drunk or dropping out of school. I am not paid as a full tenured professor in Environmental Engineering because I know nothing. I just often have a hard time writing things in an understandable manner to those without science backgrounds. I could however h just be like you n and contribute nothing but opinion and baseless argument.
Ninety percent of what you have contributed to this thread just seems to indicate you are not sure whether you are a hydro person or a soil person or a supporter of DO demanding systems. You just seem to want to straddle the fence and contribute nothing but opinions and lame references to your alledged experiences. As far as cutting and pasting; I would rather be known for posting a sentence fragment from a known reputable schlolar/resarcher than presenting nothing emperical in nature or at least something that is accepted by the scientific community as is done by you. Besides child, look back and you will see I have referenced that article several times in this forum so that people like you who think they know something have a reference to refer to where anonymity does not come into play. I do mnpt post to grwowing forums from my own published papers, nor do I post photos of anything associatted with growing.
I have no respect for any hydroponic grower who add organics to their reservoirs whether they claim to have a biology back ground or not. So go back to your plebotamy job or lab tech jod doing UA's if you even have that high of level of science related job VonDank.
I am tired of your lame and insane unfounded idea that bactilis subtilis is a miracle product and that temperaures are so important as they are not in a chemical resrvoir and not even all that imporstant in a organically contaminated chemical nutrient reservoir.
I am done with this thread and your ludicrous opinions and arguments of half truths.
have a good day.