Lawsuit to Remove Medical Marijuana from Arkansas Ballot Filed by Conservative Group


Well-Known Member
I figured that the staunchly extreme right-wing within Arkansas would get dirty and put up a fight against MMJ passing there.Looks like their wasting no time.My thoughts are, being as Arkansas residents had more than enough signatures to get MMJ on the ballot, can the Coalition to Preserve Arkansas Values get MMJ taken off the ballot after it has been successfully put on the ballot ?


Well-Known Member
I have commented on this subject before either facebook or whatever. Arkansas fucking blows, this bible belt has GOT TO END along with the fucking low lifes who have no passion for the sick and dying people here. They care about their money and the want to fuck over every single person besides themselves. Far as I am concerned they can fuck off and die, rot in a sewage drain or whatever. Arkansas is home to some of the biggest, sickest pieces of shit to the human race.



Active Member
Look what the AG. been doing in Michigan and then ask yourself if it can happen in Arkansas?
AG's been running our goverment like a frat house on spring break.


Well-Known Member
I absolutely agree. Arkansas sucks. Most of the people there are so backward and narrow minded. That's why I left 15 years ago. My only regret...that I didn't leave sooner! Florida sucks just as bad as far as the laws go, but the people here, at least on my little island are accepting of everyone, and don't have their heads nearly as far up their ass! The religious right needs to spend their time worrying about their own business instead of everyone else's. They talk about the value of personal freedom and small government, but only for themselves and their own agendas....which include controlling everyone else's lives!


Well-Known Member
I will be out of arkansas soon. My intentions are moving to colorado, so I can pursue a life as a hunting guide and work with computers like I am doing now.