Layoffs coming...

You would think so, but it turns out their singular duty is to get RE-elected. You're a smart guy, you know this.

Again ... goal or objective. That's what they want. But duty is about what they should do, which is serve/represent. It's a semantic quibble perhaps, but it illustrates a <cough!> diversity of expectation.

But those trillions did little to treat the cause of poverty. It could have been spent much more wisely IMO.

Like ... maybe ... paying down the debt? ~ducking~ cn
I think your pull string buddy (Kelly4) put it best...

  • Bill gates could spend every last penny of his towards world poverty and it wouldn't begin to make a dent.​

Why are you still arguing? You already conceded the victory, any argument you have now is just whining. We already proved that welfare doesn't work and you agreed.
So when a tool breaks, or machine goes out, are the employees going to pony up their share to pay for it?
Back up your pull string Althor... read the post explaining the situation... why my employee is making more than myself on this specific job and the fact that I said that this is not something that I am saying business owners should be doing to be a good business.

here it is:

  • No, we are both making good money. With the job we are working on now (that I need to leave for soon) he is actually making a little more than I am. Well, more like a lot more.... But I really wanted to get this job, so I put in a more than competitive bid... it is a job that he is not experienced in and this is a great chance to get him up to pace with it.

    We can make really good money in the spring with this specific job, assuming I can rely on him and he is trained. That's what I am taking care of now.

    You have to understand though. It's just part of my perfectionism and personality. I am definitely wanting to make some money. But I get a boner for a job well done and lose sleep after a disappointment. I don't think that business owners need to go out and make less money than their employees to be a good business. I just wanted this job and have learned that investing in my employees is the smartest thing I can do.​

No, we are both making good money. With the job we are working on now (that I need to leave for soon) he is actually making a little more than I am. Well, more like a lot more.... But I really wanted to get this job, so I put in a more than competitive bid... it is a job that he is not experienced in and this is a great chance to get him up to pace with it.

We can make really good money in the spring with this specific job, assuming I can rely on him and he is trained. That's what I am taking care of now.

You have to understand though. It's just part of my perfectionism and personality. I am definitely wanting to make some money. But I get a boner for a job well done and lose sleep after a disappointment. I don't think that business owners need to go out and make less money than their employees to be a good business. I just wanted this job and have learned that investing in my employees is the smartest thing I can do.

Sometimes. But if he should decide to go to "greener" pastures, you may regret that investment.
Sometimes. But if he should decide to go to "greener" pastures, you may regret that investment.
Well, his true ambitions are elsewhere. I hope that one day he is to busy with gigs to be working with me. Which is very likely, very talented young guy. We're talking about doing another little business as well. It will be his business, I've just gained a little experience in book keeping and such and can always use a part time job I can perform while sitting on the couch, resting to get back out and perform physical labor.
As far as working inn my field,,, I'm paying him a very competitive wage. I would not hold it against him if he moved on to someone who would pay him better. How could you?

If we can do what I am thinking in spring 2013. The investment was well worth it. Even if he cuts out in the fall.
And if you are about to give me shit about having him work as a contract laborer rather than a part time employee.... i know. but we are not working hourly,he IS a contract laborer. However, I do want to do him better, and that begins January 1st. He will be an hourly employee and I can start paying in my share of his taxes. Part of that has also been a learning curve. I've just been figuring this out as I go. I'm not trained in business.

So you're NOT paying SS and Medicare, unemployment insurance or workman's comp? It sounds like you're doing much less than "greedy corporations" do to protect their employees. You're also risking being charged with several criminal offenses. Should I also assume you're not covered by liability insurance? These are things you must do, not just by law, but by your own standards. You demand these things of others, but won't do them yourself?
How quickly we forget when we get caught being dishonest.
I'm not sure what context that was in or what you are getting at.. If it is important to you, you can explain what you are getting at, but I gotta start getting some things together for work. I;ll check back later.

Lube up those pullstrings, boys. You've been working them hard. Later.
So you're NOT paying SS and Medicare, unemployment insurance or workman's comp? It sounds like you're doing much less than "greedy corporations" do to protect their employees. You're also risking being charged with several criminal offenses. Should I also assume you're not covered by liability insurance? These are things you must do, not just by law, but by your own standards. You demand these things of others, but won't do them yourself?
If he did that he wouldn't be making any money and would have to layoff his employee.
But then you need to factor in that one 1967 dollar was worth about $7. today. That is what makes the graph misleading imo. Adding the inflation adjustment flattens most of that trend, if admittedly not all. cn

I did ask if the graph was adjusted for inflation. You don't know that it wasn't. A similar graph was posted that WAS adjusted for inflation was posted, and it looked much the same.
So you're NOT paying SS and Medicare, unemployment insurance or workman's comp? It sounds like you're doing much less than "greedy corporations" do to protect their employees. You're also risking being charged with several criminal offenses. Should I also assume you're not covered by liability insurance? These are things you must do, not just by law, but by your own standards. You demand these things of others, but won't do them yourself?
No, you do not have to pay SS, med, unemployment to contract laborers. Assuming that they are contract employees and you are not just classifying them as such to save money, then it is not against the law.

We are changing that Jan 1st. Even though, technically and legally I do not have to.
No, No, No. I explained the situation. I explained why it is currently like that and that I do not believe that is something people need to do. For my situation, right now, it is beneficial to me both for my mind and pocket book (future).

...Back up your pull string...

Sorry, you can't push the string back in.
We are talking about a small business started up on less than 3k... just so you know what kind of thing that we are talking about here. Using a personal vehicle for the business, obviously. Alright, really leaving, later.
I did ask if the graph was adjusted for inflation. You don't know that it wasn't. A similar graph was posted that WAS adjusted for inflation was posted, and it looked much the same.

Here is the page from which that graph came, from a website I'd classify as "interested". (On a neighboring page, the sitemaker extols the Ryan Plan.) If the graph had been adjusted for inflation, I would have expected them to crow about it, because it makes the perceived problem so much worse. I'll bet a beer at the tavern of your choice that these are raw dollar numbers for effect. cn
But then you need to factor in that one 1967 dollar was worth about $7. today. That is what makes the graph misleading imo. Adding the inflation adjustment flattens most of that trend, if admittedly not all. cn

To me the most important fact the poverty graph shows is how it was decreasing at a pretty steady pace until we began the "war" on poverty. Government involvement did not increase the poverty rate as I've heard some claim but it definitely stalled the progress the country was making without their help.

SSI is also being used for welfare too and those costs are not included.