Layoffs coming...

If he did that he wouldn't be making any money and would have to layoff his employee.

People just don't realize that having an employee around can easily cost double or triple what that employee's wages are because of all the bullshit that goes along with it. But all they see is their paychecks and for some reason feel like they are owed more.

But we employers are so evil for paying ourselves more, damn us all to hell for not giving it away.

I may gross much more now with 7 employees, but my net return is about the same as it would be if I was running solo. Granted, Im at home on the farm with the wife more than I am in town at the shop so I am making money on their backs, but hey it was me who stuck their neck out years ago so I don't feel bad in the least bit. My employees buy shit they don't need, borrow money from banks, and are waiting like hungry puppies come payday so they have no right to say a word about it all because they aren't doing anything to better their situation, just waiting to get paid more without taking any initiative. I made less than they do when I startd the business. we were so broke I was sleeping at the shop because we couldn't afford gas for me to come home every night, and I didn't dare want to close the doors because I needed every potential dollar that was coming into that place.

Only time any of my guys are ever at the shop after hours is when they are working on their own shit, using my equipment and my lights, or doing side work that I'm unaware of. Even the best employees will steal from you in one way or another, whether they are in the supply room directly taking product, or if they are on the clock just standing there not producing, both are stealing.

End rant.
Well, his true ambitions are elsewhere. I hope that one day he is to busy with gigs to be working with me. Which is very likely, very talented young guy. We're talking about doing another little business as well. It will be his business, I've just gained a little experience in book keeping and such and can always use a part time job I can perform while sitting on the couch, resting to get back out and perform physical labor.
As far as working inn my field,,, I'm paying him a very competitive wage. I would not hold it against him if he moved on to someone who would pay him better. How could you?

If we can do what I am thinking in spring 2013. The investment was well worth it. Even if he cuts out in the fall.

Oh. I wouldn't hold it against him. But I wouldn't like it either. I might be reluctant to hire him again, tho. If he cuts out in the middle of the job this spring, you'll lose your investment entirely. If he is a musician, you can be pretty sure a decent gig will lure him away. Maybe you could break his fingers or something?
No, you do not have to pay SS, med, unemployment to contract laborers. Assuming that they are contract employees and you are not just classifying them as such to save money, then it is not against the law.

We are changing that Jan 1st. Even though, technically and legally I do not have to.

You do have to pay workman's comp. tho. There's a limit to how long you can pay with a 1099, tho I couldn't tell you what it is. I hope you have checked to see. Still, you expect others to pay for these things. Don't you think you are morally obligated to live up to the standards you set for others?
We are talking about a small business started up on less than 3k... just so you know what kind of thing that we are talking about here. Using a personal vehicle for the business, obviously. Alright, really leaving, later.

Why are you working on a Sunday? Never mind, starting a business can mean 120 hour weeks.
There is no way 6 million people are going to be hired over the next year. Take yourself to rainbow land.


I am going to have to pirate and watch this movie now. lol.
Here is the page from which that graph came, from a website I'd classify as "interested". (On a neighboring page, the sitemaker extols the Ryan Plan.) If the graph had been adjusted for inflation, I would have expected them to crow about it, because it makes the perceived problem so much worse. I'll bet a beer at the tavern of your choice that these are raw dollar numbers for effect. cn

I don't bet on wagers with low chance of success, unless you give better odds.
You would think so, but it turns out their singular duty is to get RE-elected. You're a smart guy, you know this.

reconcile your statement with evan bayh voluntarily choosing not to run for reelection. or rawn pawl. or others.

you have an overly simplistic worldview, red.

and seriously, did no one else note how red talked about "living among them" when he talked about other races?

i mean, "lived among them"? c'mon people. the writing is on the walls here.
i've often described "living with" people or "living around" a certain place, but i don't think i've ever described myself as "living among them", with them being another race or class.

that seems like something jane goodall would be able to say, and not many others. except stormfront red.
i've often described "living with" people or "living around" a certain place, but i don't think i've ever described myself as "living among them", with them being another race or class.

that seems like something jane goodall would be able to say, and not many others. except stormfront red.

pretty much
So when a tool breaks, or machine goes out, are the employees going to pony up their share to pay for it?

Why should they? The repair would be an expense of the company. Tax deductible. Same as the wages paid to the employees. The owners pay is what's left over after paying all business expenses. Do you feel that this entitles him to have an income 10x greater than his most valuable employees?
People just don't realize that having an employee around can easily cost double or triple what that employee's wages are because of all the bullshit that goes along with it. But all they see is their paychecks and for some reason feel like they are owed more.

But we employers are so evil for paying ourselves more, damn us all to hell for not giving it away.

I may gross much more now with 7 employees, but my net return is about the same as it would be if I was running solo. Granted, Im at home on the farm with the wife more than I am in town at the shop so I am making money on their backs, but hey it was me who stuck their neck out years ago so I don't feel bad in the least bit. My employees buy shit they don't need, borrow money from banks, and are waiting like hungry puppies come payday so they have no right to say a word about it all because they aren't doing anything to better their situation, just waiting to get paid more without taking any initiative. I made less than they do when I startd the business. we were so broke I was sleeping at the shop because we couldn't afford gas for me to come home every night, and I didn't dare want to close the doors because I needed every potential dollar that was coming into that place.

Only time any of my guys are ever at the shop after hours is when they are working on their own shit, using my equipment and my lights, or doing side work that I'm unaware of. Even the best employees will steal from you in one way or another, whether they are in the supply room directly taking product, or if they are on the clock just standing there not producing, both are stealing.

End rant.

What a wonderful illustration of the entitlement mindset of the typical business owner. Thank you for sharing. LOL. The funniest part is when you justify it by passing judgement on how the employees spend their money and feel sanctimonious about deserving to live so much higher on the hog as a result of it.
What a wonderful illustration of the entitlement mindset of the typical business owner. Thank you for sharing. LOL.

entitlement mindset for "me": GOOD! (ayn rand told me so)

entitlement mindset for "them": BAD! (ayn rand told me so)

especially if you just "live among them".
% already corrupt.QUOTE=ginwilly;8234821]Capitalism isn't the problem, crony capitalism is. We share in our disgust toward cronyism, trust me. Where we differ is where we place the blame. I expect the type of people who rise to such heights by stepping on toes, stabbing backs and other unethical practices to try to buy politicians. I know it, you know it, they know it and politicians know it, yet you blame them when politicians get bought. I blame the people who asked for our permission to serve us then sell us out to these greedy fucks.

Try voting out the slimy, lying, unethical thieves when their supporters deflect the blame off of them for the teams sake. Term limits ftw.[/QUOTE]

The problem is that to get to a position where you can really make a difference, IE. some influential political position, (State, federal, or any other senator or congressman), one must have already sold out to the money boys, or be independently wealthy, in which case one would most likely want to preserve their wealth and power through any means possible. Money corrupts in any form, the more money, the more corruption. A republic with representation by ones peers only exists in fairy tales. To get to the power point, one is 99.9% already corrupted.
Why should they? The repair would be an expense of the company. Tax deductible. Same as the wages paid to the employees. The owners pay is what's left over after paying all business expenses. Do you feel that this entitles him to have an income 10x greater than his most valuable employees?

Don't you think that's relative? If your most valuable worker leaving ruins the business then no, if your most valuable worker could be replaced with any monkey given enough bananas then yes.
What a wonderful illustration of the entitlement mindset of the typical business owner. Thank you for sharing. LOL. The funniest part is when you justify it by passing judgement on how the employees spend their money and feel sanctimonious about deserving to live so much higher on the hog as a result of it.

Like I tell my guys, if the only effort you are going to put into your job is 40 hours of hard work, then expect 40 hours of good pay and nothing more. They want the dream, they can borrow the money for a business loan instead of a new car and stick their own necks out to achieve it, or stay here after hours and figure out how to acheive more sales. Each and everyone of them bought new cars within the two years, and not a single one of them needed it, they ALL upgraded out of perfectly good machines that were all less than a couple years old. Its like penis envy or something, I don't get it, one guy gets a new car and pretty soon they are all think they need one. I drive a 15+ year old suv that gets me where ever I need to go.

These guys have over 300k in brand new cars parked outside with loans hanging over each and every one of them, and Im the one with entitlement issues, lol.

Oh, and they all have more square footage than me as well. But again, I have the entitlement issues.
People just don't realize that having an employee around can easily cost double or triple what that employee's wages are because of all the bullshit that goes along with it. But all they see is their paychecks and for some reason feel like they are owed more.

But we employers are so evil for paying ourselves more, damn us all to hell for not giving it away.

I may gross much more now with 7 employees, but my net return is about the same as it would be if I was running solo. Granted, Im at home on the farm with the wife more than I am in town at the shop so I am making money on their backs, but hey it was me who stuck their neck out years ago so I don't feel bad in the least bit. My employees buy shit they don't need, borrow money from banks, and are waiting like hungry puppies come payday so they have no right to say a word about it all because they aren't doing anything to better their situation, just waiting to get paid more without taking any initiative. I made less than they do when I startd the business. we were so broke I was sleeping at the shop because we couldn't afford gas for me to come home every night, and I didn't dare want to close the doors because I needed every potential dollar that was coming into that place.

Only time any of my guys are ever at the shop after hours is when they are working on their own shit, using my equipment and my lights, or doing side work that I'm unaware of. Even the best employees will steal from you in one way or another, whether they are in the supply room directly taking product, or if they are on the clock just standing there not producing, both are stealing.

End rant.
You sound like a really pleasant guy to work for.
Don't you think that's relative? If your most valuable worker leaving ruins the business then no, if your most valuable worker could be replaced with any monkey given enough bananas then yes.
Yeah, low paid monkey replaceable employess working for a guy who makes 10x their wage don't give a fuck about their job. And how can you blame them when their boss compares their value to that of a primate?