Layoffs coming...

Like I tell my guys, if the only effort you are going to put into your job is 40 hours of hard work, then expect 40 hours of good pay and nothing more. They want the dream, they can borrow the money for a business loan instead of a new car and stick their own necks out to achieve it, or stay here after hours and figure out how to acheive more sales. Each and everyone of them bought new cars within the two years, and not a single one of them needed it, they ALL upgraded out of perfectly good machines that were all less than a couple years old. Its like penis envy or something, I don't get it, one guy gets a new car and pretty soon they are all think they need one. I drive a 15+ year old suv that gets me where ever I need to go.

These guys have over 300k in brand new cars parked outside with loans hanging over each and every one of them, and Im the one with entitlement issues, lol.

Oh, and they all have more square footage than me as well. But again, I have the entitlement issues.

Oh, you're one of those guys who only buys what he really needs and doesn't borrow money for things you don't need. Shame on you. It's your duty as an American citizen to live beyond your means and stay deep in debt. This is a consumer economy. For it to work, you must buy mindless crap you didn't even know you wanted till you saw it on TV.
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[TD="class: alt2, width: 175"] red1966
Forum Member

Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 4

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Re: More anti-white advertising.

Welcome to Obama's regime. Using media to force acceptance of the black community upon our children and upon us all. It makes me sick.
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is your ignore button broken, stormfront red?


Sometimes I get curious why you and your various sockpuppets are feverishly posting every time I post. Why do you think only non-whites are on welfare or live in the projects? For a liberal, you sure are bigoted.
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[TD="class: thead, align: right"] #966[/TD]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 175"] red1966
Forum Member

Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 4
[TD="class: alt1"]
Re: More anti-white advertising.

Welcome to Obama's regime. Using media to force acceptance of the black community upon our children and upon us all. It makes me sick.[/TD]
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Oh, shit. Stormfront Red was not a joke. Wow. Well that answers my question about what is making him so angry.. He wants a whiter white house.

EDIT: I was unaware that this comment on stormfront was not posted by the same Red1966 that we all have the extreme displeasure of knowing. I apologize to Mattel Red for this post.
Oh, shit. Stormfront Red was not a joke. Wow. Well that answers my question about what is making him so angry.. He wants a whiter white house.

I'm not putting it past UB to be doing this on his own. If that's so, I strongly disapprove. He almost admitted to it. Almost. cn
my bad, you never did mention races, just classes.

might have jumped the gun there a bit based on the popularity of your musings on a neo-nazi, white supremacist website.

Those are your "musings", dimwit. I never said anything about class, either. These were my neighbors and my relatives. You know, you're really pathetic. Is your home life really that bad? I mean, damn dude, the lows you sink to, just so you can pretend you've somehow "gotten over" on me or somebody else. Nobody believes you anymore, not even your retard "friends", most of, if not all, are just you pretending to be a different person. Damn, you've got 28 THOUSAND posts, and that's just under one persona. Don't you have any interests at all besides this? Is this your only life? Even tho you're an asshole, I feel sorry for you. I've buried both my parents, two wives, and two children, and I can still lead a normal life. What has made you so bitter?
Those are your "musings", dimwit. I never said anything about class, either. These were my neighbors and my relatives. You know, you're really pathetic. Is your home life really that bad? I mean, damn dude, the lows you sink to, just so you can pretend you've somehow "gotten over" on me or somebody else. Nobody believes you anymore, not even your retard "friends", most of, if not all, are just you pretending to be a different person. Damn, you've got 28 THOUSAND posts, and that's just under one persona. Don't you have any interests at all besides this? Is this your only life? Even tho you're an asshole, I feel sorry for you. I've buried both my parents, two wives, and two children, and I can still lead a normal life. What has made you so bitter?


Bucky, You're fucking retarded. Stormfront considers all of us here "niggers" for doing "nigger weed." Besides being afraid of black, they're scared shitless of a simple plant. So please, STFU! Since you post there, it means you hate all of us here.
And they got the trains to run on time!

that was mussolini.

germany's trains were subject to delays constantly, due to partisan bombings, air raids, having to shuffle around Das Juden to give the false appearance of a Final Solution for the benefit of future zionist piggie jew media liars, and of course moving materials to build all those Friendship Camps with their Happy Fun Time Showers, and strangely crematoria shaped bunk beds.

dont mind the Mass Grave shaped flowerbeds. those are new. in the spring they will be magnificent.
And if you are about to give me shit about having him work as a contract laborer rather than a part time employee.... i know. but we are not working hourly,he IS a contract laborer. However, I do want to do him better, and that begins January 1st. He will be an hourly employee and I can start paying in my share of his taxes. Part of that has also been a learning curve. I've just been figuring this out as I go. I'm not trained in business.

putting one's money where one's mouth is never gets a grumble from me.

To Industry!

i hope you make much profit.
that was mussolini.

germany's trains were subject to delays constantly, due to partisan bombings, air raids, having to shuffle around Das Juden to give the false appearance of a Final Solution for the benefit of future zionist piggie jew media liars, and of course moving materials to build all those Friendship Camps with their Happy Fun Time Showers, and strangely crematoria shaped bunk beds.

dont mind the Mass Grave shaped flowerbeds. those are new. in the spring they will be magnificent.

I'm pretty sure it's propaganda anyways. Mussolini never made the trains run on time.