Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
I'm gonna have to saunter over there some fine day and see if they have Heils instead of Likes.
even a polar bear isnt white enough to pass muster at the stormfront gates.
I'm gonna have to saunter over there some fine day and see if they have Heils instead of Likes.
You surely know that's Bucks account and his posts?
even a polar bear isnt white enough to pass muster at the stormfront gates.
that was mussolini.
germany's trains were subject to delays constantly, due to partisan bombings, air raids, having to shuffle around Das Juden to give the false appearance of a Final Solution for the benefit of future zionist piggie jew media liars, and of course moving materials to build all those Friendship Camps with their Happy Fun Time Showers, and strangely crematoria shaped bunk beds.
dont mind the Mass Grave shaped flowerbeds. those are new. in the spring they will be magnificent.
Oh, shit. Stormfront Red was not a joke. Wow. Well that answers my question about what is making him so angry.. He wants a whiter white house.
I'm pretty sure it's propaganda anyways. Mussolini never made the trains run on time.
Are you sure? I've heard it for a long time.
Red1966 said:Yeah, I've been noticing the language. It's something...
Are you stupid or dishonest? Did I say anything about "other races"? You want to purposely pretend I said something I never said? You really want to sink that low? Should I go on about you not giving a dime to help the poor, you don't pay your share of your employee's SS payments, you don't provide any insurance benefits? Those are all true. You've admitted to it here. You want to make up lies about me? I can shame you with what you already admitted to. I could have posted this on the forum, but I chose to send it as a PM.
God didn't invent Bleach, Claude Berthollet did.That's why God invented bleach.
God didn't invent Bleach, Claude Berthollet did.
"Their" God or "your" God?God invented Claude Berthollet. Your point is invalid.
carne seca heils this![]()
"Their" God or "your" God?
Don't PM me Red. I went ahead and posted it for you.
I did not realize that you did not actually make the stormfront comment until CN brought it to my attention. I apologize. I'm happy to know that you did not post that. You will not hear me call you stormfront red again. i did not realize what happened.
Here's the thing, Mattel Red. Like I said, 5 years ago I spent 6 months sleeping in my car followed by 3 months sleeping at my place of employment after a 1200 mile move with a car that made it here by a fucking miracle. This was just a few years after college. I am still paying on school loans. My school loan payment was/is equal to the cost of a studio apartment. I wrote the bank two checks (one private, one federal loan) every month and lived out of my car rather than defaulting on the loans and getting myself a bed to sleep in.
I worked for 3 years at a job that was paying me well. By well, I am saying 50+ hr weeks, paid hourly on a fair wage, x1.5 makes all the difference. This is 2 years after working jobs that kids with nearly no work experience can get. No benefits, working for tips, payed below minimum wage and a being horny early 20 something trying to bring girls back to my coffee table and futon to get laid. (With surprising success..) This is all during the worst economy since the great depression.
I was able to get back on track with finances and pay off credit cards that had been maxed with moving expenses. Luckily I had a good enough job and a family who helped me out before I got caught up. A couple things that not everyone has.
The well paying company I worked for was being ran by a not so experienced CFO. Things got bad. A company with 120 employees went down to 15, slowly, over the last year I worked for them. I was not an expendable employee. Knowing that security was not there I started saving and acquiring tools to start my own business. I left the company last year to start the business. It got to a point that they were keeping me around worried for my own well being, like several others. I left the company earlier than I had planned to free up room on payroll to keep paying our bookkeeper who is a single mother with 3 kids. One of which who is a special needs child. We are all still friends. I love them like family. If they need something, I have their back. And it is mutual. I have not been able to pay myself more than 20k (BEFORE TAXES) since starting this company.. Luckily, between me and my partner (not something everyone has) we are able to get by, paying the rent, the bills and taking care of a few pets.
Now tell me... where the fuck am I supposed to find money to donate to charity during all of that? When I am able to give more, I will., This next year is looking to be the first year that I earn over the poverty line since I left my previous job that was on a sure path to being unemployed. Things are looking up and I will be able to give in the future. I will give when I can. Don't fucking give me this I never give a dime to the poor bullshit, you fuck, I am poor.
You, do, not, pay, employment, taxes, on, a, contract, employee, aka, independent, contractor. Please read that a few more times, slowly.
The IRS lays out what makes someone either an employee or an independent contractor. The guy working with me (right, I should not have called him an employee, yet, but i cleared that up a while ago with you) does not qualify as an employee of the company. It is very common in my line of work and he understands the situation.
A small business starting out with a little cash, the owners personal vehicle, and enough tools to get the job done are not able to offer insurance benefits right from the start. I do not have health insurance and have not since being in college as a full time student. There was no staying on your parents insurance until 26 like there is now... (One of those "entitlements" that you speak of). I haven't been to the dentist in over 5 years and I am very much hoping I can get to one next year. Luckily, I was blessed with good genetics and health... another thing that not every one has. Here's the good part... The guy working with me HAS HEALTH INSURANCE, through a local program that offers it to people in his other line of work. If you can prove that at least 50% of your income comes from that line of work, locally, you get free Health Insurance... So even if I did offer it to him he would not take it. Not to mention the fact that no one offers health insurance to an independent contractor.
Starting January 1st, he will be an employee of the company. Not because the IRS says that we have to, because he wants to and I want to. I want to pay in my share of the employment taxes. Since we recently became able to afford this (and the expensive consultation I had to get to make sure we were doing it right) he will be able to work for the company in more ways than he was able to as a contractor. And hopefully, we can hire another person if things go even better than we are expecting next year. (I suspect we will be turning down jobs, not ready for the growth... we do quality work... nothing a monkey given enough bananas can do.)
I do not look at this guy like he is a lower person. I have noticed the language many from the right camp have used in this thread. It is very telling as to what kind of people they are and what level of respect they have for those who make less money than they do,,. This guy is also interested in starting up his own small company in another field. I have been encouraging him and helping him with what I have learned. I am as excited and eager to help with his new start up as he has been with mine. This is not someone I am using to make money off of their back. This is a friend. Working with me or not. If he needs something, I have his back. And it is mutual.
If this doesn't cover your two fucking stupid points that you are going to "shame me" over, then I don't know what to tell you, Mattel Red.
Fair enough. We may have differing political philosophies, but we seem to share motives. If you need advice concerning your start up business, you might want to check out SCORE (service core of retired executives). They offer free or low cost consulting for start ups such as yourself. These guys can tell you things a lawyer wouldn't know. They could probably even match you up with someone in whatever field you're in. These are retired people who volunteer their time to help total strangers, so be sure to thank them. That's all they get out of it.