Layoffs coming...

The language used by the right camp in this discussion is very telling. A monkey with enough bananas could do their job... waiting around like puppies on payday.

You might be surprised to see what sort of work you see from your employees if you showed them a little respect. Not a raise, not benefits, just some respect.
They have been sitting on their money waiting for the election. It has come and gone and they are now getting ready to absorb the higher costs. Especially, small to medium size companies. Been there and know that.

One VP said they are leaning towards more robotics. They don't sleep, they don't bitch, they don't take vacations and they don't need obamacare.
They have been sitting on their money waiting for the election. It has come and gone and they are now getting ready to absorb the higher costs. Especially, small to medium size companies. Been there and know that.

One VP said they are leaning towards more robotics. They don't sleep, they don't bitch, they don't take vacations and they don't need obamacare.

There it is again.... "They don't bitch".... not robotics will be more cost effective than hiring human employees... "they don't bitch"

What are you guys so angry about? Why is your anger directed so harshly at the working man/woman?
They have been sitting on their money waiting for the election. It has come and gone and they are now getting ready to absorb the higher costs. Especially, small to medium size companies. Been there and know that.

One VP said they are leaning towards more robotics. They don't sleep, they don't bitch, they don't take vacations and they don't need obamacare.
I'm having trouble finding that quote. Usually when someone says something like that a google search can pull it up. "VP robotics obamacare" would pull it up.

Did you pull out some truthiness? I'm not really accusing, just asking. I'de like to see the quote and what else the VP had to say. Not to confirm your quote, just curiosity.
Robots are great they will do everything you program for nothing more and nothing less
and that includes destroying themselves trying to get a square peg to fit in a round hole
Robots are great they will do everything you program for nothing more and nothing less
and that includes destroying themselves trying to get a square peg to fit in a round hole
How many times have the machines where you work tried to put tools away in an already occupied space?
reconcile your statement with evan bayh voluntarily choosing not to run for reelection. or rawn pawl. or others.

you have an overly simplistic worldview, red.

and seriously, did no one else note how red talked about "living among them" when he talked about other races?

i mean, "lived among them"? c'mon people. the writing is on the walls here.

Who said anything about "other" races? Only non-whites on welfare or in the projects? Bigot.
i'd like to see a robot masturbate half as well as i do.
profit. cn
my bad, you never did mention races, just classes.

might have jumped the gun there a bit based on the popularity of your musings on a neo-nazi, white supremacist website.
reconcile your statement with evan bayh voluntarily choosing not to run for reelection. or rawn pawl. or others.

you have an overly simplistic worldview, red.

and seriously, did no one else note how red talked about "living among them" when he talked about other races?

i mean, "lived among them"? c'mon people. the writing is on the walls here.

Yeah, I've been noticing the language. It's something...
Why should they? The repair would be an expense of the company. Tax deductible. Same as the wages paid to the employees. The owners pay is what's left over after paying all business expenses. Do you feel that this entitles him to have an income 10x greater than his most valuable employees?

It certainly does. When the company loses money, it comes out of his pocket, not the employee's. When he wants to expand and needs a few hundred thousand or more so he can employ more people, it comes out of his pocket, not the employee's. He owes his employees a fair pay and a safe, decent workplace, nothing more. How long do you think a guy making no more than you do afford to keep paying you? The first time there's an unexpected expense, both your livelihoods are gone. Or are you going to pony up "your fair share" of the expense? No, you're not. When he started his business and worked 80 hour weeks, at times not bringing home a dime, or even losing money, where were you? You certainly weren't there alongside him, were you? Are you going to pay him for his risk and hard work for little or no pay he put in so you could have a job? No, you're not. His most valuable employee is himself. With the attitude you have, you'd be the least valuable employee. You probably steal from your employer, don't you? Talk to your employer like you do here, see how long it takes him to replace you.
% already corrupt.QUOTE=ginwilly;8234821]Capitalism isn't the problem, crony capitalism is. We share in our disgust toward cronyism, trust me. Where we differ is where we place the blame. I expect the type of people who rise to such heights by stepping on toes, stabbing backs and other unethical practices to try to buy politicians. I know it, you know it, they know it and politicians know it, yet you blame them when politicians get bought. I blame the people who asked for our permission to serve us then sell us out to these greedy fucks.

Try voting out the slimy, lying, unethical thieves when their supporters deflect the blame off of them for the teams sake. Term limits ftw.

The problem is that to get to a position where you can really make a difference, IE. some influential political position, (State, federal, or any other senator or congressman), one must have already sold out to the money boys, or be independently wealthy, in which case one would most likely want to preserve their wealth and power through any means possible. Money corrupts in any form, the more money, the more corruption. A republic with representation by ones peers only exists in fairy tales. To get to the power point, one is 99.9% already corrupted.[/QUOTE]

I agree. We should have a monarchy where leaders are given their right to rule by birth, so they won't be beholden to anybody. jk

Only the last line above is mine. I don't know why it shows the quote as mine. Well I do, but I'm too lazy to fix it.