Liberals Embrace Perry's Christian Values

EVERYBODY can get married. Nobodies constitutional rights are being violated.

and the canard is repeated just for clarification.

gays marry people OF THE SAME SEX. check that, they would, if they had equal rights.

lamest. argument. ever.
Well it was definitely better than your elementary school playground tongue twister. This nation would be in much better shape if Palin and Perry were in office than the two asswipes in there now.

You need to get out of the trailer park and broaden your sphere of education.

anybody catch that? this guys really bearing fruit.....
Well for one we're denied the benefits that go along with being married. When my partner was murdered I didn't have the right to claim his body for burial since we weren't married. The house was in his name and I had to move out when he died. His family cleaned the house out and I had no right to anything. Even the things I bought for him or gifted to him. He had excellent health insurance. I was not allowed to be on it. I couldn't even plan his funeral or take part. I had no say in anything. The list goes on and on.

It was one of most painful experiences of my life and I had to deal with all that shit on top of it. Why? Because I fell in love with a man. That's the only reason.
straight people can marry the partner of their choice, they have that liberty

gay people can not marry the partner of their choice, they are being deprived of that liberty.

section 1 of the 14th amendment clearly states that no state shall make or enforce any law that deprives a citizen of their liberty.

i know some people here, especially the fundamentalists, want to bring their version of christian sharia law to our shores because they think that their zombie who defies physics commands them to while sitting on a fluffy cloud and fingering a harp.

sorry, the constitution is the law of the land, and prohibiting gay marriage is very straightforwardly unconstitutional.
and the canard is repeated just for clarification.

gays marry people OF THE SAME SEX. check that, they would, if they had equal rights.

lamest. argument. ever.

A LOT of people believe that marriage is a term used to decribe the union of a man and woman. You're right this debate is nothing new. If anything, its getting really really old. Same old arguements from both sides every time.:sleep:
straight people can marry the partner of their choice, they have that liberty

gay people can not marry the partner of their choice, they are being deprived of that liberty.

section 1 of the 14th amendment clearly states that no state shall make or enforce any law that deprives a citizen of their liberty.

You are trying to create 2 seperate classes of people Buck. Thats not how the constitution works.
A LOT of people believe that marriage is a term used to decribe the union of a man and woman. You're right this debate is nothing new. If anything, its getting really really old. Same old arguements from both sides every time.:sleep:

So which side is right
that of a freedom loving people
or the bigots who wish to deny rights on sexual orientation?
If it ain't broke don't fix it!
Soon to come on FOX::

Same Sex Survivor
American Dads'
Male Millionaire Match-Makers
Family Guys'
I've had enough of hearing how indignant Perry is. Just sick and fkn tired of the whole bunch, no matter what letters they put after their name.
Dear ASA Members and Friends,
I am happy to report that Governor Jerry Brown has vetoed SB 847, a bill by Senator Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana) that would have required medical cannabis cooperatives and collectives be located at least 600 feet from residential zones! The Governor’s veto comes after a groundswell of opposition from members of Americans for Safe Access (ASA) and other medical cannabis advocates. I want to say a special thank you to everyone who visited legislative offices, made phone calls, wrote letters, and sent emails. Well done!
The veto of SB 847 shows that grassroots participation makes a difference. We have some big challenges to overcome at the state and local levels, and ASA is already working on next year’s California Campaign. We have just finished a statewide tour to talk with organizers, and are launching a new effort to coordinate grassroots support for ASA’s draft state legislation. Our goals are to defend patients’ civil rights, authorize cooperatives and collectives, and finally protect medical cannabis cultivators.