The eggshells literally take months to break down. And then, only if you have a good microbial bio-herd.Probably most of my issue was using the rain water as I was afraid to use tap water. Turns out my tap water is slightly acidic at about 6.8 and perfect as long as I let some of the chlorine evaporate off. I'll be using my tap water from now on. Even tho there is good compost in the medium I picked up some basic leafy green food for them, just so I have it on hand if they start asking for it. I'm going to steep some samples of potted soil and test them and see if the egg shells are doing their job of correcting the imbalance caused by the rain water acidity.
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The eggshells will be ready for plant uptake by next year's growing season for sure. Not sooner.No harm in checking. The eggshells have been lightly toasted to remove moisture and ground to a powder and scraped into the soil, which is 30% organic compost. I'm sure they will leech sooner than later.
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Don't let them bring you down I'll help the best I can I'm sorry :\ it's also great you have been reading and you should continue. Also on another note how are they looking?I have been reading. Science is fucking science. You add a base to an acid you get a reaction and Vica versa. It was the best I had at the moment. Better than not giving a fuck if you ask me. I haven't stopped reading in the past 3 weeks. Everyone seems to have different advice. I wasn't fucking with my plants Til they started showing deficiencies. Seems my best bet might be to stay away from the negativity I'm finding in this forum and just say fuck it. Thanks.
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I'm going to get a small oscillating fan. I moved them away from the light some. Opened the lid and turned on a humidifier. I'll check them again in a few hours. Soil on a few is dry again down to my first knuckle.
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My original post above said "stfu and read," and that's really not bad advice, but I realize it sounds cold-hearted so I changed it. Airflow is essential, I agree with @orbo on that, big time. Don't let your bruised ego get in the way of taking good advice, even from douchebags like me.I have been reading. Science is fucking science. You add a base to an acid you get a reaction and Vica versa. It was the best I had at the moment. Better than not giving a fuck if you ask me. I haven't stopped reading in the past 3 weeks. Everyone seems to have different advice. I wasn't fucking with my plants Til they started showing deficiencies. Seems my best bet might be to stay away from the negativity I'm finding in this forum and just say fuck it. Thanks.
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That's true. Good luck.No bruised ego here. I'm just not a moron and to assume I haven't been reading anything is your assumption.
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