LP supporter & invester shame thread...post the idiots pics here...after all...funny is funny.

Zoic has a website cannabiscandor.ca. I write articles for it. The LP hate runs deep in both of us. If you want to know why, read the articles.
I started to read...
If you have a particular recommendation, I would appreciate it.
The Weedsel articles are good - explains the corruption somewhat and Reefer-madness as well. There are sprinklings in most.
My personal beef with the LP's is the unfair advantage the politicians and cops who now control cannabis canada got. That and they fought to take away my right to grow...
I don't invest in any stocks, so that part of the conversation doesn't affect me but I still want to see the LP's fail bad!
Honestly my big beef is with those using the medical guise to just cash in. Claiming to be about helping people but behind the scenes they are all about the dollar like any other POS.
Cannabis is not about making money. Cannabis is about bettering a persons life. The beauty of it is how simple it is and the beauty of it is just how complicated it is.
I am not ok with the new form of prohibition because it actually puts medical patients like myself, and many many others in worse shape, in a bad predicament. As long as it has the street value it does we all have to worry about someone kicking our door in and robbing us.
This is my main beef with the whole thing. It just ain't right.
The Weedsel articles are good
Very well, I will go read those, and ponder the merit.
EDIT: I just noticed I was reading cannabiscandor.COM but have found the correct site now, thanks.

My personal beef with the LP's is the unfair advantage the politicians and cops who now control cannabis canada got. That and they fought to take away my right to grow...
Which right are you referring to, exactly? The one you had while it was illegal? Consider the defacto status of cannabis in Vancouver; do you really think that is going to change for the worse? That addresses the bold statement, but as to your prior point, what advantage do they have?
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Honestly my big beef is with those using the medical guise to just cash in.
What is considered a more liberal evolution in society?
Medical cannabis or recreational cannabis?

I would argue the latter. Therefore, why would one need to use a "medical guise"? Are you implying "medical" cannabis is more lucrative than recreational cannabis?
What is considered a more liberal evolution in society?
Medical cannabis or recreational cannabis?

I would argue the latter. Therefore, why would one need to use a "medical guise"? Are you implying "medical" cannabis is more lucrative than recreational cannabis?

I am implying that some people are using the guise of helping people to just take their money.
The most liberal would be for everyone just to accept it as cannabis and leave it at that. Fuck all the capitalist, new prohibition take on it. I would much rather see even half this energy put into dealing with the very serious drugs that are actually killing thousands every year.
Wanna make loads of money selling cannabis? Sell the best for the lowest price. Just like it has always been. Only thing that should change is its value. It should be no different then anything else a person can grow.
Cheers :)
Wanna make loads of money selling cannabis? Sell the best for the lowest price. Just like it has always been. Only thing that should change is its value. It should be no different then anything else a person can grow.
So, if a craft-growing industry sprung up, and started selling for less than the black-market, it would be good?
I agree.
Let's legalize it! Let's get out in the streets, smoke our joints in front of city halls across this Nation, Johnny Kushseeding our way to the steps of Parliament! OVERGROW THE GOVERNMENT!

oh wait... it's already done? :lol:
The craft growing is what is going to free everybody. Recreation, Medical, everyone. Small cooperative grows are the answer. Just sucks still having to worry about ones safety thanks to the street value.
Cheers :)
The craft growing is what is going to free everybody. Recreation, Medical, everyone. Small cooperative grows are the answer. Just sucks still having to worry about ones safety thanks to the street value.
Cheers :)
I agree that a need for caveat emptor ethics is a burden, but without it we probably wouldn't have the luxury of being at the threshold of something this grand. We do the same with damn near everything else we consume "legally" in this world.
I agree that a need for caveat emptor ethics is a burden, but without it we probably wouldn't have the luxury of being at the threshold of something this grand. We do the same with damn near everything else we consume "legally" in this world.

Which is exactly why I firmly believe not just that cannabis can be different. But it has to be different.
Cheers :)
Very well, I will go read those, and ponder the merit.
EDIT: I just noticed I was reading cannabiscandor.COM but have found the correct site now, thanks.

Which right are you referring to, exactly? The one you had while it was illegal? Consider the defacto status of cannabis in Vancouver; do you really think that is going to change for the worse? That addresses the bold statement, but as to your prior point, what advantage do they have?
My right to grow was removed when the mmar was ended and replaced with the mmpr. The sole purpose of the mmpr was to eliminate home grows and deliver LP's (50,000 and growing) medical users as captive customers. When we fought back, they lobbied HARD to keep exclusive grow rights. They are not the friend of the patient.
And I agree with Greenhighlander that these companies that are so connected to and have received so many advantages from government in the implementation of the mmpr should not now use those advantages in the move to recreational. Recreational cannabis production and sales is going to be a new (legal) industry, and those wanting to participate should need to reapply.
My right to grow was removed when the mmar was ended and replaced with the mmpr. The sole purpose of the mmpr was to eliminate home grows and deliver LP's (50,000 and growing) medical users as captive customers. When we fought back, they lobbied HARD to keep exclusive grow rights. They are not the friend of the patient.
And I agree with Greenhighlander that these companies that are so connected to and have received so many advantages from government in the implementation of the mmpr should not now use those advantages in the move to recreational. Recreational cannabis production and sales is going to be a new (legal) industry, and those wanting to participate should need to reapply.
How much were you growing under the mmar?
What were you charging?
Were you restrained from the mmpr application process? If so, in what way (i.e. barrier to entry, cost, time, etc.)?
every single Lp used medical patients backs,,,, to step up and get a foot hold in this market.
at no time have they shown us any respect either...but rather the opposite.
As medical patients we all knew the importance of the task that the Lp's were about to under take and we also knew that ,with the large dollar per gram
charges they were asking, the gouging that they were doing to people on disability, was and still is disgraceful ....completely disgraceful...

"They do not pretend to be medical" is the slogan on the t-shirts they film themselves wearing at the production sites...
so why would anyone who requires medical mj...even think remotely that this company cares on how you are doing with your treatments...

BOYCOTT anything LP
every single Lp used medical patients backs,,,, to step up and get a foot hold in this market.
at no time have they shown us any respect either...but rather the opposite.
As medical patients we all knew the importance of the task that the Lp's were about to under take and we also knew that ,with the large dollar per gram
charges they were asking, the gouging that they were doing to people on disability, was and still is disgraceful ....completely disgraceful...

"They do not pretend to be medical" is the slogan on the t-shirts they film themselves wearing at the production sites...
so why would anyone who requires medical mj...even think remotely that this company cares on how you are doing with your treatments...

Perfectly said. What they aren't counting on is those good folks who just might be willing to do what is right instead of what makes a quick buck.
How much were you growing under the mmar?
What were you charging?
Were you restrained from the mmpr application process? If so, in what way (i.e. barrier to entry, cost, time, etc.)?
I was growing my own medicine - 49 plants. I didn't sell a gram. The mmpr denied patients the ability to grow their own or have someone grow for them. That would be a big-ass barrier. Most of us lost at least one crop because of it. You had a choice of 5 or 6 LP's as the ONLY legal source of cannabis in Canada.
every single Lp used medical patients backs,,,, to step up and get a foot hold in this market.
at no time have they shown us any respect either...but rather the opposite.

BOYCOTT anything LP

Can you explain what dispensaries in Vancouver and Toronto are marketing themselves as? They "use patients", too. Yet they are considered the "farmer's market" of cannabis.

I was growing my own medicine - 49 plants. I didn't sell a gram. The mmpr denied patients the ability to grow their own or have someone grow for them. That would be a big-ass barrier. Most of us lost at least one crop because of it. You had a choice of 5 or 6 LP's as the ONLY legal source of cannabis in Canada.

Okay, so how does the oncoming legalization environment change that need for you? What were you doing with 49 plants if you only needed it for personal medicine?
I did a few SOG grows with 50 plants many moons ago and could turnover 1.5 lbs in 12 weeks.
That's enough for a year of chronic consumption at 2 Ozs/mth.

With 4 plants under screens, how much could you grow?
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