LP supporter & invester shame thread...post the idiots pics here...after all...funny is funny.

"It also doesn't help when you openly state a desire to see all LPs fail, without even providing solid rationale for it other than "they took my license". That whiffs of ulterior motives or communist delusions of smashing capitalism."
I didn't bother reading his post that far. He starts the sentence by saying I 'openly state my desire..' and finishes with claims of ulterior motives and communism. wtf? What in the fuck does my hate for LP's have to do with communist or smashing capitalism? Holy fuck, Leroy, someone needs to lay of the coke.

After all, that's why the MMAR was repealed because people WEREN'T honest, conducted "business" inconsiderately and fucked it for the rest when given the opportunity.

It also doesn't help when you openly state a desire to see all LPs fail, without even providing solid rationale for it other than "they took my license". That whiffs of ulterior motives or communist delusions of smashing capitalism.

weren't honest? Holy frig yer behind the times..
and sick people should pay for this???DUDE WE WON IN COURT because the shit yer yappin about NOT BEING TRUE
Like the AMCPR is better is it? Please. :roll:...... IT made the entire deal worse!
you wont get why that is either.... the way you think.

As for ALL LP's to fail? They used a GUISE to get REC.. THEY OWE MEDICAL PEOLE THEIR LICNESES for cryin out loud. They wouldnt be where they are if it was not for sick people, who they made worse with their poison REC SHWAG WEED
get off this topic if you don't know any better.,geeesuss
ps..and fail they shall.. :)
I usually like reading your posts, but you are so far out to lunch on this, I question your sobriety and motives. Why don't your elderly relatives cut back on their medications by 95% and see what happens? Let me know in a year, and I'll reconsider my dosage.
I had a medical doctor prescribe 10g/day and although I think all doctors are scum, I'm going to go with his recommendations over yours - yours seems to focus on the profitability of the LP's over the health and needs of patients. I really don't regulate my garden or usage based on what others think or say and I sure as hell have never had anybody argue that I only need a small fraction of my meds. Your lack of knowledge and poor comprehension of the subject is shining through. "why you couldn't get adequate "medicine" from 4 plants" - the mmpr didn't allow for ANY plants. If we hadn't taken the government to court and won, there would be no recreational grows either.
Why in the fuck would I apply for a micro-producer license to grow my own medicine? My mmar is grandfathered by the court injunction. No doctors, no renewals, no contact with HC - ever. I can grow 49 plants at a time for life. I'm really not sure why my plant count offends you so much. but I sure as fuck don't need to explain myself to you and I really don't give a fuck what anyone thinks.
Now with recreational use, I am free to share up to an oz at a time with friends legally. So can everyone else. I encourage everyone to do just that to undercut the LP's.
I'm not sure why you picked a fight with me, should of picked on someone you could intimidate - I'm not that guy.
Just grow your plants man. Even a 100. I have an old mmar that is large.
Just grow your plants man. Even a 100. I have an old mmar that is large.
No worries there. What pissed me off was Hecklers bizarre prying into my personal business and his willingness to accuse me of being a criminal, despite his having no knowledge. I'm not sure why he's on this forum? Cop? Government? He's no friend of the cannabis patient, I can tell you that. He's working his way up to his own weedsel expose.
No worries there. What pissed me off was Hecklers bizarre prying into my personal business and his willingness to accuse me of being a criminal, despite his having no knowledge. I'm not sure why he's on this forum? Cop? Government? He's no friend of the cannabis patient, I can tell you that. He's working his way up to his own weedsel expose.
Even if you were what.

Cops need bad people to give them jobs. Imagine if everyone where saints?
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"It also doesn't help when you openly state a desire to see all LPs fail, without even providing solid rationale for it other than "they took my license". That whiffs of ulterior motives or communist delusions of smashing capitalism."
I didn't bother reading his post that far. He starts the sentence by saying I 'openly state my desire..' and finishes with claims of ulterior motives and communism. wtf? What in the fuck does my hate for LP's have to do with communist or smashing capitalism? Holy fuck, Leroy, someone needs to lay of the coke.
He clearly cant differentiate between crony capitalism and free market capitalism.