MAGA The ani-anifa therad.

One of your more intelligible posts

I imagine you to be very lonely in the real world. Your bizarre thoughts keep you isolated from all but whom? What fraction of society would call you friend? A poster child for something, perhaps.

You were told correctly. You are an embarrassment
I didn't force you to come to this thread and be a coward by talking about me without quoting me, you did that on your own. You feel sorry for people that are against free speech and protest by throwing glass bottles with explosives? You're probably a terrorist just like her. If you don't like me then keep me on ignore and go back to your safe rock you crawled out from under.

it's just twice as hard for some.

Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination
Marianne Bertrand, Sendhil Mullainathan
NBER Working Paper No. 9873
Issued in July 2003
NBER Program(s): LS

We perform a field experiment to measure racial discrimination in the labor market. We respond with fictitious resumes to help-wanted ads in Boston and Chicago newspapers. To manipulate perception of race, each resume is assigned either a very African American sounding name or a very White sounding name. The results show significant discrimination against African-American names: White names receive 50 percent more callbacks for interviews. We also find that race affects the benefits of a better resume. For White names, a higher quality resume elicits 30 percent more callbacks whereas for African Americans, it elicits a far smaller increase.
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Antifa are nothing but crybabies. There are 100's of videos proving it. They talk a big game then cry when they get their asses kicked. We really do need another civil war.
Oh pecker doctor. You're being cute again.

Like listening to a child say bad words. It's oddly humorous

Not that you have any real idea what is up, as evidenced by years of completely ignorant posts. Conspiracy theories based on shreds of toilet paper. And you have the audacity to speak of another's intelligence. How laughable you fucking twit
Antifa are nothing but crybabies. There are 100's of videos proving it. They talk a big game then cry when they get their asses kicked. We really do need another civil war.
The question nobody asked is, why are they protesting a free speech rally? People see anti fascist and think they're against fascism the proof says otherwise. These guys are too stupid to put that shit together nor will they look into it for themselves.
I read it. It's not applicable. There was no ad tl answer. She had to apply in store and follow up in person. That was in like in 3.3 of your source. I will quote from your source again since you obviously didn't read it:

"We eliminate any ad where applicants are asked to call or appear in person. In fact, most ads we surveyed in these job categories asked for applicantsto fax in or (more rarely) mail in their resume."

It's like you just accept mediocrity as normal.
Stupid peer reviewed studies proving the racism you write off as imaginary
Oh pecker doctor. You're being cute again.

Like listening to a child say bad words. It's oddly humorous

Not that you have any real idea what is up, as evidenced by years of completely ignorant posts. Conspiracy theories based on shreds of toilet paper. And you have the audacity to speak of another's intelligence. How laughable you fucking twit
You're jealous because I have a successful thread and yours are shit. You have nothing better to do than start an argument and nothing to say except you're an idiot. Typical of you.
Captain Penile- How do they treat you on the MI forum?? Hmmm??? No better? Really? Why is that? Because you know you're the running joke over there? You're "smart" so I have to assume you know this
You don't know the definition of rally? a mass meeting of people making a political protest or showing support for a cause. Your argument is off topic again.

like this "free speech" rally?


notice the nazi salute and the baseball bat, sans baseball and glove of course.
Show us more fake moon landing shit. How about young earth? I forget (because I really couldn't care much about you) if that was you're thing, too. Perpetual motion?

I think you were a friend of aliens. I just can't remember if they were green or grey
like this "free speech" rally?


notice the nazi salute and the baseball bat, sans baseball and glove of course.
If he has a baseball bat and a backpack what hand is he saluting with? If he was arrested it was probably for a reason. I don't condone violence at protests.
Show us more fake moon landing shit. How about young earth? I forget (because I really couldn't care much about you) if that was you're thing, too. Perpetual motion?

I think you were a friend of aliens. I just can't remember if they were green or grey

oh, shit. is penis doctor a flat earth, fake moon landing, shape-shifting reptilian jews did 9-11 wingnut?

how fucking embarrassing.
If he has a baseball bat and a backpack what hand is he saluting with? If he was arrested it was probably for a reason. I don't condone violence at protests.

if people are throwing nazi salutes at these "free speech" rallies, shouldn't they be called nazi marches instead?