MAGA The ani-anifa therad.

I mean no poverty, full employment, living wage, free healthcare, free education, smaller prison population would be "great".

I'd run with "kind of below average" for now.

I guess its just differences in opinion with regards to the definition of "greatness".

I guess it all depends on what your goals are.
Can you explain to what exactly makes it so "great"?

Coal mining and jobs?
It was more sarcasm, the people I see at these "free speech" rallies just seem to be on the "white supremacist" side. They just want a platform to start shit.

Then again it's just the videos on YouTube I've seen. Haven't been to any personally. But even the rallies in my area are along the same lines.
So you keep trying to call me back into this thread even when I stop responding to you just to show me a modified nazi symbol because I'm of Jewish descent, as is at least one of the other people you tagged in this shit. You say you're Jewish just as a ploy to avoid getting banned. It's about time this dumpster fire got put out. I'd react violently if I were in your physical proximity.

@rollitup @sunni @GreatwhiteNorth

I have reported this already. Is it blatant enough yet?
You came to this thread to ridicule me right? Not a nazi flag, It's a kekistan flag and I'm tired of you guys persecuting the kekistan people by calling them nazi's. Maybe you should put me on ignore and stop messing with shit you don't understand. You were calling a jew a nazi, now your back peddling claiming to be a jew to tug at my heart strings and make me feel sorry for you. Got news for you it wont work and I wont stop until you apologize and then put me on ignore.
You get all butt hurt and yell for mods when when you've obviously been bested in the meme war. The cult of keks chosen one donald trump will lead us into the light and the kekistan army to victory! Hear our battle cry RRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Praise KEK! Shadilay abbandon shadilfuckinlay
Not a nazi flag, It's a kekistan flag
You said that already guy. If you would improve your reading comprehension skills, and maybe just take a look at it, you would see that it is a modified nazi symbol. Maybe if you were better at trollingyou wouldn't have to keep insisting you're Jewish and not a nazi. Then again, you'd probably get punched in the face by an Antifa member but I doubt you'd ever have the courage to take your fascism to the streets, even with all the police protection they get.
I wont stop until you apologize and then put me on ignore.
So you're saying that you'll make a series of sock puppets just like all the other nazis that have been banned after we trollolololied the fuck out of them...
you've obviously been bested in the meme war.
I have yet to see any good memes from you. You just keep posting stupid videos that even your own nazi buddies don't have time to view, that is when you're not posting modified nazi symbols.

/yawn... You're annoying, but that doesn't make you a good troll, a good troll is at least entertaining, you're just offensive.
If it's outdoor or greenhouse that'd make sense and I retract my statement, the plant is distributed differently than under lights.

oh we got it, when you thought they were mine they were unimpressive....found out they were bunks; statement retracted.

tell me how outdoor or greenhouse buds of the same strain should be smaller than the same strain indoors under artificial opposed to less dense.
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I mean no poverty, full employment, living wage, free healthcare, free education, smaller prison population would be "great".

I'd run with "kind of below average" for now.

I guess its just differences in opinion with regards to the definition of "greatness".

how about like 99% of all modern invention. pretty great.
You came to this thread to ridicule me right? Not a nazi flag, It's a kekistan flag and I'm tired of you guys persecuting the kekistan people by calling them nazi's. Maybe you should put me on ignore and stop messing with shit you don't understand. You were calling a jew a nazi, now your back peddling claiming to be a jew to tug at my heart strings and make me feel sorry for you. Got news for you it wont work and I wont stop until you apologize and then put me on ignore.
You get all butt hurt and yell for mods when when you've obviously been bested in the meme war. The cult of keks chosen one donald trump will lead us into the light and the kekistan army to victory! Hear our battle cry RRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Praise KEK! Shadilay abbandon shadilfuckinlay


((checks web address.....yep, says in that little bar up top, not breitbart, yet....))
oh we got it, when you thought they were mine they were unimpressive....found out they were bunks; statement retracted.

tell me how outdoor or greenhouse buds of the same strain should be smaller than the same strain indoors under artificial opposed to less dense.

let's see that mobile home grow of yours.
Is it really free speech when you're promting a white supremacist agenda ?

Oftentimes, around here at least, you'll find the dregs of society - klansmen, assorted racist filth, 'nationalist' eunuchs, etc. - consistently (and conveniently) confusing free speech with hate speech. Just remember, kids: racism is not a political belief!

28914_117560678274230_1074104_n (1).jpg
"If'n THEY can have THEIR women's marches and QUEERNEGROCOMMIE parades, then I should be able'tah exercise MAH rights ta FREEEE SPEEEECH, dammit! GOD GIVEN rights as a MERICAN, praise JESUS! Charlton Heston be praised!!"
4chan made that up to make bigots like you look like a fool.

ya mean a bunch of nazis on nazi websites said a hand signal was a nazi hand signal then started doing it as a nazi hand signal until people pointed out that they were doing it as a nazi hand signal (rather than as the OK sign), and that makes us look like fools?

damn, you got us.

here, i have an idea for your next stunt: make a video of yourselves eating shit. tell everyone you are eating your own shit. then, to make all of us look like complete idiots, reveal to us after it's too late that you were actually eating each other's shit!

man, we will be so PWNED if you guys do that, we will have no idea how to recover.
ya mean a bunch of nazis on nazi websites said a hand signal was a nazi hand signal then started doing it as a nazi hand signal until people pointed out that they were doing it as a nazi hand signal (rather than as the OK sign), and that makes us look like fools?

damn, you got us.

here, i have an idea for your next stunt: make a video of yourselves eating shit. tell everyone you are eating your own shit. then, to make all of us look like complete idiots, reveal to us after it's too late that you were actually eating each other's shit!

man, we will be so PWNED if you guys do that, we will have no idea how to recover.

Really fooled us ALL, that's for sure! HAHAHAHA!! Reminds me of this time we decided to pull a prank on a gay friend. I said to him "HEY pal, I'M no homo!", and proceeded to drive my ENTIRE cock into his asshole! HAHAHA!! Then, I thrust my hips for several minutes until I ejaculated inside his asshole! HAHAHA! After that, he drove HIS cock down my throat and left it there for like ten minutes! HAHAHA!! Boy, you shoulda been there, what a PRANK we pulled on him that day! Faaaagggggggg!! HAHAHA!!

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