Well-Known Member
Really fooled us ALL, that's for sure! HAHAHAHA!! Reminds me of this time we decided to pull a prank on a gay friend. I said to him "HEY pal, I'M no homo!" and proceeded to drive my ENTIRE cock into his asshole! HAHAHA!! Then, I thrust my hips for several minutes until I ejaculated inside his asshole! HAHAHA! After that, he drove HIS cock down my throat and left it there for like ten minutes! HAHAHA!! Boy, you shoulda been there, what a PRANK we pulled on him that day! Faaaagggggggg!! HAHAHA!!
on behalf of the imaginary country of establibtardia, i must commend you on totally triggering the ever living fuck out of me. i am literally shaking at how bad you mind-fuck psy-op'ed me. excuse me now while i go fashion a flag for the great nation of establibtardia in the likeness of the nazi flag to totally show that i am NOT a nazi!