Make Liberalism Great Again

I was "never Hillary" once. But then TRUMP!

Right and she did get the popular without the EC.

No ones responsible for that except our founding fathers and the constitution.

There was nothing more that could have been done.

Everyone NEEDS to stop blaming the wind.

I have been considering this. I think the real problem here was that the Democrats failed to project a big message. The message seemed to be "Hillary really, really wants to be President". Of course this was not intentional but that is how it seemed to read. Trump did a great job of preying on this.

But in my opinion, the focus on "identity" politics was all that was left. I don't think it was the problem in itself. Also, as far as I am concerned, my political response to 'I don't approve of gays marrying' should be "too fucking bad", not "I understand how you feel..."

If they want to draw the line there, fuck them. Go ahead and vote Republican. Until we learn to stand for something, we are going to be the minor party.

Bernie had a big idea. Bernie would have won IMO.
I think what lost the Democrats the election was because they abandoned the middle class. Like you said, identity politics was all they had left. They chose to go to bat for Wall Street instead of the American people.

The Democratic party sold out. Until it's fixed by getting money out of politics, Republicans will run roughshod over government. And it's going to be much harder to fix that problem now that Republicans hold power

Target number one: The DNC - it's well past time to purge every corrupt asshole inside that organization. If we don't have fair elections, we end up with retards like Donald Trump for president
So what you're saying is people go through gender reassignment for shits and giggles? Because it's fun for them? They do it because they like being ridiculed by ignorant shitbags like yourself?

Yea, that totally makes sense.

I'm curious though, why do you care so much? Why do you care what other people do with their body? Have you still not gotten over the fact that your father is now your mom?
That or they're insane.

Why do you expect rational decisions from someone who is mentally ill?
Poor you.. lol

The options are keep establishment shills like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer at the head of the Democratic Party and continue to lose or replace them with actual progressives with an actual message and win

Wait and see in 2018

i'll be fine, don't worry about me.

it's lower rent folks like you who will suffer.

oh, and bernie lost by about 4 million votes. about 12% in the popular vote.
i'll be fine, don't worry about me.

it's lower rent folks like you who will suffer.
It's instances like this that reveal who you truly are as a person

Say I was "lower rent", you feel that because your selected candidate lost the election and even though I'm in a state that went to Clinton in the general election anyway, because I didn't vote for her, I partly share responsibility in her loss.. not her, and that because of that belief, I don't deserve respect as a person on a human level. I've seen you spew the exact same nonsense towards @Flaming Pie about utilizing welfare. Real liberals, real progressives... no, scratch that, real people with any sense of human decency at all don't condemn people for having to use welfare regardless of their political beliefs.
oh, and bernie lost by about 4 million votes. about 12% in the popular vote.
47% with the deck stacked against him, regardless of your opinion of the legitimacy of the Democratic primary

Sanders won white, working class voters in droves, the exact same demographic that lost Clinton the election

The saddest thing about you is the amount of lost potential
It's instances like this that reveal who you truly are as a person

Say I was "lower rent", you feel that because your selected candidate lost the election and even though I'm in a state that went to Clinton in the general election anyway, because I didn't vote for her, I partly share responsibility in her loss.. not her, and that because of that belief, I don't deserve respect as a person on a human level. I've seen you spew the exact same nonsense towards @Flaming Pie about utilizing welfare. Real liberals, real progressives... no, scratch that, real people with any sense of human decency at all don't condemn people for having to use welfare regardless of their political beliefs.

47% with the deck stacked against him, regardless of your opinion of the legitimacy of the Democratic primary

Sanders won white, working class voters in droves, the exact same demographic that lost Clinton the election

The saddest thing about you is the amount of lost potential

sorry being white isn't working out better for ya.