mexico & guatmela finance the US invasion

even fox news has to admit they are a boon, not a drain.

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lol, fox news took down the article. good thing others archived it.
Fox news...image.jpg
A lot of republicans are getting behind immigration reform, probably only because the demographic of this country has changed to the point where they need to to stay relivant.
Well idk I don't usually venture into politics because its just too argumentative... But that being said Immigration is something I care about as my mom is a LEGAL immigrant from mexico. So as a Mexican-American I would like to see immigrants treated fairly.

Imo immigrants do a lot more good then bad in this country. & if they were able to pay taxes like everyone they wouldn't be such a "drain" to the society. (Which I don't believe they are)

They are able to pay taxes in the overwhelming % of casses , they even put out stats every year on how many illegal aliens file federal tax returns claiming children (illegal aliens, in many cases not even in this country) and recieve large returns. Yet somehow never pay into the system

Please dont misread me thow I support legal immigration , We have a functional system inplace but disreguard it over mostly illegal policys that put legal immigrants at the back of the line (sadly)
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They are able to pay taxes in the overwhelming % of casses , they even put out stats every year on how many illegal aliens file federal tax returns claiming children (illegal aliens, in many cases not even in this country) and recieve large returns. Yet somehow never pay into the system

Please dont misread me thow I support legal immigration , We have a functional system inplace but disreguard it over mostly illegal policys that put legal immigrants at the back of the line (sadly)

The IRS requires a claimed dependent have a valid SSN, AND, that SSN can only be used once per year, keeping divorced parents from both claiming the dependent on the same year. Go ahead and try to claim one without it and see how fast it gets rejected.
They are able to pay taxes in the overwhelming % of casses , they even put out stats every year on how many illegal aliens file federal tax returns claiming children (illegal aliens, in many cases not even in this country) and recieve large returns. Yet somehow never pay into the system

Please dont misread me thow I support legal immigration , We have a functional system inplace but disreguard it over mostly illegal policys that put legal immigrants at the back of the line (sadly)
Well could be true but I've yet to see that... Look i should have never gotten into this lets agree to disagree. I think your paranoid about illegal immigrants turning america into a welfare state and thats fine whatever.

But let me ask you this if you were stuck in a third world country with little opportunity and the only thing that separated you from a whole another world of opportunity was an imaginary border on a map would you cross it?