desert dude
Well-Known Member
6.1 percent is not that high.
This ought to be a bumper sticker for Hillary!
"6.1% is not that high, and what, at this point, does it matter!" Hillary 2016

6.1 percent is not that high.
View attachment 3201930
Immigration reform is just a matter of time & some of these kids might be treated as refugees. & unless your an ancestors are indian you come from immigrants too. This country was built on immigrants...
Are most of your friends fat?I know tons of white people with a Latino wife or husband.
all the studies are about what illegals put into the system, none about what they take.
This is THE stupidest fucking argument EVER.
The dumb ass natives FAILED to protect their borders, fought amongst themselves instead of against the invaders, and got over run by foreigners that pretty much eliminated their way of life and culture, so instead of learning from THEIR mistake, "we" should make the same mistake?
Fuck that.
yea, i believe any news company in the us...your such a douchebag.thanks for admitting you are an idiot.
this is the study that the fox news article touting the benefits to states of illegal immigration is based on.
you'll notice the benefits outweigh the costs.
yea, i believe any news company in the us...your such a douchebag.
...people gonna be able to come with them using them for cover that want americans dead
Opamba wants 3.8 billion dollars
to house and feed them judges llawyers
Then have to school them
Our country is goin hell in a hurry
Also ms 13 coming in too
any teroist could just come over with them
I have a child i worry for him in 15 years
there are people gonna be able to come with them using them for cover that want americans dead
I just wish others could see it some do
yea and they will vote democrate
god help us all
Or "borrow" one and see how fast it gets acceptedThe IRS requires a claimed dependent have a valid SSN, AND, that SSN can only be used once per year, keeping divorced parents from both claiming the dependent on the same year. Go ahead and try to claim one without it and see how fast it gets rejected.
What part of it is imaginary? All you are doing is making a case for better enforcement of the border.Well could be true but I've yet to see that... Look i should have never gotten into this lets agree to disagree. I think your paranoid about illegal immigrants turning america into a welfare state and thats fine whatever.
But let me ask you this if you were stuck in a third world country with little opportunity and the only thing that separated you from a whole another world of opportunity was an imaginary border on a map would you cross it?
Or "borrow" one and see how fast it gets accepted
Yeah, because so many people have a list of children names with matching SSN's that they can just keep trying over and over till one works. Not to mention that if this actually did happen, when the real parents claim it and it is rejected, you don't think they'll challenge it with proof which then leads back to the falsified filer? The IRS is very good with paper trails. They don't pay in cash for a VERY good reason.
All you have to do is find a dead minor and you can use his number. The real parents don't claim the dead child. Or use any number, it takes years for them to catch it, if ever. By then, the perp is long gone, filing returns under other names. The IRS pays out billions in false refunds every year. They even publish an estimate of it every year. You're talking out your ass.Yeah, because so many people have a list of children names with matching SSN's that they can just keep trying over and over till one works. Not to mention that if this actually did happen, when the real parents claim it and it is rejected, you don't think they'll challenge it with proof which then leads back to the falsified filer? The IRS is very good with paper trails. They don't pay in cash for a VERY good reason.
Years? I messed up once and transposed some SS numbers for my dependent on a return. It was rejected in less than 24 hours because the name didn't match the number. You can't just throw numbers on a form and sit back and relax. They check the fuck outta those numbers.
As far as the billions in false returns, without looking up the stats, I'm willing to bet that it revolves around people under reporting income so they qualify for the earned income credit. I think the IRS said they have to audit 1 in 5 people that claim EIC due to this.
Or just flat out under reporting income. Or the billions of other ways people scam the IRS.
All you have to do is find a dead minor and you can use his number.
I'll try one last time.
Someone Is Using My SSN For Employment