my disaster drawer

...SDS maybe search for an hackerspace (also referred to as a hacklab, makerspace or hackspace) on your zone...

...for my future month?...maybe...;-)

...thanks Guod... :hug: ...for the future...

...max 6684 design resources...

Technical Documents

App Note 3149 Circuit Converts PWM to Amplified and Buffered Linear Signal

Tutorial 4679 Thermal Management Handbook

...inside the 4679 pdf...

App Note 1784 Fan Speed Control Is Cool

App Note 809 Rev Up Your Fan-Speed Control Designs

App Note 4450
Getting Started with the MAX6651 Fan Controller

...i told you wilson... ...okok musikita...

pd ...heyyy ...great idea wilson....jajaja...

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...thanks a lot SDS... like only the music... ...the previous post not... ...thanks for the advice... ...time to finish my circle here too...
...back to silence mode... ...back to my cavern... big thanks brothers...

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diy par meter.... I just bought a quantum sensor (sq-120) and use it with a multimeter. I wonder how the diy compares, I might try and build one as it seem easy enough. I'm wondering what the range of the sensor is, the apogee website leads you to believe the sq-120 reads from 400nm-700nm when in fact according to the manual the range drops of sharply at 650nm.
Anyone know if hydrofarm's quantum sensor/par meter is even worth buying?

Growers house says it's accurate and they use it constantly on led panels of course........they sell it ;-)

My gut says no due to how cheap it is.......

Any thoughts?
Anyone know if hydrofarm's quantum sensor/par meter is even worth buying?

Growers house says it's accurate and they use it constantly on led panels of course........they sell it ;-)

My gut says no due to how cheap it is.......

Any thoughts?

Follow your gut ...
It's the only thing keepin' you from " being lost "...
Even if you do not know exactly " where you're going " ...

I only have a piece of crap multimeter and was hoping that it wouldn't work with the sensor so I had a reason to purchase a new meter, it seems to work just fine. I was thinking about the Fluke 115 or 117 but am interested in what your recommendations are goud

Also I can't find a price for the LI-190 but does look like a better sensor than the SQ-120 according that pdf you dropped earlier. I did find a pdf on a BC government website about the Construction and Testing of an Inexpensive PAR Sensor, it uses licor part and was a quick read.
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thanks bros... epic...ive posted this pdf... i underline it now... the next yumpu link dont go now for me... its the same pdf too... crazy idea its a diy meter/s with various sensors, maybe 3 or 4 or more diferent sensors, for diferents things, its dificult to me explain you, english its a terrible wall to me...

...but similar way to depredator vision, infrared, uv vision, sensor 1, sensor 2, etc...

...the sum of all sensors give us a better "vision" or lecture of all data,...

...the range of diy i linked its 400-700 ...but in my crazy diy idea... others sensors give us others range in nm, on infrared zone and ultraviolet zone, maybe with sensors for exterior, yeah for greenhouses too,

...the calibration of diy par meter is not easy for my pov, and of course i will need a apogee meter to compare or calibrate, for my actually its imposible... more link...
Infragram DIY Plant Analysis Webcam

...and wilson ...what music for the run run canary forum...

ouuu yeahhh... bump up the volumeee...

....pardon... continue guod... or others .... its nice see you in my disaster thread... curious about multimeter recomendation too or others opinions... fluke its a good multimeter for me too... ...i sold mine... :evil: ...yeah wilson i know ...close my mouth...and keep silence mode... okok

ooopss.... pd. ...keep searching diy dli meters or diy uv meter... maybe im dreaming again...

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My "PAR meter" is a photo load cell attached to 1 of the 16 A/D converters of an arduino mega.

Calibration is near impossible, but it can tell me which spot is the brightest.










...and that all pics i have of the 22 and cia... sorry Ventolin...

La Lista de la Compra es:

01 x Disipador Aluminio 150 x 27 x 1000 mm ----- 67.19 €
03 x Mean Well APC – 35 – 700 -------------------- 36.24 €
25 x Led Olson 630 nm ----------------------------- 26.70 €
25 x Led Olson 660 nm ----------------------------- 30.00 €
12 x Led Olson 450 nm ----------------------------- 15.96 €
05 x Led Olson 6500º K ----------------------------- 7.25 €
02 x Metro Cinta Adhesiva Termica (Dos Caras) -- 25.50 €
55 x Mcpcb para Led Olson ------------------------- 32.45 €
01 x Jeringa 40 gr Pasta de Estaño para Soldar --- 19.36 €
01 x Pipeta Dosificadora para Soldar --------------- 2.13 €
01 x Flux --------------------------------------------- 7.51 €
03 x Metro Cable 0.75 mm ------------------------- 2.40 €
01 x Alcohol Isopropilico 100 ml ------------------- 4.55 €
01 x Portes ------------------------------------------ 0.00 €

...the 22 thread are erased in the original forum... but with me not at all...

I dunno what's more bada$$ salmone your grow skills or lights..:p

Just awesome

.....sorry Positivity... i dont cultivate mj... i dont have lights (leds hps etc)... all the 22 pics its Ventolin skills...

...i tribute her...

....cultivate mj or diy with leds... ...right now... its only dreaming for me... homeless man brother... ...too heavy for me said these but... ....que carajo...

wow... just... wow.

lots of work in those fixtures, and it seems to be paying off!

this picture tells one hell of a story