my disaster drawer

...basically its another possible "economic"(cheap?) way to arduino controls.... whith sields... for sensors or other functions...
....i prefer...on an external tent control box... ...with drivers with heatsinks for drivers too... with fan too... ...and sensor temperature too...arduino(s).... ...shields... etc...

....arduinos ways... diy with arduinos to control or monitoring diy lamp leds and other functions...

other crazy idea ... some litle holes around the led to carry some fresh air to other side of heatsink for lenses or...
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...basically its another possible "economic"(cheap?) way to arduino controls.... whith sields... for sensors or other functions...
....i prefer...on an external tent control box... ...with drivers with heatsinks for drivers too... with fan too... ...and sensor temperature too...arduino(s).... ...shields... etc...

....arduinos ways... diy with arduinos to control or monitoring diy lamp leds and other functions...

other crazy idea ... some litle holes surrounding the led to carry some fresh air to other side of heatsink for lenses or..

Are you speaking of holes that would go through the HS, allowing the fan (if directly above it the COB) to blow threw and into the insides of the reflector in order to push out hot, stale air? I've never worked with reflectors in this sense, so pardon my possible crudeness.
to reflectors (or lenses) too... some litle holes to push some air in zones around led its my crazy idea... for reflectors or lenses...for inside or outside zone or boths....need test first on other chiper or economic single version offcourse.... on other manner... seal litle holes its easy too...:lol: ....pardon bros im too stoned... crazy driller ideas..
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to @uzerneims...
Salmo - wich driver are you using for driving cobs?

...i dont using nothing... ...but... ic drivers (O2surplus way ...Guod way) or cc/cc rekom with dimming... are my favorites future elections... for the moment... sds way its other winner way too... ...or supra tested ways...

...why call me on sds thread?... im sure he dont like these things... or offtopic posts in her new lamp threads... ...i think he prefer clean threads with 0 or few oftopics posts in her new situation or work... im trying to respect a lot other threads or works... on full respect on sds threads... please erase or edit your call there...

...many times i erase mine post (lots offtopic or crazy ideas) for an cleaner thread...or dont like anybody... i hope sds know this... but dont like mine erase function... sorry bro now i only erase in mine threads...

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...for my pov maybe an short heatsink..

salmsright2short version.JPG

pl1 short version.JPG

...sds dimensions can go with both positions or 4 cobs leds (not simultaneous, but in pair you can go with other kelvin election... ...veg... flora...)...

...blower fan version for this short size and position...

pl1 short version blower version.JPG

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...for my pov maybe an short heatsink..

View attachment 3312438

View attachment 3312440


Why,Salmo ?
Explain the reasons behind your POV.

I'd say ,that a shorter heatsink ,translates to less mass to sonduct and transfer heat ,
as also less surface to convect it with air stream .
Also ...
It is true that shorter air stream path through the fins ,give allowance for larger fin spacing and shorter fins .
Still ,100 mm total fin stream path per side-from center - ,ain't that long .
Cutting off ~20 mm per side , will decrease flow resistance ,thus fan air stream will have lower pressure drop,
up to the exaust .That is a good thing .Fan air flow might increase also.

Still ,I think the heat convection losses from mass/surface missing ,are going to be greater .
I will put it unter the sim ,soon .
I 'll post the results at my thread .

Thank you ,for the suggestion .
@salmonetin & @stardustsailor - Where y'all getting those fancy temperature distribution images from?? I've noticed them popping up in the your guy's threads.. but I don't know the name of the program. I was thinking of piecing together a nice COB fixture (a huge step-up from the Crown project) in the coming months but knowing the heat distribution of the proposed design could be something I do the meantime (which would be fun).

Any useful input would be much appreciated.
sds... principally match with exterior dimension of the chasis fan... ...but hey... your heatsink dimension and form i like a lot too.. ...i see 4 cobs leds on it... ou yeah bro and maybe two types of fan ... prototype for test blower fans... or an mix... maybe expensive for redundant... i know... you go on economize watios... i only dreaming about some things...

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i saw your last sim thank you SDS,,, then the dimentions of your heatsink dont touch them.... okok ... or maybe remplace with more fins side for more mass... with more fins more chanel air for and possible 3 cobs way with 200 mm fan... maybe im flipin right now... i know...
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...bro SDS... i said run alternably not all 4 cobs its on at same time... ...only two... maybe 4 dimmed or running soft...

...two for veg.. two for flora... or other mix too... an simple rotary switch or comutator ... select what cob par leds its on at time... a+b or a+c or... 4 led election... in pairs of course...

...only 2 drivers needed...

...the funny thing is both positions are tested... :lol:;)

...crazy ideas from mr faster than light with old e function... :hug:

pd... im still think about an 2 ponton leds with few hiper reds or blues monocromatics ... flower initiator ...or other similar add... i know i know ... you dont go on pontons or similars...but pontons maybe go with others disegns too and its a cheaper piece and more buyable gift only dreaming bro...:bigjoint:

...time to an infusion and other :joint:...


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...bro SDS... i said run alternably not all 4 cobs its on at same time... ...only two... maybe 4 dimmed or running soft...

...two for veg.. two for flora... or other mix too... an simple rotary switch or comutator ... select what cob par leds its on at time... a+b or a+c or... 4 led election... in pairs of course...

...only 2 drivers needed...

...the funny thing is both positions are tested... :lol:;)

...crazy ideas from mr faster than light with old e function... :hug:

pd... im still think about an 2 ponton leds with few hiper reds or blues monocromatics ... flower initiator ...or other similar add... i know i know ... you dont go on pontons or similars...but pontons maybe go with others disegns too and its a cheaper piece and more buyable gift only dreaming bro...:bigjoint:

...time to an infusion and other :joint:...



The main reason I dislike monochromatics is 'cause I like -....sometimes :P - the simplicity .

This is the same reason I prefer Vero29 over the CXA3070 .
As a grower I would be more than happy with either of them .
As a designer/maker I prefer the Vero 29 .

_Larger LES
_Aluminium substrate and not ceramic
_More spaced apart diodes (not densely packed )
_Larger heat transfer surface ( 1011.24 sqr mm )
_Actual array is square .Plastic round case serves as a great array holder with 4x attachment screws .No need for array holder.
-Easier to find ,cheaper to buy .(they cost me 35 euros each ,taxes & shipping cost included )

Think that light ( the V series ,dual COB ,stealth active cooled unit ) like this :

Adjustable Power Solid State unit ,
as a direct & overall replacement of a 250-400 Watt conventional HID lamp-ballast-reflector system.
Nothing more -nothing less .
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4 cobs for some crazy tuned mind... :lol:;)... tunning forever... sorry bro... some frankeistein side mine... or similar virus... your lamp its amazing and real... its alive baby....:fire::fire: mine are only dreaming versions...

pd... dreaming versions are without chase... your heatsink your fan your cobs leds are modules...control box with drivers its outside tent... tuneable space on heatsink (4 leds)... posible mix with an blower fan... ...tuneable control box... lot of space on chase now...outside the tent for control or monitoring easy access for revisions or changes... sensors ... arduinos... yeahh ... expandable or modular... crazy ideas i know....but its only my dreamed versions... for an prototype to test blower fans...or other things.. dreams only dreams...

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....control box... ...for ideas...












TimerList_zps3d9d83e2.jpg version...








...for semi-blinded or aged... im too... ferduino on 7 inch screen... yessss :fire::fire::fire:












...i dont see acuarios... i see tents.... damm... the frankeistein virus atach again... mixing ferduinos and sds lamps...tunning again :lol::lol::lol:

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ferduino..sensuino..sdsduino..guoduino.. o2surplusduino.. what a monstermix tunning... mental diy seed co.... all flavors...

...fusion... mix... coctelera...

for they...

with mix ok...

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I like my orca film....................their is one material they don't test against though on the graph^^^ ...........flat white paint, probably because of similar performance at half of the cost IMO.