my disaster drawer

...its a mix bonsai hero and evoled...and kanna spectrum... with oslons... old and erased thread...

its an backup thread mine but ... i dont have alll the thread maybe 3/4 of total thread... the grow pics at final... are better and missing...sorry...

...on these days i rescue some docs pdf etc mine old pc...

...yeah wilson i know... ...but i closed circles here too... i dont go whitin mention Ventolin thread... ...back to my cavern again... going deeper underground...

pd ...thanks to you Indianajones...

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wow... just... wow.

lots of work in those fixtures, and it seems to be paying off!

this picture tells one hell of a story

Yes, it sure does..................Don't think cobland/"white" power will like it though:eyesmoke:
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...things about Security... electrician some years ago... i work with both... but i prefer cooper for me... mix aluminum and cooper wires bad bad idea...

....cooper and aluminum... ...husband and mother in law...;)

The problems associated with aluminum and copper wires for electrical service lie not with the wire, as both conduct electricity.

But problems do arise when aluminum wire and copper wire are used together incorrectly, and when aluminum wires terminate on devices meant for copper wire.

Although modern technology makes it possible for the do-it-yourself electrician to work with aluminum wiring, it is still something the beginner should leave to the professionals.

Fire Hazards

Homes and mobile homes built between 1965 and 1973 primarily used aluminum for conducting electricity because it was light and relatively inexpensive when compared to the rising cost of copper wire during that period.

Although aluminum deteriorates quicker than copper does, and exhibits more defects over time, the real problems occur from the connectors and switches that connect electrical circuits together.

Weak or deteriorating connectors -- and constantly or heavily loaded circuits -- usually contribute to the electrical fires associated with aluminum wire usage.

When Copper Meets Aluminum

While copper and aluminum can work together, they require special connectors to join these different metals.

The problem begins when two dissimilar metals meet; a chemical reaction takes place that causes them to oxidize.

Oxidation causes a high-resistant connection to develop with an unwanted voltage drop across the connection.

Voltage drop leads to three potential problems: low voltage resulting in equipment damage, wasted energy and poor efficiency -- and the most dangerous of all -- the connection heats up and can contribute to fires at high-ampere loads.

Expansion and Contractions

Aluminum and copper do not expand and contract at the same rates as they heat up and cool down.

This difference can cause wire splices or connections to work loose.

A loose connection, whether at a splice in a junction box or at a terminal screw on a switch or receptacle can cause arcing.

Loose connections are forerunners to arc faults, arc flash and fires in electrical systems.

Copper and Aluminum Connections

Electricians can splice copper and aluminum wires together by using special copper-aluminum connectors.

You cannot splice them using a standard wire nut without dire consequences. Connectors identified with a "Cu/Al" splice contain a chemical compound that combats the oxidation that would normally take place when joining aluminum and copper.

Many of these Cu/Al-splicing connectors require special tools and expert knowledge to use correctly.

These connective devices require expensive tools typically beyond the reach of the average do-it-yourself person; leave them to the professionals for safe results.

Connective Devices

Modern devices when marked with Cu/Al indicate safe use with either aluminum or copper wire.

But devises marked with just a “Cu” cannot be used safely with aluminum wire, as it is designated for copper use only.

When a device marked “Cu” is used with aluminum wire, all the problems previously described can occur and a fire can happen at any time.

References (4)

About the Author

Based in Colorado Springs, Colo., Jerry Walch has been writing articles for the DIY market since 1974.

His work has appeared in “Family Handyman” magazine, “Popular Science,” "Popular Mechanics," “Handy” and other publications.

Walch spent 40 years working in the electrical trades and holds an Associate of Applied Science in applied electrical engineering technology from Alvin Junior College.

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...Electrical Safety...

...The importance of electrical safety...

With this lesson, I hope to avoid a common mistake found in electronics textbooks of either ignoring or not covering with sufficient detail the subject of electrical safety.
I assume that whoever reads this book has at least a passing interest in actually working with electricity, and as such the topic of safety is of paramount importance.
Those authors, editors, and publishers who fail to incorporate this subject into their introductory texts are depriving the reader of life-saving information.

As an instructor of industrial electronics, I spend a full week with my students reviewing the theoretical and practical aspects of electrical safety.
The same textbooks I found lacking in technical clarity I also found lacking in coverage of electrical safety, hence the creation of this chapter.
Its placement after the first two chapters is intentional: in order for the concepts of electrical safety to make the most sense, some foundational knowledge of electricity is necessary.

Another benefit of including a detailed lesson on electrical safety is the practical context it sets for basic concepts of voltage, current, resistance, and circuit design.
The more relevant a technical topic can be made, the more likely a student will be to pay attention and comprehend.
And what could be more relevant than application to your own personal safety?
Also, with electrical power being such an everyday presence in modern life, almost anyone can relate to the illustrations given in such a lesson.
Have you ever wondered why birds don't get shocked while resting on power lines?
Read on and find out!

...Physiological Effects of Electricity...

How AC affects the body depends largely on frequency.

Low-frequency (50- to 60-Hz) AC is used in US (60 Hz) and European (50 Hz) households; it can be more dangerous than high-frequency AC and is 3 to 5 times more dangerous than DC of the same voltage and amperage.

Low-frequency AC produces extended muscle contraction (tetany), which may freeze the hand to the current's source, prolonging exposure.

DC is most likely to cause a single convulsive contraction, which often forces the victim away from the current's source.
  • Electric current is capable of producing deep and severe burns in the body due to power dissipation across the body's electrical resistance.
  • Tetanus is the condition where muscles involuntarily contract due to the passage of external electric current through the body. When involuntary contraction of muscles controlling the fingers causes a victim to be unable to let go of an energized conductor, the victim is said to be "froze on the circuit."
  • Diaphragm (lung) and heart muscles are similarly affected by electric current. Even currents too small to induce tetanus can be strong enough to interfere with the heart's pacemaker neurons, causing the heart to flutter instead of strongly beat.
  • Direct current (DC) is more likely to cause muscle tetanus than alternating current (AC), making DC more likely to "freeze" a victim in a shock scenario. However, AC is more likely to cause a victim's heart to fibrillate, which is a more dangerous condition for the victim after the shocking current has been halted.

...Shock Current Path...
  • Electric shock can only occur when contact is made between two points of a circuit; when voltage is applied across a victim's body.
  • Power circuits usually have a designated point that is "grounded:" firmly connected to metal rods or plates buried in the dirt to ensure that one side of the circuit is always at ground potential (zero voltage between that point and earth ground).
  • A ground fault is an accidental connection between a circuit conductor and the earth (ground).
  • Special, insulated shoes and mats are made to protect persons from shock via ground conduction, but even these pieces of gear must be in clean, dry condition to be effective. Normal footwear is not good enough to provide protection from shock by insulating its wearer from the earth.
  • Though dirt is a poor conductor, it can conduct enough current to injure or kill a human being.

...Ohm's Law (Again!)...
  • Harm to the body is a function of the amount of shock current. Higher voltage allows for the production of higher, more dangerous currents. Resistance opposes current, making high resistance a good protective measure against shock.
  • Any voltage above 30 is generally considered to be capable of delivering dangerous shock currents.
  • Metal jewelry is definitely bad to wear when working around electric circuits. Rings, watchbands, necklaces, bracelets, and other such adornments provide excellent electrical contact with your body, and can conduct current themselves enough to produce skin burns, even with low voltages.
  • Low voltages can still be dangerous even if they're too low to directly cause shock injury. They may be enough to startle the victim, causing them to jerk back and contact something more dangerous in the near vicinity.
  • When necessary to work on a "live" circuit, it is best to perform the work with one hand so as to prevent a deadly hand-to-hand (through the chest) shock current path.

...Safe Practices...
  • Zero Energy State: When a circuit, device, or system has been secured so that no potential energy exists to harm someone working on it.
  • Disconnect switch devices must be present in a properly designed electrical system to allow for convenient readiness of a Zero Energy State.
  • Temporary grounding or shorting wires may be connected to a load being serviced for extra protection to personnel working on that load.
  • Lock-out/Tag-out works like this: when working on a system in a Zero Energy State, the worker places a personal padlock or combination lock on every energy disconnect device relevant to his or her task on that system. Also, a tag is hung on every one of those locks describing the nature and duration of the work to be done, and who is doing it.
  • Always verify that a circuit has been secured in a Zero Energy State with test equipment after "locking it out." Be sure to test your meter before and after checking the circuit to verify that it is working properly.
  • When the time comes to actually make contact with the conductor(s) of a supposedly dead power system, do so first with the back of one hand, so that if a shock should occur, the muscle reaction will pull the fingers away from the conductor.

...Emergency Response...
  • A person being shocked needs to be disconnected from the source of electrical power. Locate the disconnecting switch/breaker and turn it off. Alternatively, if the disconnecting device cannot be located, the victim can be pried or pulled from the circuit by an insulated object such as a dry wood board, piece of nonmetallic conduit, or rubber electrical cord.
  • Victims need immediate medical response: check for breathing and pulse, then apply CPR as necessary to maintain oxygenation.
  • If a victim is still conscious after having been shocked, they need to be closely monitored and cared for until trained emergency response personnel arrive. There is danger of physiological shock, so keep the victim warm and comfortable.
  • Shock victims may suffer heart trouble up to several hours after being shocked. The danger of electric shock does not end after the immediate medical attention.

...Common Sources of Hazard...
  • Wet conditions increase risk of electric shock by lowering skin resistance.
  • Immediately replace worn or damaged extension cords and power tools. You can prevent innocent use of a bad cord or tool by cutting the male plug off the cord (while its unplugged from the receptacle, of course).
  • Power lines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. If you see a line about to hit the ground, stand on one foot or run (only one foot contacting the ground) to prevent shock from voltage dropped across the ground between the line and the system ground point.

...Safe Circuit Design...
  • Power systems often have one side of the voltage supply connected to earth ground to ensure safety at that point.
  • The "grounded" conductor in a power system is called the neutral conductor, while the ungrounded conductor is called the hot.
  • Grounding in power systems exists for the sake of personnel safety, not the operation of the load(s).
  • Electrical safety of an appliance or other load can be improved by good engineering: polarized plugs, double insulation, and three-prong "grounding" plugs are all ways that safety can be maximized on the load side.
  • Ground Fault Current Interruptors (GFCIs) work by sensing a difference in current between the two conductors supplying power to the load. There should be no difference in current at all. Any difference means that current must be entering or exiting the load by some means other than the two main conductors, which is not good. A significant current difference will automatically open a disconnecting switch mechanism, cutting power off completely.

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...Safe Meter Usage...
  • A meter capable of checking for voltage, current, and resistance is called a multimeter.
  • As voltage is always relative between two points, a voltage-measuring meter ("voltmeter") must be connected to two points in a circuit in order to obtain a good reading. Be careful not to touch the bare probe tips together while measuring voltage, as this will create a short-circuit!
  • Remember to always check for both AC and DC voltage when using a multimeter to check for the presence of hazardous voltage on a circuit. Make sure you check for voltage between all pair-combinations of conductors, including between the individual conductors and ground!
  • When in the voltage-measuring ("voltmeter") mode, multimeters have very high resistance between their leads.
  • Never try to read resistance or continuity with a multimeter on a circuit that is energized. At best, the resistance readings you obtain from the meter will be inaccurate, and at worst the meter may be damaged and you may be injured.
  • Current measuring meters ("ammeters") are always connected in a circuit so the electrons have to flow through the meter.
  • When in the current-measuring ("ammeter") mode, multimeters have practically no resistance between their leads. This is intended to allow electrons to flow through the meter with the least possible difficulty. If this were not the case, the meter would add extra resistance in the circuit, thereby affecting the current.

...Electric Shock Data...

...PDF Version...


Last edited: I see saturate it and annoying in other threads... i prefer back to my thread...

...@Epicfail dont worry bro... i dont post anymore large(or short) post in your threads...

...back to arduino ways... ...and another things... :dunce::roll:


Mini 2-wire Volt Meter (3.2 - 30 VDC)

Mini 3-wire Volt Meter (0 - 99.9VDC)

Panel Volt Meter - 4.5V to 30VDC

Panel Current Meter - 0 to 9.99A

Panel Temperature Meter / -30 to +70°C



...Non-Invasive Current Sensor - 30A...


...Non-invasive AC Current Sensor (100A max)...


...Non-invasive AC Current Sensor (30A max)...


...Grove - Electricity Sensor...


...Grove - Hall Sensor...


...45AMP AC/DC Non-Invasive Hall-Effect Current Sensor...

...100A AC Current Sensor...


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...Arduino Nano Tutorial - Breakout Board with 2A SMPS #1...

...arduino Nano v3.0 I/O expansion board micro sensor shield Uno r3 leonardo 2009...


...Arduino Mini USB Nano V3.0 ATmega328 5V 16M+Nano I / O Expansion sensor Shield...

...Xbee/Bluetooth/SRS485 RS485/APC220 I/O Sensor Expansion Shield V5.0 +Nano Prototype Shield I/O Extension Board...

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...Thanks for the link Alesh...

...i download the entire thread on pdf... and zip it... and upload here...:???:


...i upload the firsts parts of pdf Backup on SDS and Guod Threads for an ebook... ...testing some things...

...mmmm dont work here... ..."Astir Grow Led Panel Project"... its too much for upload on RIU...

...well i try uploads for yours... but dont go... sorry i tried...
...i continue with the ebook but more slowly... ...on background...:fire:

pd ...thanks for your "likes" SupraSPL... i apreciate that...:hug:



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...200mm fan with color leds... ...3w... over an 250 x 250 heatsink?... 300 x 300 its too much for an 200mm fan?...

...and 4 cobs... bridg...

...coolermaster or similar silent 200mm fan... no news on new 200mm noctua...

...sds 140 fan with a watt o minus its better 2x140 its better for my pov...

...mmm pardon im too stoned now... sds go on 2 cobs bri but i imagine 2 heat shink(or more) for 4 leds(or more) and two 140 fans(or more)... modular design... no chase... fan and heatsink and leds(and sensors) ... more led separation... for run alternativatly (not fast its more on the 2 leds in one portion of time and other 2 leds in other time portion) and sim light moving... baby 2x2 leds modules maybe the sds or a litle bit minus size heatsinks sds style... the "fiat" vision...;) 9 heatsinks 9 fans 18 cobs my killer machine....
...or a 1 big heatsink for a 1 cobs an go passive and soft way ...9 cob leds 9 big heatsinks... 9 separate drivers for individual control (outside tent way...)
only dreaming...
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...Arduino Nano Tutorial - Breakout Board with 2A SMPS #1...

...arduino Nano v3.0 I/O expansion board micro sensor shield Uno r3 leonardo 2009...


...Arduino Mini USB Nano V3.0 ATmega328 5V 16M+Nano I / O Expansion sensor Shield...

...Xbee/Bluetooth/SRS485 RS485/APC220 I/O Sensor Expansion Shield V5.0 +Nano Prototype Shield I/O Extension Board...


I'm looking at these posts and the items that you've left with pictures and I find myself scratching my head wondering what in the hell all these components do LOL. I figured out AC/DC converters (drivers), COBS, HeatSinks, etc. but these gizmos are WAYY beyond my current understandings. What exactly are they geared towards in the LED/CIB DIY realm?