My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
you and all your hardware LOL

i think i am with Grn and hate you :D

that grow table just SCREAMS SOG, doesnt it?


Well-Known Member
Nice man, got yourself a big girl there. I wonder why my plant doesn't look like that. I've noticed lots of peoples with huge branches shooting from the nodes.

Mine have some, but they aren't nearly as big as yours or some others I've seen. These were all clones right?


Well-Known Member
Nice man, got yourself a big girl there. I wonder why my plant doesn't look like that. I've noticed lots of peoples with huge branches shooting from the nodes.

Mine have some, but they aren't nearly as big as yours or some others I've seen. These were all clones right?
no they where all bagseed from a lb of some good kb dont remember strain name but it came with one, that produced 16 seeds when I shook it down a lil... actually groomed it looking for em and had a few people give em to me when they cracked em open..
I think the difference is probably strain.. but i dont know really...


Well-Known Member
All The Toys!!!:):):) And The Plant Is Going To Make A Phat Ass Cola, The Branch Spacings Are Tight, Ditch The Lower Leaf I See In The Pic, So The Plant Is Not Trying To Feed Those! The Damaged And Yellows!
With All Those Toys, Way Looking Forward To The Furture Porn.
Maybe I'll Look Into Getting A Splash Guard For The Keyboard Now!!! Lol


Well-Known Member
All The Toys!!!:):):) And The Plant Is Going To Make A Phat Ass Cola, The Branch Spacings Are Tight, Ditch The Lower Leaf I See In The Pic, So The Plant Is Not Trying To Feed Those! The Damaged And Yellows!
With All Those Toys, Way Looking Forward To The Furture Porn.
Maybe I'll Look Into Getting A Splash Guard For The Keyboard Now!!! Lol
ya fucking nut bro!! I love it!! Ok I will remove the ugly leaves... what is the best way from to remove them? Im sure just yanking them off is not good.... but I don't know....


Well-Known Member
U Can Cut Them And Leave Maybe A Qt.inch, Or Slightly Pull Down And It Should Just Pop Right Off, If It Bends Tho. Stop And Cut It. But I Just Pop Those Off. No Prob. Db.~tlb!:)


Well-Known Member
Ok Ive taken DB advice and did a small amount of trimming... I cut or pulled off only the dead leaves that had no chance at all.... Took a bunch of pics, Ill actually label each one this time...

Number 1 was the male! I fucked his ass up and ditched him in a bad part of town....

this is the one I have creatively named number two!

this is number 3

number 4

damn I lost the full pic of 4..... brain dead, in hot van with no a/c all day, the high was 94 outside..

this is number 5

I had some more pics of 5 but I seem to have lost them in the transfer from camera to pc


Well-Known Member
looking sharp!

i name mine #2 and such as well LOL

#3a is really showing to be my best all around plant :D

didja do any clone practicing?


Well-Known Member
nope these are all from seed.... Next grow when im more settled I will be doing cloning... Id like to be able to always have a mother going when I get more proficient...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Just skimmed through your grow. I'll reread in more detail later. You're right, mine and your flowers look identical right now. I have to admit I'm very impressed that you were able to get slightly bushier growth with fluorescents as opposed to my HID. This gives me great hopes for my new CFL veg closet. Great job!