My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
if hothouse could grow like that under CFL, Jorge himself would be taking notes LOL

all hail the yellow glow of HPS!


Well-Known Member
Lmaoff! Hhm "iron Maiden" I Am Not A #er Im A Free Man" U Are # 2~ U Are # "6" ~ "im Not A # Im A Freeman" Insert Serious Old School Real Guitars.!!!

Some Nice Pic's Mister.!!! Oh! Ur Growing The Og" #2 Lol
Love The Ricksha, Are Those Kids Being Punished Lol Db.~tlb!:)


Well-Known Member
took a lil look at my plants this afternoon and I think I may see balls!! this plant has preflowers all over it, actually looks like it is starting to bud... do I have a herme or is this just a tight preflower??

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Well-Known Member
Errr, NOOOO! Aren't there pistils on that thing? I thought you showed some before? That first pic looks like a female from the top.


Well-Known Member
in my book, a shemale is more a male than a female ;) hermies die in my garden as fast as males.

so, i repeat: that's a man, baby!


Well-Known Member
I Must Say Looks It To Me "p"! If Yur Planning To Bread Them, Great If Not!!! Get His Ass Out There B4 He Can [poll{ Your Fems.
Have Any Of Those Opened.???
Hhm~ Check Lacy's Thread, Earl Put A Pic In There About Some Sort Of Spray I Dont Know If Its Hermi Related, But That Was The Topic At That Time. It Should Be The Last 4-5 Pages Of Her Journal....!!! Sorry To Here About The Mail~~~ Fsp! Db.~tlb!:)

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
nice male pic... i just had two- and tore em out of the ground- gonna get pics of their root balls tho just to see how big they are 1 full week into flowering...

but get that dude outta there... Otherwise looking good


Well-Known Member
Ok so I figured I would let the lil fella stay in the room one more day untill I got more responces, when I got home from work today I take a look and there is a ton of them... So I grab the lil fucker by the neck and I choked his ass to death and kicked him to the curb!!! I know he will bud and was already starting to flower, (yup Picasso345 you circled a flower..) The first pic in my last post was of this plant so it had started to really produce a lot flowers all over and then all the sudden fn nuggets started to show up all over the place....
On the good side of things, my new setup for my exhaust is working great! brought temps down by ten degrees... still to hot high is now 95 and lows around 77... but before it was getting up to 106 way to fucking hot... Im thinking that the shock of the heat may have had something to do with producing a herme.
The other 3 plants left are looking great!! starting to produce bud I think and no sign of nuggets!!

the dearly departed!

the survivors of my wrath!



mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Oh man, hermies are the worst. I know because I had 4 out of 9 plants hermie on me. Talk about a let down. They all showed tranny symptoms within a couple days of each other and I'm left with two 100% females from the bunch. It's okay because they're damn near five feet tall now:mrgreen: And I'm really considering getting a second 400 watter. Your growth is so much bushier than mine. I'm jealous.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
very bush bushy growth... How long did you veg for again... sorry forgetful...?

And no need to put question marks after it... those plants are budding!! nicely i might add.

Great job! Sorry bout the herms- its been happening on a ton of threads i have been watching... i hope i can dodge the hermy...


Well-Known Member
while not ideal, 95 isnt too awful... what would concern me more is the almost 20 degree fluctuation... that might even be what caused the shemale... could have been genetics or planetary alignments though ;)

also, temps of 95 can be coped with rather well with high cO2 enrichment.

the buds are looking good! nothing like plenty of HPS wattage, eh?

i had a herm this week too... while Grn has voiced opinions on bagseed being more likely to be male, i dont quite agree.... first off, i cant see a reason for the genetics to be predominantly male... but what i can see is bagseed being more likely to hermie... we all try really hard to always grow females and keep them seedless... so, this means more than likely most seeds come from hermaphrodites... increasing the likelihood of further hermies... anyway, that is just a theory i am thinking... and i certainly am not arguing a point... just tossing my 2 cents around :D and of course, i am an idiot ;)

my count out of 15 or so bag seed sprouted plants is 2 hermies so far... with 2 plants unsexed at all (too small of a flower area).... thank goodness for the clones i took!


Well-Known Member
Been a lil lite here on the post front.. Busy as hell but yahoo its the weekend..
Today I took a small S hook and tied a piece of string to it and started to pull my large plant down a lil bit.. Its getting to large for the space I have right now. Im hoping that I haven't done anything harmful here but from watching picaso journal I think Im ok... Starting to get lots of bud showing up on the 3 plants left... This weekend I will post a more detailed post of what I have going on.. temps ppm etc...



Well-Known Member
Man U Got Some Trunks Growing, Nice!!! Looking Forward To Your Update. Feeling Better, But Still Draging A Little...db.~tlb!:)