My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
I just spent the better part of today reading this thread from start to finish. This was a great read. I feel like I know a few of you. I was excited to watch the plants grow from seedlings to adulthood. I felt bad for you when you found the two males and had to go hide the bodies. lol I held my breath when you got the letter in the mail about customs taking your seeds. I felt great joy when you learned to master your camera and give us the porn shots and finally pure joy (and a spattering of envy) seeing the final harvest sitting in the shiny Mason jars. Ahhhhh what a climax! I can't wait to see your next grow. Good job!


Well-Known Member
I just spent the better part of today reading this thread from start to finish. This was a great read. I feel like I know a few of you. I was excited to watch the plants grow from seedlings to adulthood. I felt bad for you when you found the two males and had to go hide the bodies. lol I held my breath when you got the letter in the mail about customs taking your seeds. I felt great joy when you learned to master your camera and give us the porn shots and finally pure joy (and a spattering of envy) seeing the final harvest sitting in the shiny Mason jars. Ahhhhh what a climax! I can't wait to see your next grow. Good job!
thanks my whitetrash friend! im flattered whenever anyone reads the whole journal this late in the game! I appreciate ya checking it out. feel free to hang and bullshit with us!! This is the tlb and we are friendly if not a bit twisted!!

bud pic coming shortly doc


Well-Known Member
Now that's a sticky looking nug! :-) I can only pray I get some sticky out of my grow too (see powhitetrash grow in the Journals section). This calls for a toke! :-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I added the link.

Yeah, I learned a lot from reading this thread too. I really enjoyed how everyone rallied around you and helped you through every obstacle. What a great bunch of people! Oh, and I nearly died laughing at the po white trash stuff. Which reminds me, here's a shot of me at the biker chick convention this summer. Bahahahahahaha



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I is the biker chick. I would never have the guts to go out of the house looking like that, however, if I wore that get-up, I'd probably look like that, minus the white hair, I'm not quite that dang old, though I am a grandma. Bahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Lol well this should be a perfect lil group of people for you then, most of the tlb seems to range from ages of early twenties to 50s.. btw if you are wondering, tlb stands for "the little bus" somthing db and grnman came up with when db was catching a lil hating! he use to refer to himself being on the little bus.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm new to this forum. In fact, I hadn't smoked anything in five years until February of this year. I went back to my hometown for a visit for 10 days. I spent the night with a friend I'd only seen for a couple of hours here and there for the past 15 years. Wouldn't you know, the night I'm there, in walks their friend with a big ass shopping bag full of weed! Before I knew it I was sitting up to the table with a mountain of dank in front of me watching the bong go by. Finally I's couldn't stands it no more and I reached out and took that bong, daring anyone to try and stop me. lol I forgot how much fun getting high was. I quit in order to find a job. I stayed off it cause I want a better job. I decided to stay in my crappy job and go ahead and get high for a while. lol